What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Haha no way, the transparency is really refreshing in a place like this. it’s like tinfoil hat city here sometimes. I just like the reminder that what I’m doing works just as good on the big accounts, keeps me focused :slight_smile:

Agreed. There is so much bull**** that floats around FX forums. This is a refreshing change, and gives you a positive outlook on your future as a trader.

Hey guys, this has been a great Sunday read, thanks!
I haven’t watched the videos though, cause my mobile internet connection (It’s all I have now) is really expensive.

What I need is a program that will let me save the youtube videos to my hard drive so I can download them & watch them multiple times. I know it is possible…

Thanks again Michael for the effort sharing this, even without seeing the vids I have picked up quite a bit.

This type of thread is a real credit to the baby pips site.

Have a good week! :slight_smile:

On the youtube thing, if you’re windoze get firefox 3 and have flashplayer and JavaRE installed so you can watch them online. Have orbit downloader installed to download them: once it starts playing on flashplayer mouse over the vodeo and click the grab thing for options, you cannnot pause the download for long and the source tab on firefox has to be open still. To play offline get latest vlc player(1.1.4?) and FVLplayer with update. To convert into other friendlier format, get PCDJmixer with video and record the video as it plays with other format.

If you’re linux you’ve got to have wine installed, then install firefox3.exe for windows and orbit (or use native downloaders but this is easier and more straightforward) converters using command line see GUIdocumentation.

This might be a simple question to answer, but here goes. In terms of risk management, if we take a proportion of the trade off the table early, say 1/3, and let the rest (2/3) do its thing, how can we calculate an overall pip count for the trade? Apologies if I have overlooked the obvious mathematical calculation:confused:

Hi InnerCircleTrader.

I’ve been following and reading your posts and the videos are excellent. Great resource for a new trader.

In regards to the indicator you use for pivots in the past video which shows levels over different days but also past days; where could I acquire this indicator? Is it possible for you to make it an attachment at some point?

Also to anyone else I’m looking for an indicator much like the one ICT uses but also on an hourly timeframe. Please let me know if I can get an indicator such as this. Thank you.

ICT you mentioned a live webinar. Is that still going to happen sometime soon? or did I miss it?

I’m not sure which one ICT is using but I use one called Pivot Points - Daily (shifted) which leaves a history of pivots on the charts. I got from here MT4 Indicator Download - eSignal Indicators Download - Free MetaTrader4 Indicators Look down the left margin and find it under indicators, I also managed to butcher the code and made a previous daily high-low indicator out of it, handy for researching reactions to those levels.


This is not a hard thing to determine…

Let’s consider an hypothetical example is say the Eur/Usd [Fiber]:

Assume we bought the Fiber at 1.3000 and our first profit objective is determined 30+ pips above our entry price of 1.3000… this would be in the form of a limit SELL order placed at 1.3030.

Let’s assume we have a ultimate objective to scale the remaining portion of the long position out at 80+ pips above our entry of 1.3000 This would be placed as a limit SELL order at 1.3080.

Assuming for the purpose of this example we were able to realize both objectives and traded 10 mini lots:

Long 10 mini lots @ 1.3000
Scaled out 30% of long position @ 1.3030 or 3 Mini lots = $30 USD profit or 30 pips +
Scaled out at 100% profit objective @ 1.3080 with remaining 70% of long position from 1.3000 or 7 Mini lots = 7 X 80 pips in magnitude which translates to $560 USD

In Summary:

30 pips banked at 1.3030 on 3 lots scaled out
80 pips banked at 1.3080 on remaining 7 lots removed from market.

Now there are two schools of thought here…

Group “A” that wants to report Pips on Forums might do something like this…

A grand total of Pips of each Mini lot on the first scale out is 30 pips in positive movement. Our example used 3 Mini lots… Group A might reflect this to the masses as 30 pips X three! Or arriving at 90 pips for the first swing objective. The second scale out on 7 Mini lots on 80 pips would see group A reporting 80 pips X 7… or arriving at 560 pips!

Now clearly this would be viewed by neophytes as a 650 pip winning trade.

Now group “B” would view this as the following:

30 pips on first objective [despite the gearing on this potion is 3 mini lots]
80 pips on the final objective [despite the gearing on this portion is 7 mini lots]

Thus 110 pips total on trade. No ego… no scewing the numbers to impress the spectators. I added this to answer some folks wondering how some “might” be arriving at 1200 pips for the week as their gains. :rolleyes:

Hope this helps!

GLGT :wink:

All the tools I am referring to in this thread are going to post on the first post of this thread under Resources. I am presently filming tutorials on how to add them and use them. This is the last week of material and I am answering a lot of emails from folks…

Hang in there… :cool:

I will post a possible date [Might very well be Feb now] when I catch up and announce it here and the blog. I have had more folks reply via email and not the ICT forum thread… so I will need to reserve seating for more than I first thought… let me get this endeavor completed and then we will go to this one lol

Feels like plate spinning some days lol :o
However, I enjoy it and appreciate your patience and support. :cool:

Sounds good! No rush at all just wondered if you’d post it now that you’d filmed it. Thanks.

I would calculate it this way.

30% @ 30 pips = 9 pips
70% @ 80 pips = 56 pips

Total: 65 pips


I was wondering what MT4 broker do you use? I’ve been trying to find a MT4 broker that closes its daily candles at the end of the New York session. I think this is important when analyzing the daily timeframe.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

PS: Great video. I been watching your videos over and over again picking up something new each time. :smiley:

I do not recommend brokers but I do have accounts with four of the main firms we all see and hear about.

May I ask why you have accounts with 4 different brokers :confused:

If I have positions in the Cable that have intermediate term durations… I can still swing or day trade with the others and not have my longer term position offset. Not to mention should one of my feeds go down… I can still access the market in another account. The fourth is an illustration I will be sharing shortly.


Ohh, that makes sense now :smiley:

Thanks ICT and NorwegianBlue for your answers. I guess if I want Total pip count to be more reflective of the equity gained or lost, I should probably go with NB’s answer. It was simple, but I was making it complicated!

Indi lovers you have some to play with on the first post…

Download them and paste each in the MT4 folder on your PC under the Experts… Indicator folder. Restart MT4 and voila :wink: