We now have our forum giveaway winners! Congratulate them here!

Oh snap. It’s finally here!

In case you haven’t noticed, you’re now looking at the new and improved BabyPips.com Forums! We incorporated all the feedback you guys have given us and also added new features. We hope you like it!

Make sure to read Pipstradamus’ post for more details on what these features are.

Here’s how you can join this SUPER easy giveaway:

  1. Hit the Yes button in the poll question below. This is so we know to include you in the giveaway pool of entries!
  2. Write at least 3 posts within the giveaway period. No, not 3 of the same exact post - we’re not looking for spammers!
  3. Have an avatar. Yes ladies and gents, you gotta have a profile picture! You don’t need to use your actual photo - you can pick ANY photo other than the default letter that all anons get.

But here’s the awesome part. Depending on what your user Trust Level is (check out your profile page), your Amazon.com gift card prize changes! Whuuut. Here’s the breakdown:

  • 1 TL3 (“Regular”) winner will win USD100
  • 2 TL2 (“Member”) winners will win USD50 each
  • 2 TL1 (“Basic User”) winners will win USD25 each
  • 2 TL0 (“New User”) winners will win USD10 each

The winners will be selected randomly from the pool of posts created within the giveaway time frame. So the more posts you have, the more chances of winning!

The giveaway period starts today, September 10, 2018 and ends September 23, 2018, 11:59PM, EST.

We will announce the winner on this same thread on September 24, 2018. The prize will be in an Amazon.com e-gift card format. This means all we’ll need from you is your email address.

Here’s the poll! Make sure you smash that YES button!

  • YES! Count me in this awesome giveaway plz.
  • Nope, I don’t want to join. I just want to… vote.

0 voters

Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Just a reminder for everyone, posts in violation of the Forum Rules such as those considered as Thread Bumping will still be considered a violation. :sunglasses:


I hardly ever win any kind of competition… well, that MAY be due to the fact that I hardly ever take part in any competition… So I guess this may just be what they call “beginner’s luck”.
crosses fingers AND toes


so click Yes… Check. Avatar… Check, Hack the matrix… Check… or wait, scratch that… Never mind…

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Cool, pretty excited!


This is super exciting!! :blush: I was a bit surprised to see the new look of BP, and this giveaway made it even better! :stuck_out_tongue: It just says my “Trust Level” is Member. I’m not sure what number that corresponds to. :thinking: Still, I’m suuuuper excited. I hope I win. :smiley: Haha.

(You guys changed the emojis toooo!!! Waaaah.)


Let me win please …Love you baby pip

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yay… I am super excited…


How do I get an avatar? I’m new to this

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Does this apply to noobs like me who are still in kindergarten? :smiley:


Absolutely love babypips, Great to see the new forums. I have been a follower for over 10 years. You guys are the best. You will be even better if I can win a gift card lol.


First find a picture you like and save to your pc/laptop.
Click on the avatar you have now ( an 'E")
Go to preferences
At the bottom, click the edit symbol next to your avatar and upload your new picture


Oh, oh, oh. New slicker design. I like it!
Count me in.


I absolutely love baby pips. Hope to win something


I have never really come acrosses something called amazon gift card but i only heard of it, & this is my first experiences or even be lucky to win such by God grace on BP


Lol, I noticed that you are emojistic or emoji lover. :joy:

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Babypips looks great, it’s now maturedpips. lol
Now I’m so hungry to win this. I’d buy bunches of books then.

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Oh, cool, I could buy some trading books! Fingers crossed!

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I really hope I win, this will help me so much. I love babypips so much


Hey you never know, maybe that will change with this giveaway!

Woah we got an overachiever here?? Haha. Good to see you here @TalonD!

Great question! Member is level 2! I’ll edit the original post to include the member titles. Thank you so much for bringing this up! Good luck also!

Don’t forget to add an avatar! You also, @enim74801! Just go to your profile page or click on your avatar and then go to preferences and then edit your profile pic! Basically what @eddieb said here:

Thank you @eddieb for answering @enim74801’s question!