What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Well, that’s pretty close to what Michael (ICT) teaches in his videos, and on this thread.

If he has given an actual definition of “smart money”, I’m not aware of it. However, he generally uses that term to mean big banks and institutions. Many of them — not just one entity, as you suggested.

Michael often refers to the big banks as market-makers, with the emphasis not so much on their role in establishing spreads at the interbank level; but, rather, on their ability to see resting orders, and to drive the market so as to clear out those resting orders.

And he has demonstrated that these market-makers leave “footprints”, which we can follow. As small retail traders, we will never be part of the smart money; but we can observe their movements, and trade in their wake.

If the market-makers (the top-tier banks), and certain other major players, represent the smart money, then the “dumb money” is represented by those market participants who don’t perceive what the smart money is doing, don’t see their “footprints”, and therefore can neither trade along with them nor avoid their traps.

Because they are helpless and clueless, the dumb money are like chum in the water, and the sharks feed on them without mercy.

That’s my take on it. However, it’s not my place to speak for Michael, or to paraphrase his teaching. So, I’ve already said more about this than I should.

Waiting for a London close trade on fiber and cable.

  1. cable at 16241 ish.

  2. fiber at 14275 ish.

We will see in the next hour

Not my day

Hello everyone.

This is how my two trades looked today. I drew my fibonacci lines accordingly to the days trend, which was bearish this day. I place my order precisely on the lines.

However I was curious if the outcome of them which was a profit was based on luck or just me following the strategy. I know there isn’t such a thing existing in the forex as luck. Either you follow your strategy or not.

Although my emotional response was a mix of anxiety and questioning after i saw what happened to price after my two trades were done.

Imageshack - 15062011f.jpg

As you can see, price fell sharply and this is i what made me feel " lucky ". My second trade could of been placed just a candle or two it would of turned into a loss…

Am i just falling a victim to hindsight bias perhaps?

Hey Oasis…In answer to your question, it is sometimes a case of luck AND strategy! I would like to see you zoom out your chart so that I can get a better look at your OTE entries. It looks like you might have been chasing price a little, in which case you can feel thankful that your analysis is on track, and that you have room to improve your profit by making better entries. Nice work!

Here is my ‘luck and strategy’ trade…

Identified opportunities on Cable and Fiber, but Fiber had more immediate natural resistance, and was bouncing off the implied pivot resistance. After reading Simon Templar’s post about trusting your set-up analysis, putting in a limit, and walking away, I decided to do the same. (Simon - the fact that you are from the Peak District gave you extra credibility - I spent 3 years living in Sheffield and know that when a bloke from 'em parts speaks up, he is usually worth listening to;))

As you will see from my screenshot, I went to bed after price started coming down to the OTE entry. I was confident that we had seen the key swing, I had my limit order in at 79% OTE +2pips (spread), and my TP was at the swing I keyed off/1.4300 Figure. I put in a ‘Good till 5:15pm’ order because I felt that liquidity would drop off after that, and the set-up I wanted would become invalid.

My strategy was spot on, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel lucky because I do. If my Limit order had been missed by a pip, it would have shot up to my TP, and then come down and stopped me out! In that case I am thinking that my ‘Good till’ order should have been set for an hour earlier. I could see that OTE was setting up when I went to bed, and so it would have been wise to say ‘if it sets up in the next 15 mins, I’ll take it. If it misses on this swing, I’ll let it go’.

Anyway, thanks again to Simon Templar for giving me the confidence to rise to the next level - making money while you sleep feels wonderful :smiley:

In your pursuit of profitable trades, you will experience emotions. The absolute best and proven means of removing fear and emotion is to dial down your leverage. You are too close to the market in money terms. When you feel emotional about the trade immediately or soon after it’s placed… you are feeling what I refer to as the “Wise Man Inside” arm wrestling with your [U]ego[/U]. Let’s face it… big lots look and sound sexy… but small lots build fortunes. Control your emotions by dropping your lot sizes and leverage and your trades will take on a new demension and emotions and fear of the trades outcome will be a thing of the past. You will find you will not “need” the trade to be profitable and by not needing it… you detach yourself both emotionally and physically… yes physically… ever feel like you ran a marathon when your trade closes out? You are putting yourself through undue stress and quite possibly over a very minor or otherwise modest amount of money… relax, and focus on the task and not the leverage.

[B]GLGT [/B] :57:

I’m very impressed with the number of posts and feedback we have seen lately. The thread has made some new members and the poll continues to inspire me and encourage my efforts. Thank you for your continued interest in the methods I share and love sharing with you all.

Formatting fresh PTC as we post this… look for it shortly on the first post of this thread.

[B]GLGT [/B]

Focus on repeating what worked and try not to dwell on the pitfalls and snares. Identify them… learn from them… and avoid them in the future. That’s the core to consistency 101.

[B]GLGT[/B] :cool:

Hey Michael,

I’d love to do all that you showed in this last video, but the fact is that after repeated requests on this thread for information on how to get the Dollar Index on MT4, I am none the wiser. Maybe I am overlooking the obvious, but I have been overlooking it for several weeks now, and I have given up looking. Please could you tell us how to achieve this.


EDIT: Well it seems that my broker is the problem. Alpari UK do not supply the Dollar Index on MT4…they have gold and silver, but not USDX. After scouring the web I don’t believe that a suitable import exists either. If anyone knows of an MT4 broker who lets you demo for extended periods and has the USDX as default, then please please let me know.

Hello Ladies and Gents,

I paper traded yesterday, being a bit busy at the moment, I wanted to see if I can quickly determine a daily directional bias every day b4 LO and if so just set up a mark on the charts where I would enter and see each evening if I called it right. So far… so good…

This penny may have dropped for you all ages ago, but hear me out…

I consider determining the daily directional bias as the basis of all that ICT’s taught us and when you can nail that, the rest of his tools work so effectively. Before this became apparent, I would look at the 15M chart at LO, and say, OK, Market Flow on the Daily and 1H is up, we’re in a buy zone - below central pivot, lets go long, and then we’d have a large range bear day. Crapola.

Focusing on the daily chart, WAITING (“Patience patience patience!” - ICT, 2011) for:

  1. range contraction,
  2. candlesticks showing a reversal (pin bar or 2 bar reversal, or final move in a counter-longer-term-trend retracement
  3. either of the above at significant S/R, higher TF fib level.
  4. an extended run of a series of candles in the same direction, indicating a pullback is imminent, but only looking for pullbacks that go with the longer term trend.

If I don’t have a daily set up like the above, then I can’t call the direction of the day with a high probability, then… dum dum daaah… I don’t trade that day… or… I wait until NY open to see if the intra-day data has provided me with a high-prob set up. But deciding not to trade because of what the daily chart tells me, has been, at least this week & end of last week a highly efficient filter and feels like this is an “edge.”

So twice this week there was, on the daily charts, what I would consider (and I’m just learning this, so my analysis will be slightly limited) situations telling me there is a high prob that the coming day will move in one direction.

For example: on the GU, on Monday there was a large range bull day. Preceding that, to me, there was nothing to predict that move. But already, I know: "large range, short range day, large range day, etc " ICT, 2011.

So i wait… and I am waiting for a pullback into, what looks to me like a longer term bear move, as we have lower highs since that high in early May. So I don;t really want to trade counter-long-term trend, so I wait for a large range bear day set up.

Tuesday prints a pin bar/inverted hammer, whose nose/wick hits and slightly transects my weekly fib i’ve got drawn on that has acted as S/R in the recent past. This suggests a strong rejection of this level. My ADR(1) shows range has contracted albeit a little, but now, I am expecting a strong move down with expansion, which would be in the direction of the longer term trend. I know the weekly & monthly MF are still up - but i figure it will take a little while before those fractals are broken. So I’m looking at the down trend based on the daily market structure.

Wed morning, LO, price opens near CPP, so here i was a little hesitant, so I would prob reduce my risk to maybe 0.5%, I figure I want ALL the ICT tools to line up for me to risk EVERYTHING!! which = 1% ha ha!

There was a move down, so i draw my fibs, put my paper trade on and SL (30 pips from entry).

Staggered exits as per ICTs method would of closed out 2/3s of the trade 2 hours later. And, this may of been different if I had a live trade open, but I could of let the final 1/3 run until LC - as ICT mentioned once… if so… with ICTs top down analysis and tools yesterday the trade would of caught pretty much all the large range bear candle, = 165 pips.

That’s an R:R of 1: 5.5.

And I’m off to play golf with my lawyer buddies for the rest of the week.*

I thought to myself, I could of played the break of the pin bar on the daily… but by going down to lower TFs and waiting for the move in the london session, that allows you to place your SL closer to entry (otherwise R:R on daily chart would of been about… 1:2) and also, there’s that extra weight of probability when price starts moving as anticipated by the higher TF analysis, when you’re watching it in LO. I use SMT here too for further confirmation.

Cheers ICT, its clicking into place over here!

*just for full disclosure, i don’t have any lawyer buddies nor do i play golf.

Hey Alishijo,

someone recommended this site for free forex charts/resources and i dug about and found its got the best USDX chart that i have seen so far, its not MT4, but u can draw lines, fib and i think save it… so pretty good. If you dont find a USDX broker could try this.

Currency index - Mataf.net


Hi Auto,

Love your analysis. As I was reading through it, I opened the daily and followed along. Guess what jumped out at me?

Smack bang in the middle of OTE on the daily!

And that’s not all - here’s the zoomed in view (15M chart)

Smack bang in the middle of the London Open Killzone!

I have a few other interesting charts I will share with the thread soon, including one relating to ICT’s 600 pip trade :slight_smile:

Sorry I have not been contributing to the thread for a couple of months. I moved house and started a new job, so it’s been a pretty hectic time away from trading for me. I have been lurking around though, so now that things have settled down a bit, I’ll be back to full participation soon, hopefully :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=apmonster;263424]Hi Auto,

Love your analysis. As I was reading through it, I opened the daily and followed along. Guess what jumped out at me?

  • Apmonster, yes yes - I meant to say it was also in multiple OTE zones - i took the fibs off my chart as it started to have more lines on it than an old man’s face.

Would love to hear your ideas/charts on ICT’s 600 pip move - as I am flat now, and looks like GU is still dropping, but to enter at this stage would be to chase price - a no no. However if there is any indication that price will continue in direction of an inter-day swing trade, would love to hear how one would work that out…


Thanks Auto…it is the same format as the one I have been using on another FX site, but whereas the other one didn’t have weekly charts, the one you recommended does. I would still love to be able to put pivots and the ICT_ADR indicator on to my charts, but maybe I’m just being greedy!

BTW, nice insights regarding market structure. Cheers.

:33: hmmmm.

Check first post on this thread and enjoy… USDX, Dow, SP 500, Naz :wink:

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

You know how to make a Forex geek extremely happy! I am up and running and have all the indicators loaded as normal.

Thank-you, kind sir :21:

Hey everybody,

Today there were 2 oppurtunities in LO Killzone for me to trade. As I’m done for the week, I didn’t do it and I’m very proud that I made it hehe. They would have worked out fine for 50 and 60 pips, but there will be several other setups for me - next week :slight_smile:

I expected that price made it’s high right after the beginning of the day, NY midnight, with a sharp drop down. Then it made a very clear bounce of that S1, indicating a good support. The Resistance on the screens was support since LC, pretty good too. After that very high range yesterday, a lower range could be expected. The range from beginning of the day and S1 was about 110 pips, a good low range, so I thought we could see a ranging day between this points today. That’s the reason why I would have entered long AND short in LO. I think the pictures are selfexplaining, target’s would have been the Resistance and S1.

I’d like to add the long OTE again in NYC… 127 fibprojection would line up with asian highs… But it may be too much for one day hehe :slight_smile: Don’t want to spam the thread with pictures and trades that MIGHT do well, don’t want to give wrong suggestions ;>

Here are the two trades:

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ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

greetiiings :smiley:

Not only is the USDX feed great, but there are no pipettes with this Broker! Praise them for having the brains to do that!

Thx ICT for the tip-off

I hope this broker doesn’t go broke, and keeps on with their no-expiration policy :41:

My sentiments exactly…it is so nice to see an ADR value without the pipettes for a change! One more step closer to the crisp and clean workstation that I crave :35:

The WOWs! just keep on comin’!!!

Another G R E A T video!

Thank You ICT :35:

Windsor Direct offers a MT4 platform that has USDIX…