We need a Professional Crypto Exchange - Whats missing?

Crypto exchanges do not offer the same level of trading experience as established FX/stock brokers. Crypto exchange infrastructure, product and feature offerings are inadequate.

What needs to be implemented or improved to really enhance the trading experience for professional type crypto traders? Apart from the obvious security aspects, advanced orders, charting etc.

How about:

  1. NEWS - real-time global news feeds
  2. RESEARCH - daily/weekly fund.&tech. expert analysis
  3. ANALYSIS - in-depth crypto analytics, tech indicators, performance
  4. DESKTOP TERMINAL - advanced trading workstation
  5. TOOLS (analysis) - market scanning, comparisons, volatility etc
  6. TOOLS (predictive) - signals, predictive charts, sentiment etc…
  7. TOOLS (algo) - trade strategy development & testing tools
  8. PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT - performance analytics, reporting

What do you guys think?