What are my political views?

I am not sure what my political views are I don’t know much about politics, my parents are republicans but I don’t always agree on what they agree with for example I agree that our tax rates should be equal because well it isn’t fair for them to be different, I believe that if a pregnant woman wants to abort that its OK, I support things like stem cell research and multiple other things but I also think that homosexuals should have the right to get married. So yeah what type of political view would that be, and where can I look at more things having to do with stuff like that




Lol Sweden…??? That is quite the controversial political view.

I was up last night scalping AUD/JPY after the ECB rate decision so now pretty tired and maybe feeling a bit cheeky…

ILovepizza, where are you located mate? timezone?


I was up last night scalping AUD/JPY after the ECB rate decision so now pretty tired and maybe feeling a bit cheeky…

ILovepizza, where are you located mate? timezone?[/QUOTE]

GMT -7:00 … South Western United States

RavenRoshi (Aaron) banned before your time! Luckily for us you will be back…

You’re a nasty pinko liberal. Probably a progressive capitalist, like Richard Branson.

My political views are the same as Margaret Thatcher’s – “an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay; live within your means; put by a nest egg for a rainy day; pay your bills on time; support the police”

As opposed to the Democratic Party’s (USA) wayward 12-year old panderings…“I can do what I want, whenever I want, with whomever I want, for any reason I so choose, and if you don’t like it, go and stuff yourself. Anyway if I get into trouble the Government will be there to bail me out. That’s their freak’in job, man!”

I don’t know if any kind of political party resembles my views but let’s say it’s a custom one:
-equal income tax rates and keep it below 5%
-small social taxes and nobody who realizes income extempt from it
-small health care taxes and nobody who realizes income extempt from it
-private pensions only and also from a small levied %
-private companies only,except strategic resources like oil,water,electricity,etc
-free agriculture (companies and farmers may hold land,no goverment farming lands)
-small military,with mainly defensive weapons
-disciplined and professional police,doctors,firefighters,and emergency teams always prepared for all
-equal rights to everyone regardless of their race,religion,world views,gender,etc
-unemployed people should get temporary government made jobs,and not get any social income because they will only abuse that
-strict punishing laws for the unlawful,prison time should be doubled and criminals to be educated and offered jobs in the prisons
-reformed education with maximum 10 grades but intense and only important subjects to be taught
-education of poor people how to make money from investments
-no paper money only electronic,all payments made via credit or debit cards,everyone required from it’s birth to have a bank account at a government regulated and strictly overseen private bank,no more wallets
-more emphasis on scientific research,atleast 50% of every countries income to be spent on science like biology,medical research,physics,mathemathics,informatics,engineering,chemistry,etc
-more people friendly government who implement PR relations with the public and create any festivals to increase national unity of any country

I think thats it all.If these could be implemented there would be a better world :smiley:

not enough info ronerown

a few questions…

What are your thoughts on social programs?

How do you feel about regulations a lot a little? Do you think people basically need to be babysat or do you believe that people basically know what’s best for themselves? How about parenting should government regulate there healthcare, there diet, there activities? or do you feel parents basically know what’s best for there children?

How about guns. Do you believe we have the right to bear arms as US citizens or do you believe guns should be illegal?

How about soda only 16 oz or whatever you want?

I guess it doesn’t matter what you feel about war both dems and reps love war whether they admit it or not


Should gas prices be intentionally inflated so that “green” energy seems more affordable?

How about immigration. Should we build the fence? Should 11 million people be granted immunity including one Barrack Husein Obama? (the real reason for immigration reform)

Health care, should it be universal? Should it be private?

I guess I could go on and on I have so many more but I am starting to slant towards my own political beliefs. Anyway answer these questions and I will tell you if you are democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, or perhaps progressive.


one more question (or a couple we’ll see)

do you believe in the bill of rights. Not just gun laws but our other rights like due process, protection from unlawful searches, freedom of speech ets

Do you believe the government should limit there spending in a responsible way or should they raise taxes to cover there programs. Hypothetically if you were president would you spend $1.5mil on why lesbians are fat?

Does freedom of religion mean no CHristianity but everything else is okay?

Do you not care about any of “this crap” and feel it is all so unimportant and would rather hear about Kanye and Kim naming there baby North.

I invite anyone to answer these questions and i will help you to know what you are politically


You’re a socially liberal Republican, clearly. Don’t be too alarmed: it’s better than being a socially authoritarian Republican. :slight_smile:

The pointers toward your being Republican (none of them conclusive in itself, of course, but overall they’re “evidential”!) are …

(i) You don’t know what your political views are (that usually says “conservative”)

(ii) Your parents are Republican

(iii) You believe in flat tax-rates and think that’s “fair” (to you, it’s perhaps “obvious” and I’m not criticizing that [I]at all[/I], but [U]many[/U] people actually disagree with that assertion)

But on the social issues, you sound more liberal (maybe partly age-related, too). So you’re obviously far from a “Tea Party type”, but equally you’re no Democrat. :wink:

The keys of being a democrat…

  1. You preach “tolerance”… Yet are entirely intolerant of people who do not share your beliefs…

  2. You think those who have worked hard and have become successful as a result owe society and should have a larger share of their wealth stripped from them by the government.

  3. You think that point 2 will benefit the economy.

  4. You think that buying a Prius saves the environment… (Hint: the effects of mining for the materials and the energy costs of producing the Prius’ large battery more then negates the benefit of a 46 mpg… Especially when there are Non hybrids that get mpg in the 40s)

  5. You are okay with every form of government regulation and it makes you feel safer when the government does so.

  6. You get scared at the sight of a gun.

  7. Because of point 6 you think the government should be pushed to infringe on the rights Americans have been given by the founding fathers through the constitution.

8.) You are still in university and have yet spent any extensive time in the real world.

  1. You got a liberal arts degree and are now a barista… You don’t make enough money so you think the government should be supporting you through social programs.

  2. You think the “gay rights” movement is equivalent to the civil rights movement of the 60s…

  3. You do not believe in capital punishment for anyone (including murders, child rapists etc.) yet will protest in the streets for the ability to kill unborn babies.

I’m waiting for aliens come and take over the Earth so we can become a citizens of a huge space empire and then I’d sneak into the emperor’s palace steel his crown and take over the Empire. Is there a name for this kind of the political view?:confused::confused: