What annoys you most in Forex

You can use certain brokers like Hugosway to trade Crypto at the weekends if that’s something your already interested in

Agreed it takes 100s of hours to become proficient and profitable it’s thos fx huksters that give the trading community in general a bad name

It makes me Cringed when I enter a trade with a mental stop loss and tp, only to mistakingly slept off and woke up with a huge deep negative direction in my hand. Alassssss!

It Really really Sucks.

When you enter a trade, the market decides to go the opposite direction to pick some orders in the process hit your sl before going in your favor :sob:

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So called forex “gurus” who give meaningless advice.

The risks and losing money annoys me the most to be honest since I try to be so careful with everything and if I still end up losing money, that just annoys me a lot but I am trying to accept this part as well since we all know risks and losses are part of the FX market.

Sudden loss when I expected something great from a trade. It just makes me annoyed.

Seeing a massive move counter to my analysis then releasing I didn’t keep a note of red folder news :unamused:

GBP, CHF quite many sudden large impact on price.
Skip those two Symbol related pair if possible.

Wrong instrument selection make you lost money.

2nd thing, you need the Forex Calendar, check out any news/announcement coming.
AVOID the news until you can handle the news say Market direction.

I get annoyed by people who expostulate their trading systems but don’t tell you if they’ve made money or how much - I think alot of these claims are dishonest. People who keep on saying things like consistent 20% ROR per month is achievable and refusing to see reason when you point out that if this were true with a £1000 dollar account you’d be a billionaire in 8.5 years and own more than all the money in the world in 13 years - this is pure gaslighting. People on otherwise sensible chat forums who are needlessly bullying, aggressive, triggerred by everything and spoil the atmosphere.

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Topping the list of what most annoys me in Forex are the envious people on forums who because they cant match what they see you do and you refuse to show them how you do it they resort to childish behaviour such as proffering ridiculous scenarios attempting to show why what you do is unsustainable, passing disparaging remarks, and even stretching the truth to try to make their point.
They claim to be veterans in the business but you never see actual proof of what they are capable of besides lurking and hoping to benefit from the work of other people.


What annoys me is when I am in full margin and sudden broker changes the leverage due to High impact new.

Then I am like “Beep you Beepbeep” :rofl:

There are a few things that can be pretty annoying in the Forex market!
One is when the market is moving against you and the volatility is so high that it is difficult to exit the trades. This can be really frustrating, especially if you don’t have a stop loss in place.

A margin call!!!

Bro you need to train your mind to accept any behaviour and misbehaviour from the market.

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When I place a buy order and the price reaches the buy price line but doesn’t go a tick higher for an eternity, as if the market knows darn well where I entered and it’s mocking me.

Aslo, closing that successful buy and immediately seeing a huge green candle form

You just described my Friday. I wanted to adjust my SL a tad lower but the volume was so high after the news that mt4 was essentially frozen for a few minutes and I got taken out. Within 15 minutes later tp was hit.

If I could have lowered my SL by 2 pips, it would have worked.

Guide more about forex.

There Is probably a few but one In particularly, certain pairs like USD/EUR (don’t trade it anymore) when are you ALREADY IN THE TRADE and it is in a tight range for enternity similarly Jap/USA too.