What annoys you most in Forex

The stop hunts

Forex trading is a very competitive business. It requires a lot of knowledge and experience from the trader. The forex market is highly volatile, and so it takes time for new traders to learn the ropes.

Risk management can sometimes fail since the market is too unpredictable most of the time.

waiting is the worst

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  1. Lazy people in online forex groups. They refuse to do any research for themselves and ask the same questions daily as if the group is their personal Google search engine. They won’t even bother to use the search function in the group to find the answer to their question that was asked and answered 100 times already in the last month.

  2. The people that act as enablers to the lazy people from #1 above. They continue to answer the same questions everyday and give positive reinforcement for lazy behavior.

  3. The people that volunteer and answer questions that they clearly do not have an accurate answer to (these are often people referred to in #2 above). They would do less harm to new traders if they gave no information instead of giving wrong information.

UDS/JPY looks like it could have been a lot of fun today on the 5M chart. I’d have killed it if I’d been watching it.


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When every top and bottom is respected as a support or resistance level. As a trend trader I just want price to keep going. It is quite seldom it happens, but from time to time we get into a trading climate where price reverses too easily in my opinion. Just happened now on EURCAD 4H and D1.

Some of the annoyances that I have with Forex include the high commissions, quick trading times, and generally high-pressure environment.

WHEN I ClICK ON THE WRONG THING and sell insted of buy!!! And it’s literally just hppened again in a fast moving market!!! Lost £255!!!:scream::scream::scream: Goddammit!! Sooooo stupid.

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Hahaha. I’ve had that feeling. You feel like the entire market is out to get you!

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Reversals. :joy:

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Slippage is very annoying, deprives me of the money I could’ve made

Same here. Also the fake breakouts really test my patience :roll_eyes:

I think the misconceptions that certain brokers/trading gurus try to spread really bothers me. I’ve read so many posts from people hoping to make money instantly because they’re in dire need for medical reasons or just to pay rent, so they think they can turn to forex and that it will solve their problems overnight. Of course learning to trade could help those people in life, but it always breaks my heart to see people that need the money badly who think that they’ve found the immediate answer because of those misconceptions about how quick and easy it is.

Most annoying is when a high impact news turns the tables and the market starts moving against my analysis. I always get caught out. Ugghh!

The most annoying thing in forex is the unpredictability of the market like you look at the charts for days waiting for the right moment to place your trades and you still end up in a loss.

The most annoying thing in Forex I feel is the uncertainty of the market, because no matter how much experienced trader one is but still they have to be really alert about the market movement.

For me, the most difficult aspect is that in fact there are no guarantees that I will not receive losses. I think this is the most important thing for a trader.

I trade short torturing

HI Tomiko i am new in this just greeting you