Were you at one point ever close to quitting trading?

I’m not thinking of it but was just curious about other’s experiences and what may have led to someone thinking of quitting trading. What was that moment? Was it because a ton of money was lost or was it bec of sheer boredom or maybe difficulty?


Absolutely. It was a time i struggled with having a system, and all i felt was “this ain’t for me”, “won’t i regret this decision of being a trader at the end”…
But i was able to come out of all this by my unrelenting efforts to finding an edge; i tamed myself to every of the pains that comes with the process.

While i was in high school and get my parents some bad grades and i be like “it was a hard subject and only 3 people outta a class of 47 passed”, my parents are always furious with this kinda statement and respond “why can’t i be among the 3, why can’t i be genius just like the 3?”

I’m done with high school, now with life’s school, and here before me is something i want to do and all i could see everywhere is “Disclaimer: Trading CFD is risky, 90% of traders lose money, 10% are profitable at the long run”
This statement alone pose a question, “what factors are behind this losing and profitability?”

I figured out the factors behind 90% losing their money and what makes the 10% profitable at the long run. It was a rough process.

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Rarely, even in my bad days and accounts.
Honestly, I did not have any choices! I tried 3 different careers and well, they all were failures!
So I tried and tried and tried to be a good one here!
I was at a loss for 6 months and believe me I never thought of leaving and giving it up!
So think like me and consider it as if it is your last dance (I do not like basketball but I’ve seen this series and it was a real motivation!)
Best Luck/


Whenever I lose, since I don’t always choose the highest size of the transaction, I don’t suffer too much loss, and I always try to learn from my mistakes and never repeat them again, and when I lose, I don’t think about leaving the forex market. I just focus on one of my hobbies, like tennis.

Hey girl, I haven’t experienced these feelings, but I’ve seen many people going through them. They were both frustrated by the losses and lost interest in trading. They were awful! Believe me!

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Good for you that you found it! How long was that entire process?

Yeah I find that with anything you pursue in life, it’s important to have other things going on too whether hobbies or a type of recreational activity.

Not as long as I or people expected it to be.

Like a month? :open_mouth:

A year and some months

Oh okay. It’s a bit of time but you’re right, not as long as you’d think especially since time will pass anyway, might as well be working on something. :slight_smile: