Value of Forex

You can get rich via forex and your friends may ask you the access you follow before succed after you have succeded. Forex is one of the accesses that can be followed for success.

are you drunk ?

Are you successful? Forex is not for all I believe and success is a long way.

Me, often I get scared of the value of forex. Yes, the market is said to be the world’s largest financial and liquid market. But the volume of scams even onshore is scaring. I saw the recent financial statement of CFTC, and man it was “waoh”. Whooping $bn…how come. Mostly from fines they placed on brokers; so if brokers dupe severely like that even when regulated and barely get caught, why is the difference in terms of transparency between offshore and onshore. Even I am sure that offshore provides better protective jurisdiction for investors plus very innovative services plus tax freedom!