Using, should I switch?

I use with the forextrader pro platform.

I have been trading for a few weeks now and doing quite well for a newbie {+300 pips}, but I hear a couple things.

I have heard several bad things about but haven’t really experienced anything negative, and I hear that I should use metatrader 4 {which they do offer}.

Also I trade in lots of 10,000. but was considering using 1,000 … should I?

So in the end, from experience or opinion, what brokerage should I use & what platform.

Also 10,000 vs 1,000 lots ??? what should I do?

I think you should stop asking what you should do…:smiley:

Do whatever with whomever whenever it works for you. So far it is, so until it doesn’t anymore, why worry about it.

Preparation. Experience. Trying something new will either get better results or worse. If worse, I switch back … if better I stay.

There’s good and bad reviews about every broker so switching may not cure the “hear-says”.

My suggestion is to try FxOpen.

Hi MJ,

Been awhile since the last post. How did you fair with staying or leaving your current broker?

I would agree with Sweet Pip. Do your research and try out the broker. If it works for you, stay with them. If not, move on. There will be Positive and Negative reviews for all brokers. If after you did your research and you feel good about them, then you know what you got to do.

Happy Trading!