USD/TRY: an incredible pair

Anyone here in an open trade for this pair?

Not I…

but I should alert anyone looking at TRY this week

that on Thursday the CBRT will be announcing its

rate decision, which is expected to be a significant


Watch out for incredibly sharp moves…

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Hoo boy. Thanks for the heads up!

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I had no idea, thanks for the warning!

EurTry dropped nearly 5000 pips (5 min.chart below):

I am not trading TRY right now. Clearly bias is still long but it’s too hard to read so I’m out for now.

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Very confused picture…Everyone screams COLLAPSE OF TURKISH ECONOMY but the Lira is not going any lower.

Since setting new highs in August, EurTry has gone nowhere:

Hello, it’s been a long time since we were trading GBP/NZD. I just came to this forum to drop you a note and say hello. I then read the interview you did for Babypips regarding your trading EUR/TRY.

I have had a successful and profitable year. Most of my profits have come from trading weekly basket of currency pairs.

Anyway, I’m glad you are still around. I hardly ever visit this forum anymore. I’ve been coming to follow the journey of Mike Wolski. It has been interesting reading. I’ll drop by more often and follow your thread.

Best regards


Hey Yohec,

good to hear that you are having a good year!

I am still struggling with trading but my life away from trading is coming together quite well bit by bit and it feels good.

I have not read all of Mike’s thread but it is a worthwhile read. Like you, I spend less time here than I used to. I stopped trading TRY as too expensive. Now just trying a passive buy-and-hold elsewhere.

Gone, gone, gone are the days of GBPNZD!!

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I don’t trade USD/TRY but out of curiosity I looked at the long term charts. Here is the monthly chart.

I was immediately reminded of the “Hype Cycle” chart.

If USD/TRY follows the Hype Cycle, then it is just entering the “Blow off Phase” and should continue dropping a long way.

Similar to what happened with oil price from the 1990’s to 2009.

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I just noticed another thread called “USDTRY Short for the forseeable”. So, I agree, lol.

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Nice chart, Yohec.

I do think that the politics of Turkey have had such an effect on the Lira that it is impossible to view USDTRY or EURTRY as a technical short opportunity.

Similar stories happen in other parts of the world: take the example of Iran and Argentina, and look at these charts…

What you can see is the monthly charts of USDIRR (Iranian Rial) and USDARS (Argentinian Peso) respectively. Now, if anyone could predict how and when either of these hype cycles will turn …well, congratulations!

The fact is, both these examples show ten years of bullish momentum… While it is tempting a top on these, I would think that if the politics have had such an impact on the currency then unless Turkish politics show change there may not be more Lira selling but there certainly may not be buying either…

So unless anyone can wait until the next Turkish presidential election…

Moving on! :slight_smile:

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TRY gets a little boost as pastor Brunson is released from Turkey…

However, EurTry and UsdTry are still between the all-time high and the first (0.23) Fib retracement of the entire (ten-year) rally. Turkey’s policies on the economy have not changed, so this may just be a temporary halt in the rally.

The Turkish Lira remains an uncertain investment…

We just returned from a holiday in Turkey (well you would - wouldn’t you ? ) and found it a great place. Full of English, Scots, Irish, Welsh, Germans and apparently Russians (although we didn’t see many).

We each had to pay $20 for a “Visa” - altough this was instantly granted electronically and nobody ever checked that we had one.

Diesel and imported spirits like “Scotch” ran at around 3/4 of Uk prices. The most (to me) surprising part was that the cars and motor cycles were equally “New” as here in the uk. It was explained that the reason was that there was “No tax” applied. This we took as a mantra and instead of saying “cheese” when being photographed we took to saying “No tax” - difficult not to smile ! :smile:

The people seemed to have immense freedom (which made me rather jealous - it reminded me in some ways of the way England was in the 1960’s - but more so ! ) and those we dealt with were perfectly comfortable dealing in turkish lira, Euros and GBP. They did mental calculations and the exchange rates were pretty much the same as I got officially by walking in to at Western union (7.50 per GBP) whereas the best I could get before we went was 7.95.

We ate out every night and a meal for the two of us was beautifully cooked to order and typically 350 gram (3/4 lb) fillet steak (for me) with veg curry for 'er complimentary starters, 5-6 beers, bottle of decent wine, couple of “rakis” and ran at £25-£30 total (including 10-15% tip) ! (we wanted to try the “pudding list” but never had room ! This was in beautiful surroundings with very attentive waiter service and no pressure whatever to vacate. Generally the “native eateries” were far better than the “Engish clones” ones plugged by the Hotel.

When we speak of “economic policy” and look around you at these people - working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the prospect of 5 months “off” come “winter” and apply the principle of “No tax” :smile:

And then look at their “Natonal debt” - of around 24% of GDP (check you own country ! ) - One really has to wonder Why TF would they want to “join the Euro” ?

Sadly, I think If they do “get accepted” - they will be doomed to go the way of Greece, Italy and SPain ! - Sucked dry by the “Euro lenders” like any “banana republic” used to be sucked dry by the IMF !

Yes we were in “tourist land” - but Geez - the amount of “Hard Currency” entering the land is huge - some of the people we met were on their 18 holiday there in 9 years !

Trump complains elsewhere of “Currency manipulation” by China - but my suspicion is that the current exchange rate with USDTRY looks suspiciously like the same thing !

Of course nothing in this post should be taken as a “Recommend” - but as we know - Well - I’m a contrarian ! :wink:

[Edit - Oh incidentally, we were in a Muslim country with the “Call to prayer” every few hours, and yet we only saw One lady wearing the “pillar box outfit” as it was described by “Boris” - My suspicion was that she was in fact “English” :sunglasses: ]

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Hi Falstaff, welcome back from your wonderful holiday.

As an Italian I constantly get a lot of excellent reports from people who go to Italy on holiday and say how wonderful it all is. But anecdotal holiday stories do not define the real situation of working people, or corruption, or the state of its prisons, or its fiscal pressures.

I have no doubt that holidays in Turkey are something that everyone should try, but the tens of thousands of journalists, civil servants, and teachers languishing in its jails would undoubdtedly have a perspective that is rather different, would you not agree?

Sorry mate, I don’t have my “Rescuer” hat on atm :wink:

I understand they had a “failed coup” fairly recently ?

We still went to both Cuba and USA during the “Guantanamo Bay” period,

It was the British who invented “Concentration Camps” so eagerly adopted by the Germans.

What of the thousands imprisoned without hope in the “Gaza Strip” ?

I understand “Treason” is one of the few “Capital offences” left in the uk.

However as you say - you are Italian ? - do you think Italy is better or worse off now, having adopted the Euro ?