What do your friends/family think of your passion for trading?

I haven’t gotten to being profitable yet. But I do hear you. The same thing happened when I got my degree. Nobody cared that I got a degree, but they did care when I bought a BMW for myself as a present.


Now THAT’S what I’m talking about!

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i am the one Hiding it and i do NO why am doing that…but when the situation stay in a way i will share it to them.

Now, I am also interested :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Some know but most asked questions about crypto trading, but that was before all of the FTX craziness.

It’s great to hear that your friends and family are supportive of your trading journey. It’s important to have a strong support system when pursuing any passion.

Inspiring to hear that you’ve been successful in your trading so far. Keep up the good work!

I can understand how frustrating it can be to deal with unsupportive parents when it comes to pursuing your dreams. Sharing your achievements and future plans might help ease their concerns and allow them to see the potential in this.

Have you considered sharing some basic information with your mom to help her understand the potential benefits of trading forex? It could help her appreciate your interest in this area and even be more supportive.

Sometimes, we need time to fully embrace and feel confident about our choices before opening up to others. Take your time and best of luck with your trading journey!

nice post and nice anwsers! me personally never talk to my friends or fam about trading. well there are 2 or 3 friends who know i’m trading but that’s only because they started to trade, and as you mentioned aboved, they shared their thoughts. but my family doesn’t know i’m trading because they are to conservative and would think i’m losing all my money :smiley:
and the reason why i don’t tell my friends i’m trading is simply that i live in southern germany and especially over here, people are very envious. they love to see you doing good but never better than them. i remeber back then when i bought my car and my neighbours called the police claiming i’m a drug dealer and i couldn’t afford that car :rofl: this doesn’t apply to every german but germans don’t like seeing strangers making money or having (more) success than theyselve. I keep it a secret and it might be the best way.


I really dislike answering a question with a question, but in this case I have to ask: Does it really matter what friends/ family thinks of my trading?
I trade because it is “my” passion, not thiers.
Some people have a passion for cooking, I don’t.
Some people have a passion to climb corporate ladders, I don’t.
Some have a passion for making music, I don’t
I have a passion for God and His word, some don’t.
I am wired/ called for trading, it’s what I do, not who I am as a child of God.
Trading is a business to me and I’m good at what I do. I would feel like a fish out of water not trading, just like I feel in the kitchen, so bottom line is that it really doesn’t matter what my friends/ family thinks.
If they are interested in learning to trade, I help.
I am who I am and do what I do, and I am happy and grateful for my God-given talents.


“Is that like crypto trading?” That’s what I hear. Then they ask if I’m a millionaire. Kind of silly to me to hear that.

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Lol, yeah, it seems like people often jump to “millionaire” when they hear about trading.

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I don’t think they don’t necessarily care about me, it’s just that it doesn’t come up and I don’t think it would change anyone’s life if all of a sudden I’m like “oh yeah btw I trade forex with my tiny account” lol. Now if I told them and they started hating on it, that’s a different issue…


It’s funny because if you were they wouldn’t say that, right? I would treat that as a dose of motivation.

You say “it’s my passion”. Then you talk too much about God. What you do is blasphemy. There’s not much sense to show what you don’t want. This is common with everyone. We like things to do, and there are things we don’t. God doesn’t care about your passion, remember YOU said it is yours. So then? God is You in this sense. And indeed it might be partly true, partly false.

Thanks a bunch! Really appreciate the good vibes.

Laughed me, they didn’t believe I can be profitable.

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It’s really sad when friends and family don’t believe in what we’re passionate about. Keep doing your thing and let your success speak for itself.

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