πŸ’° WE HAVE OUR GIVEAWAY WINNERS: What will you remember most about 2023?

Oooh! :smiley: Guess I’m a bit late in congratulating the winners. :sweat_smile: But still, congratulatiooons! :smiley: Hopefully, we get lots of giveaways this year for more chances of winning. :crossed_fingers: Hahaha. :smiley:

That’s a very comforting way of putting it. :stuck_out_tongue: Haha. :blush:

Same here! :sweat_smile:

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Congratulations to the lucky winners of the giveaway! :tada: Enjoy your winning, guys.

Congrats guys :clap:t4:

What a good way to begin the year. More wins guys.

After receiving my $25 Amazon Gift Card from Babypips I initially tried to convert it to sterling and spend it on the UK site but that doesn’t seem possible so I had to order from America. To further compound the delay, the initial item I ordered didn’t arrive. So, I chose an alternative gift which has now finally arrived . . .

A faux leather desk mat, which is sure to make my desk look a lot more swanky.

As per the instructions, I needed to leave some heavy objects on it to flatten it out.

I knew some of my trading books would come in useful for something at least . . .

Once again, thank you Babypips!