Well Hello... Nice to meet ya

So… basically I am New here… I am not sure what to say , as i am sure it mirrors countless others that are new and starting out. I have a job but i love to travel… What i love more is strategy and patterns. I am not blind to hard work. Oh BtW names KillaBite most call me Killa … So let the games begin lol well sort off… let the studying begin …


Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

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Hi this Corey welcome first and if interest try yu and look up I C T THAT INNER CIRCLE TRADER and also when u say pattern are you into Harmonica Pattern which are W FOR UPTREND PATTERN AND m for downtrend pattern

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hello and welcome Killa.
Don’t worry, it’s completely normal to feel unsure when starting something new. Many others have been in your position before.

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I suggest you open a demo account from a regulated broker to practice and experiment on. See if FX trading suits you and your lifestyle as there is no short cut to becoming a successful trader.

Best of luck.

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Welcome Killa

I hope you have a wonderful and profitable trading journey.

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thats so funny i was put on to watch all 41 videos (2022) of ICT. I have been lucky to be assigned a work from home project that will last at least 11 weeks so i a taking advanrage

Oh yes i will be doing my studying and learning first then working from there i do not plan on live trading for 6 months to a year from now. ( with the idea that i am doing well ). I am also prior military and pretty good with being discipline…

Well thank you. I am quite excited to start the long journey

The course on forex here at babypips is a very good starting point.

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Welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay here and good luck on your trading journey!

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thank you. i am also taking the courses here as well.

I am truly proud of u . welcome to a change of lifestyle when u finish . u will understand once u finish.

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Welcome Killa! :blush: Hahaha. I think it’s great that you’ve already braced yourself for the hard work that the forex journey entails. :blush: I hope you power through and become profitable in the future! :smiley: Good luuuuck!

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well i finally power throughed pre k and a few ICT Videos ( 2022) and oh boy do i get the concept of bracing my self … I think i have more color pencils and sticky notes and notes then i did when i was in college and high school… combined lol

Hey KillaBite, welcome to the forum! You’re in the right place to learn and grow as a trader. Good luck on your trading adventure and have some fun along the way.

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thank you so much!!! here is hoping for some fun and laughs

Welcome to the community, @KillaBite. Get busy acquainting yourself with the foundational knowledge needed in order to trade. Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you.

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Well thank you for the welcome. And yep study study study. i am trying to be very selective so that way i keep good habits :slight_smile:

Good luck on your fx trading journey.