What annoys you most in Forex

Blockquote Gaps, news, spread, weekend,

That’s the nature of the game. Go educate yourself and come back stronger.

Blockquote mt4, scammy brokers

I agreed on this statement. I would avoid shady brokers and prefer using MT5 instead of MT4.

Blockquote 10 days to get tp, 4 hours to sl.

It depends. If you’re a swing trader then it makes sense. Embrace it.

If there are things that i not like about is the swap that you are paying . You can be paying for both long and short on a position. The broker always win. Other than that I need to be fine with the ‘rules’ set fore by this game and work around it. Thats all :slight_smile:

Cheap delusional self-entitled a-holes who think the world owe them things are the worst in my opinion.

My own stupidity annoys me the most. Just stick to the rules


This won’t be the last time it happens. Hahaha. :skull_and_crossbones: :smiling_imp:


U have said it all

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This exchange made me literally laugh out loud. :sweat_smile: Hahaha. Definitely can relate! :joy:

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the unpredictable price action. I’m still a noob but learning SMC. i would ALWAYS preempt the bias too early, get stopped out and then PA would move in my bias direction. like bro why :sob:

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What annoys me the most about Forex is the complexity of interpreting economic indicators, charts, and market news can be overwhelming for some traders, especially if you are new to the market. Also the high level of risk involved in trading, and losses can occur quickly. This inherent risk can be frustrating for traders, especially those who experience significant drawdowns. Managing risk and emotions is a continuous challenge in the forex market.


what’s annoying: I open an order, goes not in my side. again. again. keepeng the order opening. again not in my side. I close that and just after that it goes in ‘my side’ xd


When the chart is not going where I want it to go!!!.. I know it’s a bit much, but come on, most of the time a chart that keeps going in a cercertain direction and when I put an order from that moment it starts to go in the wrong direction! Charts be crazy!

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Waiting for a trade set-up


slippage is the biggest annoyance for me. It unavoidable sometimes but that is what annoys me the most.


The scammers.

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What really gets to me with Forex is its sheer unpredictability. You can do all the right analysis, follow the trends, and yet the market can just flip unexpectedly due to global events or sudden market shifts. Definitely keeps you on your toes, but it’s a constant learning process and sometimes a bit of a rollercoaster! :no_mouth:


eddieb; If your trading ever makes you want to kick your dog - IT IS TIME TO STOP TRADING !!!
Treat your trading as a GAME and stick to your day job!

accepting the fact that market is not going to work for me all the time
i might do everything right but at the end it comes to a loss and i should accept it

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"Absolutely, I can relate to your frustration. One of the most challenging aspects of forex trading for me is the unpredictability and how quickly market conditions can change. Just like your experience, I’ve had trades where everything seems to be aligning perfectly towards the take-profit target, and then, out of nowhere, there’s a sudden shift in the market. It’s like the market has a mind of its own sometimes.

What’s more frustrating is when these rapid shifts seem to defy all the technical and fundamental analysis you’ve done. It’s a stark reminder that, no matter how much we plan or analyze, there’s always an element of uncertainty in forex trading. This unpredictability is both the beauty and the beast of the forex market. It keeps us on our toes, constantly learning and adapting, but it can also test our patience and emotional resilience.

I guess it’s all part of the journey in becoming a seasoned trader. Keeping emotions in check and not letting one bad trade affect your mindset is key. And hey, it’s probably a good thing you don’t have a dog to take the frustration out on. Remember, tomorrow is another day with new opportunities!"


Happens with me too.


Yes brother @KaziTanzib This is very annoying for traders, because hidden fees and commissions reduce profits. Brokers must provide accurate information regarding fees and commissions. That way it will be clear for traders when making transactions. Then for me, what bothers me about trading is the lack of time to focus because I am busy with other things. However, I still try to make a profit in trading.