What are session LULLs

I’ve seen the terms NY LULL and LDN LULL sessions where there is reduced activity during the sessions? Anyone know the exact description and the time slots for the same?

They’re never exact, but mostly (allowing for scheduled news, etc.) they relate to the local lunchtime hours of the various sessions (also, to a lesser extent, late Friday afternoon and mid-morning on Mondays).

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I wonder if it’s possible to see these periods by bringing up a short-term ATR?

Plagiarized from t’internet robot.

Ah, the mystical rhythms of the forex market—where currencies dance, and traders try to keep up! Let’s unravel the secrets of the London Lull and the New York Lull, shall we?

  1. London Lull:
  • Picture this: The sun is high over the River Thames, Big Ben is doing its clock thing, and traders in London have had their morning tea (or coffee, because, well, it’s London). Around 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (noon) local time, something interesting happens—the market takes a breather. :city_sunset:
  • Why? Because the main moves for the London session have already strutted their stuff. The big players—those banks and financial institutions (BFIs)—have made their moves, and now they’re sipping Earl Grey or munching on crumpets (okay, maybe not, but you get the vibe). :mantelpiece_clock:
  • During this London Lull, price action settles down. It’s like the market collectively decides, “Alright, chaps, let’s catch our breath before the New York crowd storms in.” So, if you’re trading during this time, expect things to be a tad less wild. :chart_with_downwards_trend:
  1. New York Lull:
  • Fast-forward to the other side of the Atlantic. New York, baby! The city that never sleeps (except when it’s time for a lull, apparently). :statue_of_liberty:
  • When the New York session closes—usually around 5:00 PM local time—the forex market experiences a bit of a snooze. Why? Because New York is a major financial hub, and when it shuts shop, a bunch of traders and institutions take a break. No more shouting across trading floors or frantic mouse-clicking. Just a peaceful moment. :night_with_stars:
  • But fear not! This lull doesn’t last forever. Soon enough, the Asian session kicks in, and the cycle begins anew.