What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Thanks, but we are all sorted now.

Perfect London Open OTE entries on Cable and Fiber today. Fiber was the one that performed better with over 200 pips, but Cable was the one that had SMT divergence on the 15M. I am getting a little fed-up seeing these great opportunities prior to LO Kill zone but not being available to take them. Think I might start putting in some Limit orders.

Took the London Close scalp on Euro and gave back 1% of my winnings from Wednesday. The next step of my London Close education is figuring out how to mitigate these losers. I donā€™t have any problem taking the loss because I know the winners make up for it, but the frustration lies in knowing that they can be mitigated and not knowing how to do it. Do I look for Turtle Soup set-ups after being stopped out, or put in a second OTE trade? Tonight I put in a second OTE entry using my demo account, and it looks to be a legitimate option, but the fear is that I get stopped out again and the losses become double.

ICT, can we assume that the London Close Tactic man will be whistling until August 31st now? That might be a world record for whistling :wink:

Hey guys,

Nice to see everyone still posting in the thread. I had no chances to trade this week and took 2 losses the week before trying to force some trades. I probably wonā€™t be able to trade next week because Iā€™m moving so Iā€™ll just look forward to seeing the set ups you guys identify.


I was really excited that I didnā€™t have to deal with pipettes anymore, so I moved my analysis templates on Fiber/Cable to the new Forex Ltd. MT4 platform, but last night as I was watching london open, I noticed Forex Ltd. feed on the Cable was 4-7pips above my Oanda prices! Like Oanda was Bid 1.6110, and the other Broker was Bid 1.6117. It was ridiculous, and I verified with some other brokers to make sure it wasnā€™t just Oanda, but Forex Ltd. was definitely the culprit. It was so bad that the price patterns looked nothing alike between the two.

So thatā€™s my lesson learned. Iā€™ll use them for USDX analysis, but definitely not on the Cable/Fiber where those kind of discrepencies would affect my trading decisions. So kind of disappointed that they are a bucketshop, but the USDX on MT4 is still valuable. Thatā€™s just my warning, in case you transferred your analysis to them like I didā€¦

ā€¦and yes those london open setups were nice, I took the Cable one, but was definitely envious of the Fiber move (in hindsight).

Hey AK,

I wasnā€™t trading today, but could you give me some reasons why you looked for a long Fib? I was at the charts and would probably have taken the short move. Reasons for this was the opening of NY day above CPP and the downtrend yesterday, aswell the bearish marketflow. The reversal for the short move happened right at LO so I was pretty mad that I made the decision to stop trades this week hehe. It would have made 30 pip initial 50% TP before the SL which would have been a total of 15 pips. But the long move was definitely much better and of course I can see the OTE now, but I was looking for the wrong direction of the day hehe.

I would have taken the swing that broke the CPP and entered right on the OTE. Hereā€™s a picture for clarification

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I hope you can help to improve my tradingstyle :slight_smile:

Thanks and greetings :slight_smile:

without going into too much detail, this is why I was looking for a long on the CABLE. I wasnā€™t watching Fiber at all, but did noticed the picture perfect setup in the morning!

Thanks for the warning, AK. I loaded it onto my laptop for USDX analysis only, but I was planning on using it for all my pairs during the summer when I go on holiday/vacation. I think the lesson here is stick with what works, and be very careful what you add into the mixā€¦especially if you are scalping.

Hi FX,

There was a bit of support on Cableā€™s daily chart, but nothing really that significant. My take on yesterday was that Fiber was the one that was wanting to accumulate, and Cable was just going along for the ride (albeit with a considerable amount of protest!)

I hope my top down analysis of Fiber will help you to see why a long move was more probable than a short move. This is also one of the better examples of the power of confluence, and the power of these tools in particular. Enjoy!

Daily Fiber Chart

4 Hour Fiber Chart

1 Hour Fiber Chart

15 Minute Fiber Chart


EDIT: That isnā€™t a true Head and Shoulders pattern is it? Haha! Well I just hope that proves that even with my lack of knowledge, if you work hard at the ICT tools, all that other stuff really isnā€™t necessary. S&R, Fib, Pivots, and Institutional numbers rule the day!

I made some mistakes with my labelling on that last post, but they should all be straightened out now. If anyone finds any further mistakes then please speak up. With all that is going on it is quite easy to get the Ms, Rs, Ss mixed upā€¦and that is not to mention the Hs and the Ssā€¦:34:

Anyway, here is the TP screenshot that shows ā€˜Double Tapā€™ in action:

Awsome post Ali, a ā€œlikeā€ just didnā€™t seem adequate enough somehow. bravo :slight_smile:
And yes that does look good for a possible H&S with the right shoulder coming down to 79%, although with all the hopla about Greece itā€™s hard to imagine a stenghening EUR so weā€™d need a weekening USD to go higher on the fiber, we wait and watch.


But it broke the neckline after the head was put inā€¦isnā€™t that last swing up too strong? Itā€™s like the area between the head and shoulder has caved in! Maybe this a new patternā€¦letā€™s call it [B]ā€˜head and shoulders with a broken collarboneā€™![/B] You saw it here first :smiley:

OOPs!! youā€™re right, Iā€™ve been spending all week studing gattley patterns and now Iā€™m seeing things that areā€™nt there. my bad.
Aliā€™s new [B]H&SwBN [/B] pattern. lol I like it.


I went through every step of the information provided, and for the most part found it useful. Towards the end of the videos during what seemed to me to be more important information than the beginning videos, it became more difficult to learn much as the information was kind of vague and general sweeps of what what to do.

[QUOTE=Alishijo;263793]Hi FX,

15 Minute Fiber Chart

More golfing gags - lol. Nice one Alishijo!

Hi CJ,

My first thought is that having studied and practised from the beginning, the earlier information should be ingrained already. The later videos need not dwell on stuff already learned but can focus on the new information. Not that I am so good at applying it yet as some of these others are, but I can follow all the videos and membersā€™ posts. :wink:

I have not viewed all the vids twice yet, but many more than once or twice. I still pop back to older ones but now take notes too!

More work = More easy!

Best Regards

The core principles are where new followers to this thread should be focusing on. It is these very principles that will provide the foundation to the ā€œvague or generalizationsā€. It will take months to grow comfortable with the concepts and to anticipate them forming or setting up in advance. This is the premise behind the snailā€™s pace on the thread. You do not get to the end of the journey without treading the longest portion of the pathā€¦ itā€™s just that simple. I toss a bone from time to time to wet the appetite of those more versed in the core principlesā€¦ but it will make sense to those who put the time in and not merely look for the latest mojo or trick from the hat of ICT.

This is boot camp for price action theory and itā€™s not easy to do the same boring thing over and overā€¦ we want candy and gum drops to sweeten the taste of the bland and dullā€¦ but thatā€™s where the wealth is found. Routine boring application of the same old thing that to the untrained eyeā€¦ may appear vagueā€¦ but in fact, is lightening in a bottle. Put the chart time in folksā€¦ I canā€™t stress that enough. When you get comfortable with the tools explained thus farā€¦ you will come away with 80% of what is needed to build wealthā€¦ which hopefully is the goal of those returning here daily.

Stay the course friendsā€¦ :wink:

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

Donā€™t know if you tire from hearing this all the time, but it has to be said, seriously Michael thank you.

What you have provided here is nothing short of amazing.

From a long term lurker with a much overdue and appropriate expression of gratitude.

Hey Ali & AK,

that definitely helped me alot. Thank you very much.

As I always do I took a closer look at this setup today and analysed it again. I was a bit in a hurry when it occured and as I didnā€™t want to trade anyway I put less effort in it Friday morning. Now I put some time in even before I saw your screens and came to the same results as you did. Except that I havenā€™t been using weekly pivots for my analysis. Do you use an indicator or simply calc&draw them manually?

But finding out, that I see the same things as other ones that are using ICTā€™s methods, builds up great confidence for me hehe. And ofcourse Iā€™ll take my time for watching price action when I really want to enter a trade.

Hereā€™s another question for the thread :slight_smile: As I went over the whole week I found the resistance at 1.4325 very significant. Price is in a downtrend since May 4th. Price bounced of that level again now and I found an OTE for a short in NYC Killzone. It was Friday so I guess nobody would have taken it. But how do you consider this one now? Is it still valid when marekts open again? I think that it isnā€™t hehe. Do you keep the bias for Monday and look for another OTE in LO? So, what are your thoughts about this information? :slight_smile:

Greetings :smiley:


I think that a well-defined horizontal S/R level (whether it be specific like 4325, or if itā€™s a range say 4320-4350) will definitely cross over to the new week. and yes I would agree that waiting for a new OTE at London Open would be a good strategy to ā€œkey offā€ that level you metioned. Does that help?

happy trading :41:

Iā€™m a total newbie in forex (only been learning for about 8/9 months). Iā€™ve demo traded other methods the first couple of months but came across this thread around October last year and Iā€™m really glad I did.since then Iā€™ve stopped demo trading and trying to learn the ICT methods. I dont want to start demo trading yet as I have a lot more to understand and I cant put in too much time atm because of work.

you might want to watch the videos a few more times and go through the thread again, things make a lot more sense second time around!!!