What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Thanks needypips, I really appreciate it, since my recording failed.


great thx needypips as i am on the other side of the globe

Hey everyone, heres my attempt at some longer term analysis for the cableā€¦ (fiber was lookin the same-ish too) questions/comments/corrections are welcome!

1)seems like the ā€œbackwardationā€ in price premiums is happenin hereā€¦

2)Looks like the big boys (commericals) are coming up from shorts and starting to go long?

3)and put those two things together with the seasonal tendencies of september, and maybe some O.I. drops in a range ??and looks like higher prices for sure! (i know nothing is certian :58:)

so what do you all think, i know some were already expecting higher prices in september lol but i was just practicing this to see if i can get the hang of it! anybody agree ? did i do this all wrong? thanks for lookin!

I think there is a misconception about backwardation/contango in the currency futures market being spread by ICT. Backwardation in a currency future occurs because there is a positive interest rate differential between the two currencies. The ā€œswap ratesā€ that you find yourself earning/paying on the spot market are actually built into the price of the futures contract.

and Iā€™m talking the target interest rates set by the Central banks, currently:
EUR = 1.50%
GBP = 0.50%
USD = 0-0.25%

So a long GBP/USD will have a net +0.25% rate differential
and a long EUR/USD will have a net +1.25% rate differential

you can see it by comparing the Euro futures spread and the Pound futures spread. The spread is greater for the Euro because the interest rate differential is wider.

All pairs with POSITIVE differentials will be in Backwardation, always.
All pairs with NEGATIVE differentials will be in Contango, always.

You guys will always be finding ā€œbullish sentimentā€ on the Pound and Euro until there are interest rate changes that invert those rate differentials.

I find it very frustrating that ICT doesnā€™t distinguish this phenomenon in currency futures, and rather treats them just like other commodity markets, where Backwardation/Contango does carry some sentiment information.

I would love for someone to shut me up with an example of a pair in Contango+Positive rate differential, or Backwardation+Negative rate differential. Check out the crosses too, like AUD/JPY, EUR/AUD, EUR/GBP

8/3 9:15pm edt
USDJPY just shot up about 140 pips. Maybe the BOJ got tired of the yen being so strong.

lol jeez, there is a lot more behind this whole stuff then i had figured then ! but thanks for sharing what all the rates mean and what they can/cant indicate at. This stuff can get pretty confusing i guess:33:

Well itā€™s been working for me thatā€™s all I know.

Maybe Iā€™m using it wrong, it wouldnā€™t be the first time. :0


Futures - Currencies Commodity Futures Prices

Hey guys,
I had a really awesome London Open trade today on the EURUSD and I wanted to share with you guys what I was thinking before and after the trade. I also want to share how I scaled out of this trade. I am currently keeping all of my trades record open to the public using meet pips. I have written my rules and everything on my trade plan and risk management on meet pips. I feel I follow the rules more if they are written down and also if I am accountable for all of my trades. I post my winners and losers, I have had a great last 3 days. Please check out my trade journal for the last EURUSD trade I took tonight at the LO here: 8/04/11 - EURUSD London Open: +2.91% | MeetPips.com Screen shots and details included. I hope this helps those struggling with what to look for, how to enter, and how to manage trades in a stressful situation. Also, check out my 1st blog post outlining my trading plan and rules to get an idea of what keeps me in line. I am an extremely emotional person, that hurts me for my trading, these rules keep me in line.

Going to sleep a very happy man,
To quote the legend ā€œGLGTā€ to all and to all a good night.

I will have more to say on thisā€¦ this weekend. However, your frustration need not be a stumbling block.

Crazy market action this weekā€¦ Be careful out there folks! :51:

Talk with you via PTC video this Saturday night.

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

hi ict

great seminar that was from last sunday,watched it from needypips recording.
u mentioned u recorded it yrself and went to post it on babypipsā€¦
could u pls provide the link where u store them? //didnt c it on the first page//
i can only support that idea to record them and post them in here, cause to talk for 2 hours, spilling out yr great knowledge of trading elements and great inside views ā€¦ not many can do that, hats off 2 u,
pls keep recording it and saving it for coming decades :slight_smile:
thumbs up,great work,
hope i ll get to c the sathurday recording somehow.
with that public 1 000 000 dol chalenge u ll become part of the real fx history - ā€˜ā€™ it can b doneā€™'
mill or quarter mill, aint matter, cant wait to witness it

Hey ICT,
Will this PTC be recorded?

Iā€™m back! after taking a 3 week vacation with my family in Florida, I found myself with 30 pages of thread to read! after 3 weeks of that, Iā€™m finally getting all settled back in. Now I just need to watch the latest videos to be completely caught up. I made a few trades here and there while on vacation, and from this experience, if you are not completely in the game, STAY OUT! Most of my trades were losers. Back in the saddle the last couple days, I finally made some some good trades. I donā€™t normally trade late in the NY session, but I couldnā€™t help trading the Turtle Soup that the Cable laid before me. On the 4 hour chart, it was an OTE from the high on 7/31 and low on 8/2. I closed it early when I went to bed even though I thought it was going lower yet. Due to my bad trading of late, I only had 1 lot on it so I couldnā€™t scale out. I re-entered the trade in NYO, not much below where I initially exited last nights trade, again this was an OTE from the 5am high. I exited much too early on this trade, and that is one of the psychological aspects Iā€™m trying to deal with. Iā€™m glad to be back in the game and rejoining this thread.

I looked at the usd/chf market and ICT was teaching million $ setups and this was covered in that class. This market moved like 1000 pips from when he called it lower and the Swiss Franc went up like open interest class said it would. 1000 pips call in advance this has to be trade of the month hahaha right babypips?

how did you do that and I am glad you did it. This helps every video sink it in over and over like rootine.

As I read Michaelā€™s post, he will be posting another PTC video on Saturday night ā€” not doing a webinar. If Iā€™m understanding this correctly, then the video will be available forever, on page 1 of this thread, just like all the other PTC videos.

Thanks Clintā€¦ Yes it will be a standard PTC installment with a few nuggets of Pro Trader Tips as well as this weekā€™s review.

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

Hey guys,

hereā€™s my LC setup of the today. They come in perfectly this week hehe. Exceed ADR, hit support, move 20+ pips up and retrace for an OTE to shoot up to 20TP1 and 40TP2. I also left in the fib of LO, couldnā€™t trade this nice one ;( Would have hit my 120 pip target very handsome, this canā€™t be legal! :slight_smile: There could have been a chance to enter the train in NYO, but my entry would have got missed by about 2 pips or something.

The target for LC was very obvious as ADR and Pivot were 40 pips away, so it was very likely that price will hit the 40 pips today. Went very well, who wouldnā€™t like to enter a trade with 30 pips in summary(50% 20 & 50% 40) and be out in 10 minutes? I begin to like LC the most of all KillZones, very easy to trade and good results, the downside is that they arenā€™t trades with 100+ pips rewards :wink:

Had 3 trades this week, 2 full winners and 1 BE.

Iā€™m moving to another barrack tomorrow, but hopefully Iā€™ll still be able to trade LC :wink:

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greetings :smiley:

I D/L the free 30 day trial of Camtasia Studio 7 from their website and gave it a try. Very nice advanced tool and easy for even me to use. I have maybe 15 days left and canā€™t pay the $300 just now for the real thing. Maybe a round-robin of trials by members in hereā€¦ ?


i always wonder, why i keep lossing even i put a lot of indicatorā€¦
i see clearly where the pair will moveā€¦ but always wrongā€¦
i think i canā€™t read indicator which i put it myselfā€¦
am i too newbeā€¦ or iā€™m too stupidā€¦

ICT (or anyone else for that matter),
The following tactic videos from the first page of this thread are no longer linked, is this expected?

  1. The ICT Asian Session Tactic - View Video
  2. The ICT London Close Tactic - View Video
  3. The ICT London Open Tactic - View Video

If this was mentioned somewhere else in these 280+ pages, sorry, but I have not gone through it in its entirety. Thanks.