Myself and member named Snipes have been working on a system made originally by ForexPhantom, we have just built off his system, trying to make a great system. So far I think we have done well, 95% of forex traders fail and I do believe that, be it they don’t have time to trade or don’t want to put in the hard work or don’t want to risk any money, I could list 101 reasons why 95% of traders fail and 101 reasons why only the 5% succeed in forex. But I like to think that anyone who is not giving up and willing to put the time and effort into forex, CAN be that 5%. I’m working my way there, have been for 3 years now. I would like to offer help to anyone seeking it, the best I can. I am no mentor and no professional, but I do know my forex after 3 years of endless hours with it.
That is a link to Snipes and I’s system we are working on built off of ForexPhantoms system,
It’s simple and easy to use, we are active on there posting our trades and results, and would LOVE for more members to join us, new or veteran to forex, and give feedback and use the system and post your results and trades, and let us help you to become stronger and help us too. Together, we can make a great system, together we can be the 5%.
Thank you
happy trading
Jason :41::64::57: