Currently in the process of switching brokers because I’m getting a little tired of overpaying for spreads. Hopefully, this should all be done by Monday and then I go on vacation again! After that, I should be back in full force on this thread and in trading with ICT’s methods.
By the way, I’ve noticed the copyright on all your videos. Have you or do you plan to take action on anyone copying your videos or claiming them are their own?
Anyways, thanks again for all you’ve done Michael!
All right Michael, since you asked, I will have to give you a few details in terms of how I came across these folks first. I will try to make this short, as I realize that there may be other people not interested in any of this. There is another very popular thread here at Babypips, the Alternative Templates thread with similar teachings to yours in the sense of a common sense, price-based strategy with no bells and whistles. That thread, which first began in 2007 and split into three as time went on, is/was anchored by a family of professionals who are stationed in London. Their parents were their teachers as they mentioned themselves, and the reason I am mentioning this is because if you happen to browse over any of their material and see anything that resembles your teachings, it is probably just a coincidence, as these people started in the ‘70s, close to the time you and I were born.
Some of the regular contributors in that thread happened to mention a couple of other forums as sources of information. One of them is a paid service by Dee Dee Myers and the other is a free forum exploring various forex strategies. I personally never subscribed to the paid forum. I cannot mention more with regards to addresses because that would be advertising, and I am a “newb” here in terms of number of posts, so that would be an infraction. It is in the paid forum that the two fellows I referred to in my previous post were actually participating, in addition to conducting seminars. I am not sure what their relationship to the creators of the thread here at Babypips is; however, I have seen the SMT information with the same disclosure in terms of naming names of creators I made in the other free forum as well. I am not sure how helpful all this is to you, but that was the story. I guess as you yourself have stated, everything is indeed under the sun.
This is a tangent to your tangent, but I’ve always had that thread as my “ace in the hole”. They (Tess,Jocelyn “the sisters” & Co.) laid out a very professional perspective that totally blew my mind a few years back. That was the start of my journey into indicator-free trading. They were a little stingy on the specific “how-to” portions, and so I could never truly grasp how to turn their concepts into consistent profits. Then came along ICT and pretty much filled in all the gaps, especially in MINDSET training. For some reason ICTs method of explaining these things really resonates with me. Maybe it’s the video medium (especially those rants, which I found equivalent in value to the tools) or maybe it’s just seeing the continuous proof that the tools work. I think I just needed to see someone physically enter a trade to buy 3,000,000 pounds and have it move according to the analysis.
Of course Tess & Co. always laid out the disclosure that they were keeping ‘proprietary’ tools to themselves, and I respected that. Now I go back to their thread and fill in those ‘vaguaries’ with my new-found ICT knowledge and it hits me like a ton of bricks. It feels like overkill, and I’m talking relative to my goal to double my trading account this next 12 months. What if I end up tripling it in 12 months? Then what if I do it again the next year? This is all so overwhelming to me. I see it in my trading…I’ll hit my goals by Tuesday…even Monday and then hold back for the rest of the week, and I’m wondering now if it’s because I’m scared, literally fearful of realizing the potential of these tools and concepts.
I feel like I’m hitting some kind of exponential learning phase where things are clicking on a daily basis, and goals that I’ve struggled with before are now child’s play. I hope that one day I can really hit these markets full throttle and just get comfortable with what I’m truly capable of… now.
Exactly. It’s all been well & truly covered, packaged & delivered in many different guises by a variety of duplicators. This guy is simply part of a long queue.
All power to him for showing a willingness & desire to share, but he’s just another self taught retailer who has managed to remain solvent long enough to put his own spin on a bunch of idea’s & concepts he’s picked up from other folk along the way.
I really gotta add my opinion on this now. Get ready to see my pragmatic side.
Honest to God, I just do not give a flyin’ f**k how Michael figured out how to trade like he does. All that matters to me, and I swear to you this is true, is that what he taught me (for free, always nice to add) translates into profitable opportunities for me to trade. Even if I fail to react in a way that makes me money, I can still see that the setups were tradable, and everything was defined beforehand. And it is.
What he does is new to me. So if I appreciate what he does cause i’m ignorant, then so be it. and really the best part is this. If Michael decided he didn’t want to mentor anymore, I’d still have all the tools I need to make money! I mean, do you get any closer to a ‘free lunch’ than this? Sorry to bust up your condescending remarks carlybonner, but I’m not too proud to take the free lunch.
That’s what it’s all about at the end of day huh?
Doesn’t matter where he got it from does it, only that it works for you & whoever else is following along.
I assume you are referring to me as the “retailer”? I believe my Institutional background and fact I don’t sell anything… makes this a misrepresentation. Unless you are referring to someone else or something else all together…
I realize to some I’ve become something of a idol much like a favorite sports personality… and this is not my intentions. Whether you like me or not is not the focus here. You come to this thread for one of three reasons… 1) you find it useful and learn from it, 2) visit for something to unearth and cry foul or troll, 3) nothing else better to do… which I would hope not.
I’ve been honored to see so many traders find help with my work and this is why I do it. I love the emotional response I experience when folks get it… and I had a small part in it. I can’t help smile when I think of the traders and their excitement when they maybe driving in their cars, taking a shower lost in thought, drifting off to sleep… what goals and dreams are energized by what I have shared? This is what motivates me… and the sheer joy it brings me to see passion and pursuit of success become folks lives.
No one puts together a approach to trading like I outline. I’m not walking over to anyones sandbox and pulling up a chair and giving my tools to them and say build me a sandcastle. Nope… I’m asking folks would you like to see how to build a sandcastle? Here let me share my time and tools with you and watch how you can build one too. In fact, watch how I do it and learn from it… learn how much sand you need to build something beautiful… pay attention to the amount of time you spend in the sun so you don’t get burned… and the importance of water to make it stay together… I’m giving you the real process.
When folks put away their egos and mental stumblingstones and focus on the experience and journey consistent trading brings… it is a pleasurable and wonderful endeavor. I want to see the sandcastles folks build with these tools and teachings. I own courses and books and teachings that offer little more than indicator demonstrations… or leftside examples on charts. Chris Lori, Vic Noble, Peter Bain… even my oldest mentor Larry Williams, with all due respect, sucked at teaching what to do step by step. They have wonderful tools all of them… but their trades do not always reflect what their teachings suggest… this is a common repeating theme in the realm of “teaching” in trading. My goal was and is to provide the struggling trader or neophyte a practical means of approaching the markets that repeats, is predictable and understood easily… it’s a work in progress but Im pleased thus far.
I have a little video Im recording in a moment on my history I think might be interesting to you folks… stay tuned.
I can’t believe some of these negative posts. For you folks that get your feathers ruffled over your false impression that ICT claims he invented all of the concepts he teaches, you are simply wrong. I don’t remember ICT claiming he invented any of these concepts, did I miss something? Instead of being contentious and disrespectful, why don’t you just move on and stop cluttering Micheal’s work with this nonsense. If you have an issue with any of this, send a gmail to ICT and take your issue up with him 1 on 1. Spare the rest of us please.
I knew of ICT when he posted as Dynamo on Forex Mentor. He was doing the same thing there…just trying to help struggling traders be successful. Here is a guy that is a “real trader” that has made a fortune. Unlike the usual attitude of the rich, he chooses to share how he made this fortune at no cost to us. What more can a new trader ask for. That sums up his character and integrity. He didn’t have to share any of his knowledge and experience. I think its safe to say the reason he does this is because he has come into the light of the truth of the Bible. Unlike too many others, that have heard the message of truth, he puts it into practice in his life. That is the source of his generosity.
In regards to Forex Mentor, I was a member for a while. Once, someone asked Peter to document one of his trades for the AM review. Well that never came about because he does not trade, like too many others selling courses. It seems he is just a Monday morning quarterback reviewing what the market did in past tense. Did you ever wonder why folks like Noble have to sell courses for income? A good trader can make a fortune in trading. A good trading income would stifle the income from selling courses. Where do you think the FM folks got the trading concepts they sell? I would find it interesting to know out of all the members that bought FM’s expensive courses, what percentage of them became successful traders. I would be surprised if it was more than 5%. What does that tell you?
I can’t believe some people. We live in a Forex world where the mentality is “take everything and give nothing away”. People who are willing to help others are rare in real life and even rarer in Forex when people only care about themselves, afraid to give away their edge or just like to look down on people losing money. Which is fair enough that is their choice.
And then we have Michael, he gives so much, his time and knowledge and asks nothing in return. That itself speaks volume.
A quote which Michael said really resonates with me “I can’t spend your money and you can’t spend my money”. In my eyes Michael is one of those rare individuals fighting for the good side.
So it really makes you think what purpose do these people who come here and derail the thread achieve. What motives and undertones do they have.
Call it idolization, Jesus worshipping, call it what you want it doesn’t matter. But when someone is giving you the time of day and helping you, the last thing you do is insult the man.
For the people who are still in the “ICT isn’t doing anything new” camp, here are the things I see him doing that I haven’t seen anywhere else:
1: Showing us how the tools work in real-time (via webinars), or as near real time as he can get without angering the regulatory bodies.
2: He Shares EVERYTHING. He doesn’t have some “super secret trading technique” that he refuses to share with us (as all too many traders do). I’ve always had a problem with people refusing to share everything in their trading methods - it always makes the person seem super self-important. As if they’ve unlocked some ultimate secret of the trading world, and they can’t share it because it will stop working if too many people use it. Ego check: FOREX market is way too huge for that to happen, and your trading technique probably isn’t that unique or effective.
3: He’s providing the information in a way that is accessible to EVERYONE, instead of being vague and forcing people to run a mental labyrinth to figure out what he’s trying to convey. Michael’s instruction is clear, simple, and concise (well, sometimes concise).
Those are the main ones, I’m sure there are more if someone wants to think of them.
Also, I’m going to put out an offer here: If anyone is unhappy with Michael, or his teachings, I will personally give you a 100% refund on the money you were charged for access to this information. This offer will be valid in perpetuity.
A little bit off topic, but I agree with Aarnog that another webinar would be nice, especially for people (like me) who missed previous ones. Of course if ICT has time to do one.
London close, of course after video of the subject, maybe more about Yields, indices, COT basically the stuff we can’t see in the charts. If you would go in that direction I would like to know more about longer term trade selection. Even the subject of fundamentals, which I think play a very little role in your trading, except for interest rates, so not much of a subject in that case.
In no doubt others will add, but anything you like also sounds very good.
I second Rokas’s ideas. Many of us have yet to really get the feel for your style via webinar, which is preferable compared to sorting out 240 pages of thread.
We can cover NYO sessions… and go over a daily routine to determine directional bias I use for my trades. It can be a broad scope of the sessions and we can go over risk management as well. Sound cool?
ICT, I’ve been tracking the “open interest” specifically in the commercial COT data recently, and I was wondering if it had any predictive value. On the EUR I noticed OI building up, and then suddenly drop off. Sometimes I just invent things like this, with no real knowledge of what it means…just a shot in the dark. If it’s a waste of time, I wouldn’t be insulted in the least if you came out and told me so.
also, I enjoyed the little ‘history lesson’ you posted, had no idea you spent so much on books & courses! I’ve bought 10 trading related books and that felt excessive for me, and those were all purchased in 2008 when I was super pumped about my ‘potential’ trading career in FX. When it came to courses/seminars, I could never get over the logical hurdle of ‘if the stuff he’s teaching actually works, why doesn’t he just trade it instead of teach it?’ I know some people like to teach, and I totally get that, but why not do it for free? That is why I’m drawn to your thread/videos…I trust you because it’s free.
OI is best suited for visual plotting and seeing the information that way… in my opinion. However, it can aid you in changes I guess… but for me… the cumulative line plotted on a chart daily basis is the winner by far.