What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

funny,stopped working on mine as well.worked before i posted the link.worked today and some months before … i think what happened,//i am not a computer scientist// maybe the guy had some kind of tracker on it that got triggered from this posted link when published and clicked on? sounds funny, i am shooting a dart in the dark,but nothing else come to my mind…if anybody smarter who has time to look at it and let us know for the sake of knowing would b nice.
it was pretty cool gadget
he made it public anyway and nobody claimed his glory


there was a member here, I don’t recall who right now, traded the late day trades and seemed to be profitable from them. My LC trades have drifted into the Asian session a couple times of late, which has made me keep an eye on the market for most of the NYC trading. what I have noticed is that during the late NY session/ beginning of Asian is that price will drift towards fair value, then form an OTE back towards the low early in the Asian session, then head back towards fair value. I may be wrong on this, but today I would expect for price to head back towards the low of the day, forming an OTE entry long for the Asian session. I could be wrong on this, but this is what I would expect to happen. Price will take the path of least resistance.

Possible Long Term Analysis…Just something I’m keeping in mind.

:slight_smile: You are quite welcome.

I trust the Holiday Season will be filled with Warmth & Cheer!

[B]HoHoHo[/B] :57:

I think we’re pretty much saying the same thing…anticipating price to drift up towards Fair Value during the Asian session.

What I was point out to Kubio who made the original post was that it appeared he intended to go short drawing a fib expecting price to go away from fair value at this time of day.

It has drifted 30 pips lower or so over the past 2 hours and appears to be moving back up. Was just urging caution expecting a downward push if expecting anything but a small pip scalp.

I want to see an explaination of last nights LO action between both Cable and Fiber… what did you see unfold using our tools and tactics covered thus far?

Looks like things are starting to come together nicely - well done Mr. H! Can’t wait to view the videos!

Also, sorry for not contributing to this thread in a while. I haven’t really done any trading over the last 6 months or so for a couple of reasons:

1: I was waiting for the release of all the content - I just can’t trade knowing that there are significant bits of information that I am missing - it just feels too risky to me.

2: My work schedule really makes it difficult to trade New York consistently, and impossible to trade London Close. I can only reliably trade London Open, and I am BAD at trading London Open, although the market profile has helped my understanding of the session significantly.

Anyway, I’ll hopefully start contributing a little more regularly around here over the coming weeks. Good to see all the progress happening in this thread, though! Good luck to you all!

hi,not sure if someone did

Charts | Timing Charts for cot u might have others but too much hustle for me

the intention was a quick scalp, so I’d have closed the trade by now… mS1 proving hard to brake…

Search & Destroy, Stop raid before slams down?..

edit: now realising that your ‘‘last night’’ was my ‘‘this morning’’, but yes, still think the answer is the same, this happened for last 2 days on LO…?


M15 ,Cable

Was wondering what became of you…

There was an OTE that formed on the cable LO KZ from the last swing high to swing low on the 1hr right at the CPP. Which also was 5520 level. Market flow was clearly down on both. Fiber blew out some asian stops and then price fell. The 138% fib extension lined up with key S/R at 5420 and S1. Would have been a nice 100 pip profit but i was sleeping lol oh well. Probably something else I missed but that’s what i see in hindsight.

-Sell day template
-Nice Asian range formed
-Turtle soup stop raid below Asian range lows
-Stops then raided above Asian range highs
-CP confluence
-5520 institutional level
-OTE (swing high to PDL)
-OTE on 5 min chart to fine tune entry

-NY open OTE

Ultimate Take profit objective between 127% FIB extension pulled from swing high to PDL and 161% using TT’s projections, more importantly inline with late November low

Well, the overall bias is short, quite clearly. On the Euro, we blew out October’s low, and I’m expecting price to test the low made in January of last year.

As far as London Open action - I see a standard short day forming. Price blew out the stops below the Asian session range, then pushed price up above the Asian session high (into the lows made yesterday around 16:00GMT), and moseyed on lower (although the actual push happened outside of the +/- 1 hour around London Open window, which means that, had I been trading, I would have slept right through it). Also, there was no real higher TF support or resistance around the LO area, so I probably would’ve called the day a wash and gone to bed anyway.

On the GU:

We have the Nov 25 low sitting at the 1.5420 level, just waiting to be tested, so the bias is pretty short for the day (at least until it hits the 1.5420 level). Price ran up, cleaned out the stops above the Asian session high, tested the 1.5520 level (and the CPP), and then made its way lower, eventually reaching the S1 pivot.

That’s all I can see, really. What am I missing?

LearninToPimpPips (and anyone else who may find this useful),

Here’s the format I generally use when attaching thumbnails to this forum (I had to post it as a picture otherwise it actually executes the command and you won’t see the formatting):

Where insertpicturelink is the link of the image file.

You can get the link of the image file by right-clicking the image on the website it’s hosted on and clicking on “Copy Image Location”

This will copy the actual full-size image location onto your clipboard and you can simply paste it in place of insertpicturelink above.

Here is an example:

I think your patience lessons have sunk in a little too well - to the point where I’m willing to not trade at all while I wait for more content!

Jokes aside, I’ve mostly been busy with work, and settling into my new place. I’m pretty excited for the release of all the material (particularly the scalping/intraday trading material, given that my current work schedule makes it pretty much impossibly to swing trade), and to get back into the swing of things.

Trust me, I’m way too invested in becoming a successful trader to leave this thread!

Alright I had a few responses…

Now did you see the Asian Range after the Market “Souped” the stops under the Asian Range… tried to retest the upper range Resistance? As explained in the Template?

Note also… recall the teachings on the open to close relationship and the “engineering” of the daily range we did over a year ago? What forms when and how do we use this insight?

How was it applicable today?

Make me proud… this is crucial stuff for LO understanding… :51:

Put in the high of the day in the first few hours of London and went down till LC occured. Closing the position just at the time would have brought nearly the whole daily range.

Saw that one coming and mentioned the lows on GU to be tested a day ago, but wasn’t able to trade :confused: It’s always a two edged sword for me, on the one side I know that I can spot good setups, the other side is that I can’t trade most of them. But it increases my patience as I see my account growing even though I’m not trading every day, that I’m not watching the charts the whole day, that I’m not trying to trade the action. It is enough to do the analysis and wait for price to reach the perfect level. :slight_smile:


When the market closes near the low of the day, expect the high to be put in early during the day’s session. Use this insight to look for OTE to unfold?