Westfx on zulutrade

Morning all.

Will the poor gbp news be enough to start is technical decline??
It would be more helpful if Mark Carney were to take some strong measure to slow the housing market. If that happens any time soon then I think that would definitely help the pound on its way down.

There shouldn’t be any more market moving news today, but if there is its likely to be the dollar.

General Election on the horizon, I doubt Carney would dare interfere with the vote-winning house-price-inflating initiative any time soon!

Interest rates rising a tad might be nice (in my dreams)

Yeah, who knows.


Any luck finding a broker?

Morning morning.

Be aware of the Canadian CPI numbers at 13:30, they have the potential to moves markets.

Happy trading.


I have placed some tentative, mostly euro related orders.

I will still be waiting for more confirmation on usd and gbp pairs etc.

Hello, yes i have setup account with fxcm and funded it too. I am just waiting for them to authorise the zulu trading bit now and then I can get started on that!

what orders have you placed on the euro if i may ask?

Ok great.

I rate them, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Hi gureshb,

If you follow on zulutrade (on demo or live) you can see the orders he has placed - Only reason I am not posting them is they are WestFX’s signals and not mine :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you following me on zulu?

Can you see them in my orders?

You beat me to it. lol

yes i am following you on zulu on a demo, bu i cannot see “orders”. i can see open positions tab and trading history tab only…can anyone help please?

i have found it! under the orders tab on main screen!

Yeah thats it.

So, guys westFX how are you going to trade on Monday? I mean since two major markets be off.

Some people don’t trade at all on bank holidays.
I tend to wait and see what the price actions like. Its generally quiet, but sometimes the big boys come out to play and it can be volatile.
I wouldn’t advise any newbies to trade when market liquidity is low.

correct! though i would say this will actually make more of a day trading! but you do have a point - big fish to trade and speculate on the markets.

Yeah, if the big fish get together then the market can be very still and then suddenly jump 100-200 pips plus.
I’ve seen it happen a few times.

Seeing some nice pound progression lower, hopefully this will continue next week and then it might be time to get in!