We all love pizza

hy everyone! so glad to find this web. first of all and also the point, english is not my mother language lmao. i learn english on gaming, movies, memes, and community on discord. we are able for learning something by our self, right? same as my way to forex. i need to learn about forex. kinda love it guys!

Your Internet Friend

  • Stan

Amazing. I am from Mexico and I learnt english the same way lol. Kinda funny.

ICT Free Mentorship if you want to learn something new about forex, leave you that link from my mentor (No, I am not getting paid for this).

Hello and welcome, Stan! The education section here is the best place to start and learn the basics of forex trading. Enjoy and good luck on your trading journey!

Btw, what’s your favorite pizza flavor? :smiley:

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That’s awesome! What games do you play? :slight_smile:

What’s your favorite flavor pizza?

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pineapple pizza lol

hi! thanks for the reply.
i learn something new from this website.
and i play league of legends. let’s play league!

sorry for slow reply from me. i spend a lot time on this website so, i think next year i can earn with knowlegde i learn XD. so i can donate a coffee bills for this community. for the pizza one, i was. but i change my life for eats real foods and go to the gym. you know what? the internet change my life, and that was awesome!

LOL this is such a random question :laughing:

Would love to but I don’t have time to play games :cry:

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Ok I realize now it is NOT a random question since his topic here is titled appropriately :joy:

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