
what are your views for USD, do you think ben bernanke will cut the bond buying?

They will at some point, no one knows for sure if they will on Wednesday.

what are the odds that bernanke will print less?:51:

He will not do so on Wednesday, but eventually they will have to taper and most likely it will be as the US economy will destabilize further. Helicopter Ben has made mistake after mistake and while plenty think he has done a good job let’s revisit the issue next year.

my hunch is that he will cos’ he is retiring so will want to leave something good behind. his successor will face the **** then…logical???:18:

While I would agree with your statement if we talk about an at least semi-intelligent individual. Given the fact we are talking about one of the most moronic individuals in today’s financial markets I doubt that he can manage to have two synapses fire at the same time and communicate with each other. He is the Homer Simpson of financial markets so my best guess for tomorrow will be ‘D’Oh’

Well, actually he managed to steer the USA out of economic melt down so he’s not that dumb.

"Exiting too fast will crash the real economy, while exiting too slowly will first create a huge bubble and then crash the financial system.” - roubini-bremmer-and-the-fed-policy-thats-going-to-implode

i think ben will be averaging out so no one will blame him after that.

That is your point of view. What he started will lead to an even greater meltdown so I can’t agree. A short-term fix with a long-term negative impact to a long-term issue is not smart. That’s why I said, let’s revisit this issue once even dumb money outlets like rating agencies and their analysts figured out why it is so much worse in 2015 than it was in 2012 and so on. He actually did not manage anything but kick the can down the road a bit like a moronic piece of feces, but that has not avoided an economic meltdown.

from the horse mouth, tapering coming by end of this year.:30:

Lol, that is what he said now but wait until economic data points to another recession towards the end of the year and hello QE5 (or QE4 depending on how you view it)! All I heard was D’Oh!