We’re giving away limited edition BabyPips.com shirts to two contest winners! [Contest Closed]

New year, new contest! W00t!

EDIT: This contest is now closed, please see the two winners here:

This time, we thought a few more members might want to add this awesome swag to their wardrobe:

A few special forum members have already been sporting the ultra-rare and limited edition BabyPips.com shirt and if you’d like to join the fam and reprezzzent… keep reading.

To get a chance to win a BabyPips.com goodie bag, all you gotta do is reply to this forum topic with your best and most creative answer to this question:

What is the most memorable trading advice someone has given you? Why is it so memorable?

There will be two winners:

  1. The answer with the MOST number of likes.
  2. The answer deemed most creative by us, the BabyPips.com team.

Each will get a BabyPips.com t-shirt and other BabyPips.com goodies! We will mail your prize package to you via USPS. Depending on where you are in the world, this can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks.

This contest will run beginning today until January 28, 2019, 11:59 PM Eastern Time! We will close this thread at 11:59 PM ET of January 28, 2019. The final number of likes will also be counted then.

We’ll be announcing the winners on this same thread the following day, January 29, 2019.

Remember, it’s not about how short or long your answer is - it’s about being CREATIVE with your answers! Good luck!


I was once told to buy Bitcoin long ago…

…it’s memorable advice because I didn’t do it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I deleted this post, but not anymore!! Vote here, if you vote and tell me why you deserve the t-shirt i’ll send you one!! :wink:

@anon46773462, might need your shirt mate!!


Make Pips. Keep Pips. Repeat.

  • Somewhere in the School of Pipsology

It didn’t go higher because there wasn’t a buyer.

One of the many books I’ve read.



He said aggressively - “Delete all those indicators from your chart” They were 5 at the time.

He was Right…

And it became an unforgettable piece of advice.


My mentor is always telling me, “Just be patient, and wait for confirmation”. That alone is probably the best piece of advice given to any trader. A lot of the times, we tend to just jump in and go with our instinct rather than waiting for confirmation.


[Edit: Just wanted to say that I only posted this here because I think this is a very good thread topic and that this is genuinely a quote that has influenced my trading philosophy greatly, and thought it might help others too - but it is not an entry to this competition linked with this thread :slight_smile: ]

There is truth in the saying that ”a picture is worth more than a thousand words”, and there are endless quotations that do precisely that by creating a mental picture that concisely sums up a situation that would otherwise take many words to describe.

But my most memorable words were not actually about trading nor were they directly spoken to me (thank goodness, since they are attributed to a John A. Shedd in 1928! :blush: ). It is a quotation that, for me, embodies everything that is intrinsic to successful trading.

The quotation runs:

”A ship in harbour is safe – but that is not what ships are for”

In a trading sense, our ”ship” is our capital and the ”harbour” is the account in which we keep it – and the seas are the markets in which we are going to sail her.

This adage has become a deep, personal motto for me and it always reminds me of what my trading is all about. As a trader I have designated a certain amount of capital to fund my activities and I have entrusted it to a broker account for this purpose. But whilst it is (relatively) safe lying dormant in that account it cannot achieve its purpose unless I am actively sailing in the seas of the markets that I choose to trade. You cannot profit unless you are in the market.

We must first understand that we are the sole captain of our ship and entirely responsible for its safety.

And before we set sail we have to check whether our ship is seaworthy and suitable for the kind of forces present in the seas (markets) in which we want to sail.

We have to understand how our ship works, its strengths and weaknesses, its capacity, and its maneuverability and vulnerability. In the trading sense this refers to knowing one’s capital adequacy, risk exposure, money management criteria, the implications of leverage, the positioning of sensible stops and targets, etc.

But we also need to understand the nature and characteristics of the seas themselves upon which we are going to set sail. Its tides and currents, the storms and the calm, the height of its waves, its coastlines, channels, markers and harbours. In the trading sense, we need to select our markets with care and understand their character and the risks as well as the potential.

But, as captain of our ship, we also need our personal skills. No seaman sets sail without navigation instruments and the skills to use them. One has to know the rules of the oceans as well as how to control the ship in all weathers. We need to be aware of our own character and our strengths and weaknesses and gain practical experience of how to ride the storms and the unexpected and not just rely on fair weather sailing.

As traders we need to learn our trade. We need a method that we can both understand and implement. We need to understand how to employ leverage and when are the best times to set sail and when to leave the anchors down……and we really need to understand where we want to go and how we intend to get there.

So, all in all, once you know your capital requirements, understand the risks you are facing, understand your method and know where your targets are and have developed your skills as a trader then you ready to say:

My ship in harbour is safe – but that is not what my ship is for”

Then all that remains is to wish you ”fair winds and following seas” :sailboat:

PS. This won’t be the best post here - but it will certainly be the longest! :joy:


“Don’t over leverage”

  • Everyone

This is memorable because I have blown an account by not following this.


I asked a mentor of mine if it was too late to get into a trade? Would I be chasing if I did?

He replied " if you were already in the trade what would be doing? Adding to the position or selling? "

I have always remembered that and been helped so many times by it.


Use a DEMO account before opening a real one! We repeat us a DEMO account
From the School of Pipsology
Because every time I messed up on a trade and saw I lost money, I went in my actual bank account and whipped away the tears and laughed​:joy::joy:


"Your life does not get better by chance , it gets better by change."
This was from my trading mentor “Nick”, it changed my whole trading style.
Because before that, i wasn’t looking at my trading Journal, not understanding my mistakes and not changing my habits. Over trading, trading every breakout. Loosing money alot. I was scared trading.
In short,
I complained Nick about my trading losses. He then used these golden words for me. After that i brought change in my life. And now I’m successful trader.


Use a Demo account for four reasons:

  1. Learn the mechanics of trading. That is, learn your platform: MT4, Ninja Trader, Tradestation, etc.
  2. Get a feel for the markets and their movement: understand the different timeframes and range of pip movement; see how the markets react to news.
  3. Develop trading strategies and trade plan.
  4. Develop good trader habits. Stick to your strategies and plan. Have a preparation list before trading (checking the news for that day, etc.)

That’s all well and good. However, nothing will compare to a real money account. You think you know, you don’t. So, open a small account at first for three reasons:

  1. Develop your trading psychology and mental game. This is probably the MOST IMPORTANT. Learn to stick to your strategies. Learn to take lessons from losses. Learn to accept drawdowns. Learn to cut losses short and let winners run (not as easy as it sounds).
  2. See how the real market reacts to your trade orders. See how well your strategies work in the real market. Some do not translate well from a Demo account.

Just be prepared that you might blow your small account. If so, either do it again, or go back to a Demo account and repeat the process. Then and only, then, do you open your full account (or, better yet, add to your current small account). Almost every (very) successful trader I have heard interviewed say they have blown an account or two.

Just don’t give up! You got this!


A bleeding account, a losing week… a losing quarter… I’ve been there…:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I’ve felt what it is like to be in that kind of situation. I was already losing the spirit to go on trading when I received the best advice I could ask for that time from my mentor .

He said (exact words) “Take a time off. Look into yourself. Know your strengths and weaknesses. You need to be able to learn how to observe yourself, address the areas where you can improve. Acknowledge the failures, your mistakes along this journey. If you cant acknowledge, embrace and take full responsibility of what is happening to your trading. It will be impossible to be consistent. Taking responsibility over your actions , whether it is good or bad , is the cornerstone of a winning mentality. Don’t put too much focus on monetary stuff. Focus on acquiring the psychological or mental skill set that will allow you to become a great trader. Making money is just a byproduct of the acquiring those skills. It is not how much you gain or lose on that trade. It should always be how much you learn from it. The people who are already on top didn’t just say , okay I’m fine with this, I’m fine with that. They always look for improvements. Always out there looking for his or her edge. Once you acquire those skills and continue to work on it, that will be your defining edge among the average traders. Showing up is just half the battle… If you have a losing day, pick yourself up and remind yourself why you’re in here. Don’t give up.”

This was very memorable because it doesn’t only tackle principles and lessons about trading. It also made me a better individual.

That’s all. Happy Trading. :wink:


Hello Everybody,

My memorable is as follow ''If you reach hope and pray, throw your laptop away !!

There are plenty of times in the market the trade is going against you, when you find yourself praying and hoping for a reversal on your favor is time to get out of the market!!!

Take a moment and think about it ;))))

Happy trading everybody


**Just because you see a hammer form in a down trend doesn’t mean you should authomticaly place a buy order. More bullish confirmation is needed before it’s safe to pull the trigger. **

This advice has helped my trading career.
I got it from the school of pipsology. God bless the teacher who wrote this.


Someone once told me that trading is like fighting with your significant other. When you fight with your significant other, it’s not you vs. them, it’s you and them versus the problem. Now when you’re trading forex, it’s not you versus the currency, it’s you and the currency vs. the problem. And the problem is all the flipping banks pushing prices down when you buy and up when you sell.

This is memorable to me because, well, it’s funny, but it also puts into perspective how the market works. It reminds you that there’s a reason for every market move and those candle sticks aren’t just some random pieces of information. They’re showing you what the market wants. Trade with the market.

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Trend is your friend.
It’s memorable because many times market’s don’t really trend. So i have been looking for this friend for sometime now, but whenever i find her and hold her hand, she just stop take my hand off her and turns the other way.


The most memorable advice I was given was,“Daily Time Frame rules!! Other time frames drool!! So why do you want to drool so badly? It’s not a good look.” This hits home for me because, all though I was seeing opportunities to trade the lower time frames for small runs due to FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), this advice has taught me to not worry about the number of trades I can make, be patient, see the bigger picture, and catch the big runs. :star_struck:


I was told to cut my losses and save my account… But I never listen …
Now my account is gone …and am seeing opportunity for a good trade… But no account to trade .
Discipline & Risk Management is what I should have work on my self before trading.