What are you looking forward to this week? (November 11 - 17)

We’re now getting into the winter weather! :snowflake: And even though Thanksgiving is still ~3 weeks away, I think eating season has officially begun! These days you can safely hide all that weight gain under your cozy cable/knit sweaters/jumpers!

Oh and let’s not forget them Black Friday deals, too! But while that’s not happening this week yet…

What are you looking forward to THIS week?

Any new product launches or maybe economic event you're looking forward to? Whether it be trading or non-trading related, tell us!

Actually finding time to read a book, in my case Al Brooks. Man, I’m a slow reader.

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Ahh… Looking forward for the season’s festivity as winters are already here …Black Friday sales will definitely bombort the live malls and also internet :smile:

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