What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

I’m game ICT. How do we login? at 9:00 PM EDT right?

looking forward to it

Have u ever thought doing 24 hour live trading webinar for hardcore fanatics ? :44:

I am game…Hope everything goes good this time.

All in !!!:stuck_out_tongue:

If ICT does 'it like the last webinar, Look in this thread 15min prior to the start. There will be a post with the login details.


Are any of the PTC videos specifically geared towards scalping? I’ve been going through them sequentially so far but was wondering if any have scalping as primary topic?

ICT, just wondering when you are going to post more information. I’ve been patiently waiting for over a week now. Last weekend you said you were going to post some information but never did and then today you said you were going to post an update for the challenge. I have seen anything yet.

Not complaining just want to know when these will be posted so i’m not checking the page every hour or so.


PIPhanger - I am glad u said “not complaining” but I’d take offense, as it seems as if you simply did complain- have you been through the threads - have you watched video’s- are you in a position - to request that of someone who is diligently giving GOLD. Personally, I would not have posted that, even if thinking it - it’s called respect. Now in your same tone, I don’t mean to bash, but, patience is a key that ICT is teaching -so any email, any video, any ‘promise’ made, is worth patiently waiting for. Apologies if I offended - just a learner, would like to succeed.

I have the exact opposite sentiment- are there any video’s specifically geared towards swing/LONG term trading. I recently watched one one, at the end stated something of a seasonal ‘swing’- - whoa - now that fit’s my schedule - no disrespect BillyD - just wanted a plug in for the opposite thought process that’s all.

yeah after rereading my post it does sound like I am complaining about ICT not posting the information. Sorry if it sounds that way, I didn’t want it to sound at all as if I was complaining because ICT has afford a lot of his time to us for free and he doesn’t have to do any of this.

I did have two many beers tonight so please ignore my previous post.

ignored as requested :slight_smile:

I would be very grateful if a kind soul would record and post this evenings webinar.

ICT Trading The Asian Session

lost it again at 9:39…looks like this time for good.

lost the presentation (video & audio) again @ 9:37pm est. last things mentioned was something along the lines of “you’re not going to catch the divergence (SMT) everytime… tools won’t work everytime” regarding the Sunday gap.

Yeah, me too…frustrating. I know ICTs trying his best though…

Oh please no! Please no! My wife was talking to me in one ear and I heard ‘print screen’ in the other and pressed ‘print screen’. Did I crash the whole presentation? Please say that wasn’t me.

Yeah same here, well I’m sure he’ll get it worked out; seems more like the meeting software’s having too many issues.

Lucky for me I have the notes from the first 10minutes :smiley: haha

I have the first 10 or 15 min recorded on Camtasia