We now have our forum giveaway winners! Congratulate them here!

Ok great, by the way. What does TL0 mean?

Awesome, the day has arrived for new design. Entry is so easy for contest, though I don’t need small bucks but hunger for a winner of luck.

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Looking at the entries so far, there seems to be a lot of people who have not added an Avatar yet.

Since this is apparently a condition of entry make sure you don’t overlook this if you haven’t already done it…


It’s not always easy to find a suitable one - but at least with the changes, you can now click on the avatar and actually see what the picture is :smile:


Is that a selfie, @Falstaff? :wink:


Heh heh :blush:

Not exactly @anon46773462, perhaps a littlle more ‘Aspirational’ than factual ? :laughing:

Sometimes we need to ‘dream’ :sunglasses:


OMG! :smiley: I just got the “Regular” badge! :blush: Sooooo happy. I hope this means I qualify for the USD100 too! :blush:


Congratulations @ria_rose! you deserve it for all your efforts and your unfailing positive attitude! :slight_smile:


Thank you so much @anon46773462! :smiley: I’m just so excited. Haha. :slight_smile: I love this community so much, and even though I’m not really that knowledgeable yet, I hope I could contribute more! :slight_smile:


I surely hope my curls push the odds in my favor :smiley: :laughing:


Nice! Congratulations, @ria_rose! May the luck be with you! :four_leaf_clover:


I have noticed I am using babypips much more lately because of the new forums, and I love your daily newsletter, even after trading for 10 years I still am learning new things from you guys. This is why I share and tell all of my friends that have been getting into Forex about babypips. I have 2 friends that are currently going through your training school lol. Excited for the giveaway.


Take me to next level. I’m trying not to be jealous but ria_rose got moved. Take me too. :smile:


I really can’t believe it! We have 127 entries to this draw and yet over 30 still haven’t bothered to add a picture (avatar) to their profile - tha’ts about 25% of all entrants!

Without that, as i understand it, you do not qualify for the draw!

Only this weekend left so: do it now!


It’s only 20 or so, isn’t it? I have absolutely no idea how you qualify for that elite crew (and this isn’t the place to answer, don’t want to derail, so treat that as a rhetorical question!).

This giveaway is a fun idea to bump up active posting numbers, like it, haven’t seen it on a forum before. The forum with its new look is looking really great, top job. You have made me a renewed believer with all these initiatives!



This link explains it all


Only THREE days left, let’s do this guys!

@anon46773462 is correct! Please change your default avatars now before you forget! Also a shoutout to @Falstaff! So happy to see you have an avatar now!

And that’s about all we can do with these things! Good luck!!!

So happy you like it! Just one more post (or ten more, why not)! Do iiiiit!

Here’s a link you can check out: An Explanation of Trust Levels

Congratulations, Ria! So happy you’ve now moved up! @anon46773462 is right, you deserve the Regular member badge for all the positive energy you’ve been so generously giving us!!!

I do love your curls!

Aww you’re so nice, Matt! Thank you so much for the kind words! I’ve shared this with the rest of the team and we all blushed. Ha. Good luck! And hope to see more of you around here - plus your 2 friends!

Thank you so much, Simon! Your words are really encouraging - so happy you’ve noticed!

Shoutout to @anon46773462 and @eddieb also for always being super helpful and providing links and answering questions here! You guys are awesome.


Good. All the best to all…

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I am definitely going to be a more regular user now on these forums, connecting with the Forex community. I am really liking the changes, and everything seems just easier. When life does not get easier, Babypips does lol. So thank you.


Great idea!!! Go Go Go!