VPS? Any advice on tried and tested for MT5

Hello All,

I’m looking for anyone with real life VPS experience, before I get sucked down the vortex of online forex google search pitfalls.

I manually trade one trade window on MT5 on my windows 10 laptop.
This, depending on connection speeds, works ok, however I’m currently down a jungle path in Asia somewhere and thought running my platform of a VPS may help my ping rate.

Two Questions:

In research I carried out around 1-2 year ago, it seemed to be recommended that MT5 would run better on older versions of Windows. Is this the case/still the case? Or when choosing VPS configuration, am I best just getting most up to date Windows version?

As I will manually trade one window, not multi platform/multi EA’s running - I assume I won’t require the most powerful server options.
Therefore, I’m looking for any recommendations on good solid, tried and tested, trustworthy, minimal downtime, good customer service and of course cost efficient solutions you may suggest?

Thank you in advance

Hi @Razzatime, welcome to BabyPips.

Just want to share experiences about VPS. I have used many VPS provider across the globe, more then 30 companies for trading purposes.

As you mention, it seems you need to mobile into Asian region, it will depend on which region of Asia. I have VPS running in Singapore, Tokyo, Australia, Germany, UK, NY and Canada. Reason is the VPS need to be close with the broker’s server.
The problem is when I need to connect to the VPS outside my region (Exp. I’m in Asia, connect to Canada or Germany), the VPS connection is very poor. It doesn’t good to place order either.

If you don’t have any particular purpose (EA for instance), I dont think you need VPS. You are better to trade from your mobile phone or tablet. If you don’t like mobile device, you can use your laptop and good internet connection at the region, such as mobile tethering.

As you said, you just need one window, no EA, so this indicate you don’t need VPS. Unless you are running as consumer/provider MQL5 signal.

Trading on VPS won’t help much in term of performance, you will have network latency to your VPS. If you can elaborate more with your problem or purpose, perhaps I can give more specific explanation.

If your intention is for VPS, the answer is yes. VPS windows best with win Server 2016. It can run nicely on 2 vCore 2 GB RAM and 1 GB Storage.
You can also use Win 7 ( some company still provide it), with 1 vCore and 1 GB Ram.
Reason is the above Win Serve 2016, too many services running that consume its performance.
If you are tech savvy, you can try Linux, such as Debian or Ubuntu. MT5 is running best with Linux and Mac (reason no bloatware). As VPS, Linux vps is also very cheap. It will cost you from 5 USD / month. Some companies even offer the VPS for 1-2 USD / month.

About VPS company, the cheap one wont have a good customer service, so you need to rely on yourself. If you want to have a good customer service, you may consider AWS, Google Cloud. Their VPS won’t be great but expensive, probably enough for you.

Example of VPS 1 USD / month. It can run for max 1 MT5, 4 charts trailing / 2 windows 2 simple EAs


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That’s exactly why I tried multiple VPSs and ended up with my own broker’s VPS; it’s always the best choice for trading purposes.

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Hi @Emi.s, Indeed it’s the best option. :grin:, however the cost is always a way too expensive and specification is too low compare to others. But, if we can trade enough volume, broker will give it for free.


Thank you both @TYGMedia and @Emi.s for your information, experience and thoughtful replies.
@TYGMedia The latency aspect in theory does make sense, that a VPS should not make execution any faster - although @Emi.s, I take onboard your thoughts on Broker VPS being an option.

I actually don’t have a problem most of the time, however as I manually trade and am only looking to target the first hour of both Euro and New York session - I find that as large volume hits the markets - this is when I get my latency and freezes’.

I have spoken to my broker - Think Markets - who tell me, there should be no problem?

Thank you both anyway, I shall have to think about it

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:slight_smile: :pray:
I vote this as the most useful reply of the month I have read on Babypips. Thanks for taking the time to publish this. My next trip to Albania is imminent, and this will help me address some pending issues with my trading partner.

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Hi @Mondeoman, thanks for your appreciations. :pray:

If you have any issues regarding VPS, Dedicated server, in particular Linux for trading, you may drop me messages. Perhaps, by chance, I got the same problems before. :pray: :innocent:

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Hi @Razzatime, just want to share some information, probably will help.

I’m using think markets as well. But, I only use it with EA. Think Market has server at London and NY. So if you have a sensitive windows trading, your MT4/5 platform have to be close to their server.

For example, In the past I used to trade with Tickmill by EA. The EA run on my PC at my home (Asia). Tickmill’s server is London. My EA was targeting on high impact news. Short story, during the news, EA also became dumb. Then I moved the EA to VPS located in Asia (Singapore). The result was slightly better. When I (the VPS) moved to UK, the result was getting better.

Back to your issue, when you have problem open posisi during volatile period, you need to observe, the location of server that you are connecting to. Next, the network latency between your MT4/5 platform to broker’s server. The best latency to trade a high moment should be bellow 100 ms. If you are doing HFT, it has to be bellow 50ms.
If you are trading with big volume, you need latency bellow 20ms, you will see clearly how latency gives impact to your profit here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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