It’s about 1 year I’m trying to build a succesfully trade system based on machine learning tools such as Neural Network, regression, Random Forest and so on…
To do that I’ve been using tools such as Matlab, R-Studio, Spark on Bigdata Technologies but I really no had good results.
I’ve been using as ‘predictors’ #Pips of body, low and high candles on different timeframe.
Have you got any better experience in trying to training models?
I was thinking to use macroeconomic data to predict long term trade which maybe is easier than short term.
Building machine learning strategies that can obtain decent results under live market conditions has always been an important challenge in algorithmic trading.
Wow, it’s great to see that you continued experimenting for 2 years. I, too, have been practicing on similar lines and a course on Machine Learning by Quantra really helped me. It cleared my concepts on ML, while at the same time explaining me how to apply it to trading. I think you should check out this course.
Congratulation on your effort. Making such a model is huge challenge especially in contemporary market. There are so many variables, uncertainties and especially connections that should be included in one such model, that makes it questionable if even neural networks can support it