Very Basic Questions

Hi guys, I am totally new to forex - just started reading it up. I have a few noob questions to ask and hope someone out there could be kind enough to help out.

Question 1
Pips being the smallest tick … I read somewhere that any currency pair that has Jap Yen in it has one pip equivalent to 2 decimal places.

why is it that the USD/JPY has movement in ONE decimal place…
example: 11164 - 11164.5 <-- Isnt one pip supposed to be the SMALLEST movement?

Question 2
People have been telling me in forex pairs, you buy one = you sell the other…What do u mean by this?

Taking USD/JPY as example…
If the offer is 11165…that means I am buying 11165 Yen right? Using 100 USD?

I am quite confused with the trading of FX…can anyone help?

I suggest you read through the free babypips school attached to these forums. It will give you everything you need to get started

pipbull is right. The first lesson in the school answers both of your questions.

School of Pipsology - - Beginner’s Guide to Forex Trading, Free Forex Education, Learn to Trade Forex, Forex Training -

Hey guys thanks for the link! Ill try to graduate…lol

Er guys, the lesson doesnt explain why USD / JPY has a decimal place =p its still 1 pip = 2 decimal but the price shows 11170.5

Try looking at other brokers… USD/JPY usually offers for eg 112.34 instead of 1123.4.

Hope that helps

Best Reg
Chin Liang