What do you wish you knew before you started FX?

What mistakes do you think you wouldn’t have made then, if you knew what you know today, and what advise can you give to a forex beginner?

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Hmmm. :thinking: I was gonna say something about keeping my emotions in check. But I realized it’s still something I struggle with today. :sweat_smile: So, I guess, I would just say don’t be too hard on yourself. :sweat_smile: Losing is part of trading. It’s not the end of the world. :sweat_smile:


:rofl: :rofl: We all struggle with this. On my end, I have accepted that losses are part of the game, and I always set stop losses. I’m also a swing trader so I avoid checking the charts in between until it’s time to check. All the best


Oooh. :blush: Do you plan on creating a trading journal here? :smiley: Or do you already have one? :slight_smile:


Just start! I definitely spent way too much time overthinking whether trading is something I could do and I thought I needed x, y, z before I could begin but really just open that demo account, learn here on this website and get on with it!


Forex CFD trading is a bilateral OTC trade while spot forex trading is a multilateral OTC trade. This means that you have to buy a CFD only from the respective issuer, and it is also mandatory to sell it.

`The price of a CFD from provider A is also determined only by him and may differ from provider B or even the reference market.

With other words, CFDs quotes if manipulated by a brokerage firms, perfectly legal!

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I have a trading plan in my head. I did the same routine for a long time untill now it became part of me. I also do a lot of back testing to gain more confidence in my strategy. @ria_rose

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I cannot stress enough how crucial it is to set stop-losses. and well, I DID NOT KNOW THAT!!!


This is the biggest mistake for new traders. I also fell for the same mistake and it costed me a lot of my capital.


I wish I knew about Babypips because it’s important for everyone to have knowledge before taking action. I believe that one of the best places to learn is Babypips. Who agrees with me? :thinking:


I do miss :joy::joy:



Why are you laughing though? :joy:

Because I’m happy


Wish you be happy all the time. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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That would nt be appropriate

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It’s gonna be philosophical, so Why? :thinking:

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i should work harder while learning forex ,man forex really takes up time to profit

You only need a good strategy and discipline.


Risking more than I could afford , huge blow.


One of the worst mistakes new traders make is averaging down : investing more money in a losing trade in the hope of a turnaround.