What altcoins are you looking to buy during this dip?

What altcoins are you looking at? What price are you waiting for them to hit?

The only altcoin I’ve ever been willing to buy has been Ethereum. I’m pretty conservative about it.

I don’t try and time it. I just add to my holdings each month and dollar (pound) cost average. I invest in BTC, ETH, SOL, ADA, DOT, MATIC, AVAX, ALGO, and BNB personally. Have some smaller holdings in other more speculative tokens but these are all projects I like and have functionality.

You still haven’t bought any? :open_mouth:

I am thinking of going with Solana, Cardano, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Siba, and Polygon.

I have my eyes on Ethereum, Solana, Cardano, and Shiba Inu. I’m waiting for the right time. Fingers crossed!

How low do you think Ethereum would drop?

I am planning to go with Solana and Cardano. Both are rivals. Hopefully, one of them will rise. Shiba Inu and Dogecoin are also on the list for the same reason.

:eyes: Cardano, Polkadot, and Solana.

I have a lot of hope for BRETT, it’s quite promising though I can’t really say how far it will go.

I haven’t heard of BRETT. What makes it promising to you?

Unlike other alt coins, it’s doesn’t go up and down by 300% in two days, it’s rather stable and under normal market conditions it has been only growing steadily.

Ah, good to hear that it’s showing consistency under normal market conditions. Good luck with your investment!

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