Welcoming a Tru-Noobster

Hey, I am Errelle. I am here to get ahead of what’s coming. I heard some pretty great things about trading. I figured I’ll give it a try.


It is best to try your forces on a demo account.

Hi and welcome,:slightly_smiling_face: visit the BP education section as a start. Regards Greg

welcome to baby pips community , this forum is full of educational materials , i hope you will enjoy the environment.

hi and welcome

welcome to this educational forum , have a very good journey from this community , happy trading ,

agree with the importance of education , but if there is no regular level of practice i think any kind of education can be useless , so we should focus practice session besides all inevitable part of tradings.

demo is really important , no way to deny. but instead of demo i think micro is more supportive to acquire live trading knowledge and experience.

Hello! Wish you all the best. And a random advice, Learn a lot!

Welcome! How are you getting on with your trading education? Hope all is well and good luck on your trading journey!

Welcome to the community, Errelle. Just be patient as you go through the learning process. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Agree with @Glossy. Start with a demo account so that you don’t lose any money while you’re still learning.

Hi Errelle! Don’t forget to educate yourself before jumping in. Best of luck on your trading journey!