What attracts men and boys to Trading?

I imagine everyone are drawn in by the same thing - profit.

Thank you @peterma -

I think that company you quoted is an excellent example of the huge problems intelligent men and boys are facing at the moment -
For example we Know from @Bipin1800 statistics that 90% of those interested in trading are men and men of above average intelligence.

yet we find that Company constrained by Law and (probably ideology to ) to produce these clearly discriminatory figures

and from higher up the report

Showing that the s*x ratio of the employees was already significantly biased anti - male

However - these are for EMPLOYEES - so let’s take a look at the Company’s founder Sadly Mr Conlon died last year at the unreasonably early age of 53 - and I’m sure we all feel for his famiily

What a different character that MAN must have been from those his Company is now seeking to progress into the future with - and it is to intelligent young men and boys that Stefan Molyneux is speaking - and also of course to any intelligent young women and girls who may be considering those “xxxx-Studies” courses.

I note also that by implication in it’s Hiring qualitications that those same “xxx-Studies” Graduates are excluded and they are seeking to attract peopleof higher intelligence (Which has also been illegal in USA since the 1970’s ! :wink:

It will be interesting to see how well that Company does in the future with it’s Virtue signalling - “Woke polices” in place.

One of the best - never forgot his roots - enjoyed a pint in the local pub, supported local football, knew his employees by first name, is sadly missed.

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Yes Peter, That is the “Traditional” attitude to degrees - except that I think when you and I got ours - the statement was slightly different - of the form

"Your degree tells us that - You are capable of thinking critically"

Note how the emphasis has shifted slightly from the desire to trust the Individual to “Help Progress the firm” - to “Compliance with training” - maybe even “not make waves” ? - which would in fact be the complete opposite of what was expected in “our day” !

However we do in fact know from the figures that 2/3 of kids nowadays have the Intelligence to qualify them for a University place - so what (and this is the crux of this thread) if anything, does a University degree tell us about the person Nowadays ?

I believe that the reason for the boys’ overweight in trading is not the factor of higher education, but some differences between women and men. It seems to me that men are more stressed and morally restrained. Stability is significant for trading, and even though women will often be smarter than men, we do not see many women in trading because of the moral factor.

Another victim of Cancel culture then !

Here it is resubmitted by another source

Well worth listening to !

14 years and a million Subscribers without a single step out of line - but he gets kicked out and de-monetised anyway !

Wanna hear why he got shut down ?

Forex men do more but women do Forex to some extent. Forex is one thing that everyone can do. There is no catch barrier rule for anyone. For this Forex is very reliable and friendly. All kinds of people trade in this market.

Thank you for your post - but if you read the thread - you’ll see that this is NOT a Gynocentric place - but an investigation as to why men and boys are seeking to leave the place they have been told they are destined to occupy - BUT Rather to seek independence - based on their own competence and initiative. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes this is right.

Agree with you to some extent.

Who is John Galt ?

“some differences between women and men” -Agreed !

Show your evidence of that which is counter - scientific !

Fictional hero of Atlas Shrugged.

Another view of the life choices we have as men and boys.

And why there is little point in trying to jump through “Their hoops” !

I don’t find trading gender specific. I see a lot of females taking interest in trading. It’s the opportunity to make money for all the traders.

Forex trading actually requires a lot of trading based skills because then only a trader will be able to earn income when he is more proficient in his trading skills and also knows about the correct timings.

Main attraction - That extra money :stuck_out_tongue:
But that can only be achieved with proper knowledge & practice.

From where I see, there are many women also who like to trade. Trading gives equal opportunities for all traders regardless of their gender.

I don’t think that it has anything to do with your gender. It is all about the interest. Anyone can be interested in trading regardless of their gender.

Absolutely. Trading depends on one’s skills and has nothing to do with gender.