What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Yeah, thanks Ali, that makes sense, otherwise I don’t see the need of differenciating that particular area from the others. I’ll definitely watch the recorded webinar time and time again once ICT posts it to get a better feel of it.

Totally agree. It’s too soon to talk, I’ll have to watch this new tool for some time before getting it, but yeah I’d like to understand its utility in all market conditions, for instance in steep trending activity.

Anyway thank you guys for your input. :slight_smile:

I agree with you here, I’m still confused at what to do with the Trader’s Trinity, during strong trending conditions, the EU and GU can make pretty fast and steep trends…

I also was wondering about the “???” region, thanks everyone for clarifying!

Edit: Does anyone have MT4 coding experience? I think it’d be extremely useful to make an indicator for the Trader’s Trinity. I don’t think it’d be too hard, and could be like the “PivotDailyMacro” indicator and shows the lines for previous weeks as well!


Lol, I’m wondering if there’s an actual name for that region :confused:

Hey, well you named it now! :stuck_out_tongue:

ICT said it is still a tradeable area. I’m pretty sure that he said it was tradeable when there is an OTE [U]WITH[/U] the trend

Yeah I know!, it’s just that I find it funny and many times I read posts out loud, so just picture me trying to say it.
Ok, ok, probably not that funny but it’s probably that I need to get some sleep.

Just for practise sake, I’m currently watching Eur/Usd, and it seems that it’s on its way up to the overbought area, where weekly R1 is the first possible turning point for price. It also happens to be an OTE and it lies wthin the sell zone regarding daily pivots.

Plus Cable and Fiber are diverging, so this could be an interesting thing to watch if time and price get in line.

Haha, I do that too, and it slows down the reading process, but I can’t help it! Remember, it’s 6 “?”! :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, I’m looking at Fiber right now too, currently sidelined as well, although I was about to enter short but realized market flow was bullish on all 3 TF’s. Although, price was in the pivot’s sell zone, OTE level was the daily R1 level.

Edit: Actually, I wanted to go long as well, as the 1.4280 was a resistance level, broken, now support which has been retested a few times now. But I’ll keep on waiting, got to be more patient!

I think I’m going to wait until Fiber reaches an extreme before I trade myself. Only looking for the best set ups now.

Weekly R1 is at 1.43957 for me, but I can’t see it as an OTE short right now… which swing are you pulling the fib from?


And here it goes another ???.

Weekly R1 is 1.4347 for me :confused: and I pulled my fib from Wednesday’s high at 1.4400 to the previous week’s low at 1.4103 , but if you plot it from PWH, it also shows an OTE at the zone of Weekly R1 (well my WR1 anyways :p)

I’ll remain sidelined too until probably London Close (where it would be nice to have a trade back into the day’s range lined up with market profile), or until tuesday. Also looking for the highest probability trades only.

All the best.

Can’t you use your browser to bookmark it for you?
Just did it on smart phone.

Post-it note on the screen with thread pg number :wink:

well there you go, thanks.

Thanks for the reply earlier in the thread clarkfx…

Got a couple more questions for anyone who is kind enough to answer…

  1. where does everyone get their open interest data? Just trying to make sure I have the same data as ICT’s for the USDCHF chart he posted… which looks very interesting indeed… thanks ICT!

  2. this is a total newbie one, so forgive me, but i’ve been relying on manta’s marketflow indicator and now have forgotten how to quickly determine market flow “manually” using the last 2 fractals…

How do you guys determine the market flow based just on the last 2 fractals???

As always, any help greatly appreciated.



Hi Clark,

Here is a quick indicator I wrote using my understanding of Michael’s webinar last night. I’m not a programmer, just a dabbler, and I wrote it for myself, but if it’s any use to anyone else that’s great.

TradersTrinity.zip (2.98 KB)

It seems to work fine for me but if you have any problems or have any suggestions for change please let me know. If I have messed up badly and understood Michael wrong, please tell me!

Auto I use COT Charts | Commitment Of Traders Charts | Free COT Data and CFTC for COT stuff but I’d like to hear what others use. TBH I don’t really get the COT bias STILL but the good news is I’ve finally cracked the SMT lol.

Market flow, on a specific TF, is given as a lower fractal than the previous low fractal (in a row) for a downward flow, shout if I’m wrong guys, I must confess I use Mantas flow chart but I understand this is less than perfect.

A few weeks ago Michael showed us a “Seasonal Tendency in the British Pound” (now my screen saver) can anyone point me towards something similar for the Euro/$, google’s not playing ball today?

thanks for recording it ICT. Definetly appreciated by those that have to work at that time

Hi Guys,

Please correct me… Euro is reaching in that sweet area for short as per yesterday webinar?(After london close?)

Am I correct or missing something… I never traded fiber/Cable. so trying to understand before putting any real trade


Very small position Long EUR/AUD with stop loss 1.3757
Stoics crossed 20
If it crosses 1.3825 setup is bullish… Watching… RBA minutes due tonight …

Sideliness on other trades…

Fiber approaching previous week’s high and in the short zone, as i’ve interpreted it. But i won’t trade, did a limit order (short @1.4351 and SL 30 pips). Got stopped out. Reached my limit of max 2 trades a day. The first trade went well though 43 pips! :5: So 13 pips for the day!

closed EU/AUD… with 10 pips profit… too much rish going in RBA meetings… still bullish on this pair

missed the long move on GU just because of the timezone :confused: wasn’t in NYO at the moment when it occured ;( Had an eye on EU lastweeks high to low fib, it bounced right off 50% but I couldn’t make an OTE on it. Did trade the breakout of the rectangle on GU and lost 40 pips in summary today, should have stayed out as GU and EU were trading in different directions and I couldn’t find a good bias today :confused: was too impatient today ;(

But who cares, LC is approaching and the probability to find a good entry is very high. Let’s see what happens :smiley:


EDIT: Entry got missed for 1.8 pips. Not my day :slight_smile: