What do y'all do on weekends?

Yeah. I try to squeeze in whatever I can during the week just so I could spend more time on weekends doing nothing and avoid being bugged to do something.

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That’s a good way to relax and stay focused on your trading journey. During weekends, I love spending quality time with my family. Like a movie night, or simply enjoying good food together.

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A great way to get refreshed :blush: for the next week :slightly_smiling_face:

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Weekends are created for chilling =)
Yet some traders are used to work even on weekends, as there’s an opportunity to earn on OTC for instance, or some commodities and metals. However, I prefer relaxing cause compliance with “healthy” work/life balance is mandatory to let your organism to restore. Otherwise, don’t be surprised of bad weekdays full of failures and mistakes. Brain must rest.

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I prefer to spend time with my family and also read book and check some websites.

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Brain must rest :fist: :fist: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thats cool :wink: :wink: Family :hugs: :hugs:

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Well… Whatever comes to my mind actually =)
Weekends exist not to bother about daily weekday routine and to throw away all intrusive thoughts. Yeah, sometimes it’s very difficult to distract especially when you are spending all days long monitoring charts, but at the same time, I treat it like an art which everyone can master, you know.
Go for a walk, hang out with your friends, and, it’s recommendable to throw away your mobile. I mean, just try not to monitor everything tied with trading and investing. Relax and chill.


A well-rested brain is a happy brain, and that can lead to smarter trading decisions in the long run. Enjoy your break and come back refreshed for more profitable adventures in the trading world!

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That’s cool :wink:
But are you a full-time trader or part time trader?? @Zheasef

Absolutely :hugs: :hugs:

It doesn’t matter to anyone else what you do over the weekend, it just has to be a contrast to what you would normally do on a weekday.

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Mostly catching up on sleep and the tasks I have meant to do during the weekend but couldn’t find the time. I also try to create opportunities to spend as much quality time as possible with the people I love, friends and family. Because everyone is just busy on the week days anyways. I also like to spend a few hours on Sundays to do some reading, whether its market related or not, to just decompress my mind.

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I go out with friends and enjoy as much as I can. During the week back to the charts.

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I used to believe that the weekends could be filled with an enormous amount of trading related activities. Now all I can come up with is backtesting. Checking if there are big news coming the next week. Predictions about the forex market on YouTube I have given up. Just guessing work that can’t be used for anything. Also I have done some coding on mql4. I gave it up as I have no energy or particular interest for trading related things.

That leaves 3 things. Backtesting, checking news and a tiny bit of coding. Reviewing trades and calculating whether strategies are profitable I do during the week. So in short. I trade and I backtest. All other things I have had enough of.

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I paint, I write. I watch films. For me weekends are long since my spouse is out working and I am alone in the house.

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I trade crypto on weekends.

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Usually just being a couch potato.
I’m used to sitting at home all day long, and quite rarely go outside, but, I believe that having a walk around the block or maybe meet friends is the bets option to do on weekends.
I have friends, but these buddies are busy bees so I rarely meet them, unfortunately.

Watching movies, eating tasty snacks, cooking and cleaning the house is the best way to distract from weekdays routine, as to me. At least, it helps me to purify the mind to some extent.

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I unwind, recharge, and get ready for the week ahead.

How do you usually unwind and recharge? Any favorite activities that help you get ready for the week?