What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

He is busy trading the ote on GU :slight_smile: JustKidding

What did he say about ā€˜print screenā€™? Is anybody back in? I am sat here mortified that I may have crashed the presentation. Bad bad day :frowning:

Oh noā€¦what if he thinks it is still recording and it isnā€™t. Oh no, this just gets worse. Please no!

And it was going so wellā€¦ weā€™ll get it eventually.

Thanks for your efforts Michael

Relax Ali, I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything an attendee could do to crash the presentation. It must be on his end. As for the print screen button you pressed, try opening up Paint and pressing ā€œPasteā€ - the only effect pressing printscreen would have had is to capture a screenshot :slight_smile:

Weā€™ll hear from him; he doesnā€™t live on babypips if something came up and had to go then so be it. My thanks to ICT for making the time to try and do this.

Donā€™t worry Ali, it might not have been that, this asian sessions kicking and screaming all the way

I feel sick to my stomach right now! My deepest and sincere apologies to Michael and everybody involved if it was in fact me. I have tried to e-mail him but my e-mail folder is rejecting his address. Anyway to contact him mid-stream? The fact that he has not posted anything here leads me to believe he still thinks he is recording.

He has been out of the webinar for awhile nowā€¦if you go back to the link it says itā€™s inactiveā€¦itā€™s been this way for awhile now.

I am a computer tech and I know for a fact you didnā€™t have anything to do with the webinar going down. The PrintScreen button canā€™t cause that, actually anything you do canā€™t cause the webinar to go down, unless you hacked the site.

My guess is his internet went out.

Ali, I do not think you can (as an attendee) crash is presentation. He might experience the same problem type of problem that occurred in the last webinar.

I can understand your apologies but, for the amount of contribution that you have done to this thread, you are excused !!! :wink:


Thank-you for your reassurances PIPhanger, and your kind words Bucknaked, but letā€™s wait and hear from ICT. I just heard ā€˜print screenā€™ and ā€˜put it in your notesā€™ as my wife was saying ā€˜I am going to the shops and bankā€¦do you need me to get anything?ā€™ I may not have actually pressed ā€˜print screenā€™ though because I opened Paint, and tried to paste, and there was nothing there! My intention I guess was to press ā€˜print screenā€™, but maybe I didnā€™t press it after all! Hmmmm.

Okay, so i know that everyone is going over the info they have newly found with the webinar (i couldnā€™t make it :frowning: ) but, because its the beginning of a new month, i was wondering if any of the folks that have been around this thread for a while could post there success(or failings) for the last couple months. There was a while there when everyone was kinda giving a monthly report of their progress and i really miss that. Its sweet to see things working on the technical side of trading but i always love to see how things are going with percentages of wins and losses as well as percent increases in accounts and what months folks seemed to struggle with and what months are easy tradings. It kinda seemed to me that the summer months were lots tougherā€¦
Thanks ICT. Hope The Challenge is going well.

OK pipmart Iā€™ll bite the bullet and give you an update.

Iā€™ve been live for four weeks now and my account balance is sitting at 3% gain. It should be quite alot more.

Week 1 started with a 4% drawdown which I recovered to break even. Week 2 started with a 4% drawdown which I recovered to a 3% gain by Friday.

Then week 3. Started Ok. Bit of background, I struggled with discipline issues on my first live account and thought Iā€™d dealt with them before going live this time. Well, when it comes to my ICT trades I am disciplined and profitable (what more can I ask forā€¦) I went out boozing on the Thursday and when I got home one of my trading alarms was barking at me. Gold had hit a level I had identified as demand/buy so as I was a bit woozy I brought a small position with a real wide margin for error (14%) which clearly wouldnā€™t be hit over night (wait for itā€¦) with the plan to sort it out next day. Obviously the biggest 2 day drop in gold immediately followed and I woke up to this lovely surprise :35:

Back to ICT only trades and Iā€™ve recovered my losses and learnt I may never be a totally self disciplined trader, Iā€™m still looking for an excuse to break the rules and make a big hit. I donā€™t even know about gold, I just drew a line set an alarm and broke the rules. The philosophical side of me tells me to be grateful this trade didnā€™t work out as next time I might do something worse, so lesson learned? Weā€™ll see.

My ICT trading has been going well and all the screen time Iā€™m putting in is giving me alot of confidence in my entries, with about a 70% positive win/lose, however, I am taking profits earlier than might be classic ICT but in fairness my jumpiness is proving to be the right decision after the event.

Well I see I got to check this thread more often. I would have loved to get in on this since I can only trade the Asian session and his video link on the fist post is broken :frowning:

Hi all,
This is my first post so please be kind.
Iā€™ve been watching the videos and it all makes sense, always thought lots of indicators was a bit much.
Iā€™ve opened a demo account and made my first trade today.
Made entry at 1.5540 closed out at 1.5570 before manufacturing data was released.
Reasons for entry.
Short term up trend from double low at 1.5490
Had found support from S1 after recent fractal low.
Iā€™m aware this isnā€™t really a high probability trade but everything felt right and made 30 pips.
Any comments would be appreciated
P.S fib was put on after trade placed.

Wall of text, but what I traded and saw. No pictures as you can look at your charts and see the same thing.

Took a few trades today and made my goal and then some. Took Eu short with OTE + s/r from gap open at 7am us time with daily bias short. Shortly prior to us open gap closed more than 50% and quickly/strongly rejected supporting short bias. Fib drawn on 5m pre-us open thrust down. OTE entry and entry short with OTE spike. TP taken at the london low for 44 pips. Trade lasted 25 mins was very quick. I reversed and took EU long up to the failed retest of the 33357, this was the retest of the last higher low before us open + in the middle between EST and GMT S1.

[U][B]Excellent [/B][/U]OTE at 10am post news spike, on both Eu and GU. Didnā€™t take either since I made my goal and wasnā€™t looking to trade but watchign charts.

EU: News spike long with positive USD news, PA went to retest the 3357 gap s/r from us open; PA breached the 61.8 fib of the london high/low fib. That was your entry. PA lost all buying strength and fell off a cliff , breaching london low and breaking 3300 s/r. This wasnā€™t a perfect OTE but was very tradeable and I watched it form marking my spots of entry. For me the strenghts here were the daily bias of short + fact PA couldnā€™t breach the gap s/r where US fell and this was most probably a running of the stops before a fall since we had pivots points here as well. Possible pips with this trade: 100+ and counting, EU is falling off a cliff

GU: Gu was more text book setup OTE. GU Gapped down and didnā€™t close at all during london, failling to reach back to 55800, it tried in one desperate attempt at london and failed. This was very short day bias, more than EU. GU has a monthly s/r around 55300 which is also last weekā€™s low. Pre-US open Gu moved below GMT S1 and couldnā€™t break higher, giving a confirm to short bias by failure ot break higher. It wound up pre-us open and spiked the S1 before falling with EU. This wasnā€™t OTE setup which is why I took EU, better setup. Gu fell to london low. Here are 2 OTE trades from after us open on GU:

  1. OTE long, counter trend. US open GU falls to London lows and starts ranging but making higher lows (on lower tf). pre-us news release pa drops down to OTE zone and pops up. The only other confluence here is the london close at 54884, not a great confidence trade but there regardless.

  2. OTE short. Post us news trade. Fibs drawn from 5547 to low, the us sesssion down essentially. PA spikes after news to retest 55300. This area contains both the GMT/EST S1 and OTE 72% zone. PA touches 72% fib just below 55300 and falls hard. Immediate TP at 100% for 47, followed by 1.27 ext tp + S2 22 mins later for an additional 18.

Edit: Also wanted to point out the 4hr tf. EU gap below the 4hr tf low and held there prior to US open. I didnā€™t note this before taking my trade which would have added additional factors to my short bias. however, what is also interesting is that EU just went to the 1.278 ext of the prior 4hr EU move from 9-21/9-26. Notice how EU was an OTE trade short from that point. Always remember to check your higher TF :57:

There were some questions a while back about the COT, I think I can clear it up with one recent example. Last Fri I received the latest numbers, the most important was Dealer positions Long VS Short, 98269 Long, 13083 Short. Now look at todays daily and hourly EUR/USD. These differences are what you look for to get a good read. Most of the time the COT info means nothing, BUT today it confirmed my read from last week. So you keep an eye on it, its free from the govt, and you really donā€™t need to chart it, just look for anomalies.

The Ever Feeling Like I Just Ate A 100 Lb Rat VIPER


Thank you so much for the Asian Session Video. I think this video was very well put together and you went into great detail on the setups. Over all the other videos I think I learned the most from this video. I know the other videos have a lot of the same material as this video but to me it seemed like you discribed everything more clearly or the ICT methods just clicked all of a sudden. Iā€™ve gotta say the wait for this video was well worth it.

Thanks again and everything you do for us newbieā€™s is much appreciated.

Now back to watching the video a couple more times and making a bunch of notes and more notes.


BIG BIG thanks ICT. Watching the video right now. I know there were a lot of technical issues so getting it done the third time around mustā€™ve been taxing haha.

Heads up for those who didnā€™t see it, the Asian Session Trading video is posted on the first page.

OK, looking at my trade log it shows the following results:

[B]March[/B]: +2.72% ROI (Hitting winners at LC but cutting profits way too early, and running losers to full SL.)

[B]April:[/B] +8.56% ROI (learned to run more with the profits that were given at LC.)

[B]May:[/B] -2.64% ROI (The LC OTE pattern broke down completely in May - I traded it the way I had done in previous months with confluences that were just as strong as ever, but I was stopped out more often than not.)

[B]June:[/B] +7.91% ROI. (Another solid month of LC trades. This confirmed the fact that the patterns will have draw down months, but they wonā€™t stop working completely. All trades taken at LC have been with 1% risk)

[B]July[/B]: +3.37% ROI. Was doing a lot of studying of COT and London Open so didnā€™t take so many set-ups. On holiday the last 10 days of the month.

[B]August[/B]: +2.07% ROI. Was on holiday for the first two weeks of the month, and struggled with the trading in late August due to the extreme volatility.

[B]September:[/B] +12.01% ROI. Only entered half a dozen times during the month, but secured a return that I am more than happy with.

You have to bear in mind that on a good week I can only be at my charts for 2 London Open sessions. More often than not it is just the one session, and then I have to fight the urge not to enter just because it is the only day I can. For every screen shot I have of a trade that I have taken, I have multiple shots of opportunities that I havenā€™t been available to take. Yes, some of these are hindsight, but the closest I can get right now is documenting every trade that ā€˜I would have takenā€™ (being honest with myself about how the confluences fit with my rules), and trying to simulate how I might be trading if I were available to take opportunities on an FT basis.

It was always my intention to study each kill zone thoroughly and examine whether the opportunities for FT trading existed. I believe that I have achieved that with regard to London Close as demonstrated from March through June. I have also demonstrated to myself that I can make a success of London Open (July through September). These results equate to a 33% ROI for the first 7 months of my learning curve when compounded on a trade by trade basis. My objective has always been to hit 100% returns over a year, and with the silly mistakes of my early trading hopefully behind me, this is realistic. When you add to this the other trades that I have not been able to take, but ā€˜would haveā€™ taken, it all looks quite positive.

Yes, greater rewards are possible with greater risk, but I am now keeping my risk at around 1% because I still have a lot of learning to do, and I no longer have an appetite for the boom and bust cycle. Maybe when I was younger, but not anymore!

Consistency was my main priority, and with the help of ICT and his work I have gone from being a trader who was unprofitable and inconsistent with my early trades, to one who is confident that over a period of months, I will come out with positive returns. The returns still arenā€™t those of a hotshot trader, but that is impossible with my current commitments to work and family, and not least the whole process of moving to a new country, and a new continent. What always gives me a boost is to look at how the biggest mutual funds have been performing over the last year - if you havenā€™t had a look recently, you should check out how these so called professionals are performing in current conditions.

GLGT everyone!

I just noticed that today is the 1-year anniversary of this thread.

One year ā€” 383 pages ā€” 3,823 replies ā€” 289,687 views ā€” and counting!

Is any of that a Babypips record?