What did you do befor you started trading?

LibertySilver hhere what sort of occupation did you do befor you started forex , and what made you want to trade forex how did you hear about it. ?

Victoria Secret model and a trader on my spare time…

Wow explains the cute face , what made a Victoria secret model want to trade the fx market what do you like better modelling or trading ?

Thank you :slight_smile:

In Modeling , you just put on an outfit, looked at the camera and think that you are the most confident woman in the world and that’s pretty much it and bores me death. I like challenge… Trading gave me a little bit of that challenge so I guess Ive got the best of both world :wink:

Yeah I can see how after a while it can get really boring , how long have you been trading for , what made you decide to give it a try :)?