What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Getting in the same trades as you is always a nice feeling. Cant wait to start going live in 2012!

Great post Clint… I appreciate these.


Great encouragement as a Mentor to see you getting them without the alert.

Awesome! Roll with it and I will check it out for sure… thanks for sharing with us!

I’m trying to get a hold on LC opportunities so I entered fiber long at LC at 1.3070 mark for a countertrend scalp:

My reasons :

  • Countertrend LC scalp
  • Price has moved beyond ADR range
  • Price at MS2 at this point
  • Confluence of 200% extension of TT
  • USDX price has moved beyond its ADR range
  • USDX just took out the highs set in Sept. & Nov. (looking for stops to be raided and breakout traders to have long orders triggered??)

My entry:

Now here’s the tragic part: I walked away from my screen, came back a while later, MISREAD the market price without looking at the charts and quickly closed all my positions at market for a gain of just +7 pips :49:

I was looking for +25 for TP, and wouldn’t you know it - the next 5 minute candle hit my TP. Oh well.

Lesson learned: Although you need to be quick in trading, BE SMART ABOUT IT :22:

It’s not the Teacher… it’s the patience and discipline applied by the apt pupil.

Consider the following parable…

[B][/B][I]An eager young man[/I]

There is an ancient story about a young man in a land far away. I heard it from one of my mentors a few years back, and it has become one of the most meaningful and inspirational stories in my life. This young man went to his parents and said, “I want to become a jade master.” A jade master is an expert on the opaque green gem known as jade. His dad said “Well son, the good news is that the world’s greatest jade master happens to live right in our country. The bad news is that in order to get to him, you have to make a few hundred mile journey by foot across mountains, deserts, rivers, and lakes. “I’ll go to him,” the young man said. And he did.

Difficult Journey

When he was able to make the journey, he crossed the mountains and deserts, forded the rivers, and crossed the lakes. Finally, he reached the old man’s house. He walked up and knocked on the door. The jade master came out and said, “May I help you?” “Yes.” The young man replied. “I’ve traveled hear hoping you would teach me your trade- teach me to become a jade master.” The old man said, “You’re pretty determined to come all the way out here. Come and I will teach you.”

Training Begins

When they got in the house, the old man threw a piece of jade to the young man and said, “Take this piece of jade and hold it in your hand. Take that broom and sweep my floors. When you’re done, I’ll teach you about the jade.” The young man did as he was told and returned, saying “I have finished your floors. Will you teach me about jade now?” “There’s not enough time left in the day.” Said the old man. “Come back tomorrow and I’ll teach you.” “But where will I stay?” said the young man. Old man says, “You were resourceful enough to get here. You’ll figure it out.”

So the young man went into the wilderness and spent the night. The next morning, he returned to the house and asked the old man “Will you teach me about jade?” The old man said, “Yes I will. But first, take this piece of jade, hold it in your hand and go chop my wood.” The young man did as he was told, came back, and said “I have finished the wood. Will you teach me about jade now?” “There’s not enough time left in the day.” said the old man. “Come back tomorrow and I will teach you.”

A Fraud

This cycle continued for three full years until one day, the determined young man had had it. “I’m finished! You are a con artist! For three years I’ve done nothing but toil for you and you’ve done absolutely NOTHING to teach me about jade! I’m going back to my hometown and expose you for the fraud you are!”

The Epiphany

With a kind smile, the old man said, “Fine. If that’s how you want it then go, but for your trouble at least take this piece of jade along with you.” Old man threw a piece of jade across the room and the young man caught. He looked at it and without blinking he looked at the old man and said, “This isn’t real jade.”

With a sparkle in his eye, the old man said, “No. I don’t suppose it is, is it?”

What’s the lesson here for you?

For three years, this young man had put his hands on the jade. Beginning completely ignorant, in the span of three years he became a master by putting his hands on it every day without even paying much attention to it.

It’s said that 95% of everything you are as a human being is the result of mental habits you’ve formed that you don’t even pay attention to.

When it seems as though you’re not making any progress, realize that the true road to mastery involves putting your hands on it every day and making incremental changes… day after day…after day… after day… after day. The feeling that you’re not making any progress is only a fearful attempt from your enemy to get you to stop because you are so close to yet another… [B][/B][I][/I][U]breakthrough[/U]!

Time works magic… submit to it and the world is yours. :57:

Okay if ICT is done for 2011, so am I!!

…just as soon as this cable LC trade closes…

What’s the final 2011 ROE% for the main account ICT?

I have several accounts…

The larger one has a realized 270% return for 2011

I have a Partnership with a local here in Maryland that has seen a leveraged return of 3560% - don’t ask. :23:

I have a GFT account you have seen and I play with and test new things with and will be opening another for my kids this coming year when I walk it from $1000 to __ Million in 40 months give or take.

In all… it was a good year. :57:

As visions of Forex gains… danced in their heads. :o

Simply, awesome. This in one year?!

I would like to see you RUN with it, lol give or take… whats the standard deviation like + - 10mths?

Amazing…and as you say…motivational.

3560% return…WOW!

You do give motivation. ANd I like your insistance on teaching and helping others learn versus just sending signals.

Forex to me is a challenge…and the challenge is to understand what lies beneath those simple looking candles. Much like Chess. It’s all there for everyone to see…but you need to have a strategy in order to win.

I was a county chess champion in high school growing up and I see a lot of similarities in the developing a strategy, tactics, handling something under pressure when your opponent does something you don’t expect or didn’t plan for. Not getting so overwhelmed in your strategy and trying to win on your terms versus making sure you didn’t leave a bishop hanging for an easy capture by your opponent.

I love the mental toughness chess creates, and see many similarities to trading.

That commission ain’t no joke either…


I must admit ferrari is my favorite car, but lambos are nice too

458 Spider is soooooooooooooooooooooo [U][/U][I][/I][B][I][U]nice[/U][/I][/B]… :wink:

I bought 3 ferrari’s through my fx account. Could have bought more, if I had stop trading.

Brand loyalty :slight_smile:

Hey guys,

while you profited with your LO shorts I adjusted my pending order @1.5500 to 1.5510 to Monthly S1 line and was able to pull 30% off at 30 pips before the level gave it up and stopped the rest at breakeven :slight_smile: Still a profit, but would have been nice to take your shorts :stuck_out_tongue: Now I’m just waiting for price to retrace to the level again to ride the short with you :slight_smile: Will watch that closely on Fiber and Cable as it is a very clear level, let’s see if it’s going to be that easy hehe.


sorry to spam thread, but interesting first post to babypips…