What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

30 pip stop, 5 under the swing low and below yesterdays CPP.


TheInnerCircleTrader - live streaming video powered by Livestream

I was watching the videos before I went to sleep, and as I was dozing off I heard his voice very clearly.
Something about pivots. At least I’m not the only one.

Well guys ICT just showed us how he will utilize a livestream tool and we will follow along in 2012; pretty cool. I am off to eye surgery in an hour and I wont be viewing this thread for a week, its been fun so far cant wait for christmas.

Oh baby

Good luck with your surgery and come back quickly :slight_smile:

It seemed to work perfectly, even on my iphone app sat in the office at work :smiley:

I’ve got a feeling 2012 is going to be a very interesting year and ICT will probably have a 1,000 presents from all over the globe next Christmas!!! :smiley:

yes,good luck

just watched the live stream recording… cool! and Im looking forward to the “Video Index with description” Altought I am already extremely thankful for all your work, I think your Idea of indexing them will make them even more useful as a reference! 2012 will be awesome! and I hope I can catch up a little with all the knowledge around here;)


ICT Test On Stream & Cable Example Analysis on [B]TheInnerCircleTrader[/B] - live streaming video powered by Livestream

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

I have it set for you “Forex Sneaks” at work… you will be able to stream ICTvision real time… you should be ashamed lol



I work for a firm of Wealth Managers here in the UK, so I can say it’s kind of work related if I get caught!! :wink:

I know you will of heard it all before mate, but what you are doing here is fantastic, the amount of time and effort you are putting in helping others is amazing! There really isn’t many people like that in this world nowadays, especially the forex world!

My wife hates you though! I get a daily b*llocking for reading your threads and watching your videos too much! :smiley:

Order triggered but not within Killzone, so after a profit of 15 Pips i decided to move Stop to BE and take 1/3rd out. Well, price moved downwards again an stopped me out at break even and a little plus cause of the partial TP, just some cents. Price is now moving up again but i wont reenter there. Im done for this week. Hope you guys got some Pips out of this movement.

Michael, do you know that you are live on livestream at the moment?!

I’m a little confused now.
I had bullish MF and some good S+R levels. On the cable price moved up from 1.5492 to 1.5556. I used that swing to get my OTE @ 1.5505 and went long. Then Michael went short in his livestream @ 1.5520 i think and price started to fall. Of course it blew my stop out.
Can someone explain that? I don’t know what reasons Michael had to go short, i didn’t get that on the livestream. I can’t see any reasons to go short. What am i missing?

hi everyone,

just wanted to share my fully ‘‘automated’’ trade on Cable today :smiley:

set an Buy Order at the 1.55 level and TP at 1.5550
now, just got back from work and checked how it went… perfect!
order triggered bang on LO and quickly went for my TP, trade went against me only 7 pips! amazing stuff, very exited!
only downside that was demo account, lol! but helps with the confidence A LOT!

Edit: please, ignore the Fib shown on the image, correct fib for this trade is pulled from New York Low to Asia High.

[B]Let’s talk about YOU meeting your destiny learning to trade FOREX.[/B]
The fact that our destiny is in our hands can be a little scary at times. After all, this means each of us are solely responsibility for how our lives turn out. But on the other hand, we are free to shape and sculpt a magnificent lifetime of happiness, achievement and accomplishment as well. Being in control of life is a superb position that many never have chance to experience.

[B]This is special and needs to be respected.[/B]

One’s destiny is not determined by luck or circumstance but rather by the choices that each individual chooses to make. In order to make your life the exciting adventure it should be, you must begin making the right choices that influence your life in a positive direction.

Have a vision. Be demanding. Set specific goals. You must make choices as CEO of your life. Take control of your life. Take some risks. Have a sense of direction with a game plan. Henry Ford once said, “You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.” Nobody cares about what you’re going to do or for that matter, what you can’t do. No, all they want to know is what you’re willing to do – right now.
Henry had a vision and stayed the course. His faith demanded he took massive action to accomplish his dreams. He continued to have good days and bad days. Good months and bad months. He had good years and bad years, yet he never wavered from his destiny.

When you’re willing to go out and give your very best effort day in and day out and kick excuses out of your life once and for all, you’ll soon find yourself living that life you’ve always dreamed of living.

[B]Trading FOREX demands superb FOCUS.[/B]

Maintaining superb focus over an extended period of time is tough. We are becoming a 10-second society. Our attention spans are becoming shorter, not longer.

During my journey, I see many people wanting more and more while trading FOREX, yet most are not prepared to stay the course over the long haul. Folks, this isn’t a 100-meter dash. We are training for the marathon. FOREX trading becomes a skill acquired for life.

[B]Your opponent is yourself.[/B]

In my experience watching people start in the FOREX trading business – Why do people fail while a select few succeed?
People who are SINCERE about success will do as much work as is required, for as long as it takes, without grumbling. They have a passion to succeed. They find or make whatever time is necessary. And they do it now!

People seeking easy shortcuts to success, are always searching for others to blame. The reasoning is never to take responsibility for their actions, it must be someone else’s fault they are failing. They never respect the process or follow any type of protocol on a consistent basis. The markets are what they are. Each student is a separate but distinct entity searching for consistent success.

[B]I suggest maintaining balance in your life while learning your new trade.
Your trading idea may just not pan out, and there’s little you can do about it besides taking proactive steps, such as managing risk and having clearly defined exit strategies to protect your long term financial interests. Holding yourself up to unrealistic standards is just going to make you feel frustrated, fearful, and unnecessarily uptight. By accepting your limitations, and trying to work around them, you’ll feel more at ease, and ready to capitalize on a high probability setup when you come across it by stalking the pair in question.

It’s also vital to take losses in stride. You can lose pips and allow yourself to not feel like a loser. It’s hard to take losses, and when you encounter a string of losers, it’s natural to feel shaken and uncertain. But the worst thing you can do is stay on the ground after you have taken a fall. It’s useful to get back in the zone. You may decide to scale back and make a few small trades to try to regain your edge. Or you may decide to stand aside and merely study the markets in order to get a feel for how the markets are moving.

Whatever you do, however, don’t stand still. Keep moving, even if it is just thinking rather than acting. Continue to hammer down in those Demo accounts my friends. There is no better remedy for the FOREX blues caused by self-doubt then executing massive trades in Demo account in current LIVE market conditions.

If you can keep your mind moving and trying to solve problems, you will regain your mental edge. If you do nothing, you continue to allow bad habits seeping back into your life. It’s easy to get thrown off by setbacks and lose your mental edge, but there is a big difference between feeling permanently beaten and temporarily off your game. If you keep problem solving and try to take active steps to get back into the zone, you will get there, and perform like a winning trader once again.

[B]Honing the skills required for consistent profitable trading can take years.[/B]

Although some novice traders hit upon a winning streak early, it is usually short lived. If you want to master the markets, it is vital to plan to persevere and work steadily. Those who practice trades over and over again begin to see certain patterns from currency pairs they stalk. In order to give the method a chance of success, you must trade decisively. Persistence is the key. You’re bound to get better at something if you do it constantly and don’t quit. Don’t let the market psyche you out. When you have a down day, just treat it as experience. Lessons learned. But, try to learn from your mistakes.
You can’t crack under the pressure. In these circumstances it is vital to firmly believe that your trading method will work. You must continue to PUSH the BUTTON as self-doubt and indecision will surely thwart your plans. To trade decisively, it is necessary to believe in your trading method and always analyze your trades.

If you have taken every precaution to protect yourself, and the only way to find the truth is to execute your trading plan and see what happens, you only have one choice: believe in your method, execute the trade, and see what happens. Identify your best trading approach, and start PUSHING the BUTTON to build up some momentum. You have a choice.

[B]In closing,[/B]

Each individual has different set of experiences, mindset, perception, passion, commitment, appreciations, goals, priorities, issues, circumstances, bankroll, level of understanding, emotions, fear, persistency, family issues and a lot more that make us separate individuals.

Thus learning how to trade FOREX markets is not a race. Each person needs to spend quality time formulating their own plan to attain success. Hard work will be rewarded if you stay consistent during the journey. All turtles eventually cross the finish line. The rewards are tremendous to those choosing to stay the course becoming a successful FOREX trader. If your destiny is becoming a part of a special elite group knowing how to generate pips on a consistent basis month after month. You will be blessed.

The road to success always has bumps in the road. Your mission is to pay strict attention, maintain superb Focus and have self-reflection as you rediscover your passions forging a path toward learning FOREX trading craft. Once you’ve found your sense of direction and move towards your destiny, you may be surprised at the success that follows. Have a blessed Holiday Season!

May the PIPs be with you.

The Reversal Market Profile my friend… it will serve you well. :wink:

Folks you realize we are clocking nearly 50k hits inside of a few weeks… this could become one if not the most viewed Babypips thread since it’s beginning. That is very cool.


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Awesome post… :57:

I have been watching ICT’s videos over the past few weeks and wow what an eye opener. I just wanted to say thanks! It’s been a super long and confusing road for me and now think because of you I might have a chance at become a successful trader. :slight_smile: