Hi guys, I am totally new to forex - just started reading it up. I have a few noob questions to ask and hope someone out there could be kind enough to help out.
Question 1
Pips being the smallest tick … I read somewhere that any currency pair that has Jap Yen in it has one pip equivalent to 2 decimal places.
why is it that the USD/JPY has movement in ONE decimal place…
example: 11164 - 11164.5 <-- Isnt one pip supposed to be the SMALLEST movement?
Question 2
People have been telling me in forex pairs, you buy one = you sell the other…What do u mean by this?
Taking USD/JPY as example…
If the offer is 11165…that means I am buying 11165 Yen right? Using 100 USD?
I am quite confused with the trading of FX…can anyone help?