What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

thx for the answer ICT

my goal has been to make fx work whatever it takes…even if i have to take a break for whatever reason,come back to it stronger. there is no other way i picture making money…my idolized pictures are not the most modest but nothing unrealistic,probably they might change as our life priorities change along the way.

not really saying i have to fold it x time per year,for now…
it is rather my psychology that holds me back in clearer progress, as i got humbled few times like anybody else.
glad i dint blow out an account ,moved up and down like a roller coaster on a dope,around on BE now overall.
patience became my friend maybe too much sometimes later on.

PATIENCE - no problem
MM - no problem
TECHNICAL ANALYSIS - try 2 fit, mold myself to yr style ,method,concept//whichever u wanna call it//deeper since i saw from september u rock the world
PSYCHOLOGY - i believe getting there when try to look at the market thorough yr glasses and not shooting darts based on half breed analysis. therefore become braver to pull the trigger when analysis say so.
i dont feel i need to claim the desired % out here, though i experienced like 10% a month before,when it’ll b mines for a month i know i need to visit a garage for tune up,when i am better? good, but my gut feeling telling me i ll b better then that down the road, at least i hope and wont b afraid of it.
as someone said it here before,been ‘‘in’’ for too long to give up :slight_smile:
dont know if it sounds like an eligible plan or not for 2012 what i have written here //fine in my mind//,but fx is my constant obsesion…so, i just carry on with the torch through the tunnel to the light at the end :slight_smile:

endless thx to u for the help u give us

EDIT- i was rather talking about myself and how i c myself progressing…
but, i c myself helping people as well - starting with my neighbor and his adorable kids, barely making ends meet, to a girl on news in financial deficiency to get some proper medic help which is dodging her because of '‘paper’'called money,when i am ready i will help. thats a must that will make me feel good and satisfied beside other goodies in life i dream of.
no BS

My goal for 2012 is to sediment all you gave us till now.Imho it is enough what you gave us to double my account yearly.Im making profit every month since Ive started learning from you:
Sept +1.09%
Oct +1.5%
Nov +2.86%.
My profit increased month after month,as you see.
exception Dec -0.6% but it was a very busy month for me.I have no problem with this small loss.
I need to mention that I risk only 0.5%(so for 2% risk,profit would have been: Sept+4.36%,Oct+6%,Nov+11.44%) till my total gain will reach 10%. After that I will raise risk to 1% till my total gain will reach 20% than Ill raise risk to 2%. At this moment I'm re-watching 3rd time your videos and taking notes.I thank you million times Michael and all of you guys who contribute here on the thread.It is an honor for me to stay with you here on ICT thread!I found here a lots of people ready to help. Sorry for my poor English Im still learning too![B]I wish you a very wealthy 2012[/B].

My goals for 2012 are to grow my account by 15% per month. After 3 months of reaching my goal, bump it up a couple %. I also need to learn to better accept losses, and let profitable trades run longer. I also want to master the NYO. I’ve had a tough go of the NYO, I tend to enter a trade, 2nd guess myself, and close out prematurely. This is my year to lay the groundwork to go full-time 1/1/2014

On a personal note, my goals for 2012 are to be a better father to my 3 children and a better husband to my wife. I need to slow down and smell the roses as they say.

Will be the year that I become disciplined… no more revenge trading.
Will be the year that I become profitable… 50 pips per week.
Will be the year that I strive to become an independent trader, one who thinks for himself…I now have the tools, its only a matter of time.
Will be the that I continue to do well in my job…nothing in life is certain.
Will be the year in which I find a way to give back, maybe by helping other newbies like myself…it just doesn’t seem right
that we should be getting this for free.

But first I have to study.

become a stay at home dad when your kids are 18, love it! I told my wife, who is a stay at home mom, if I had her job I would quit! There is no tougher job than raising kids

No question there - toughest - most rewarding job on the planet - however the pay really stinks! I read somewhere at sometime - a stay at home parent is in the range of $120,000 a year salary - – i believe that.

Hey Perch,
That’s awesome that you guys are homeschooling your kids. I am a home school graduate. So I understand what a tough commitment that is. Its might be the hardest goal you have listed. When done in the right way, its definitely the most rewarding. :wink: Keep up the good work!

2012 Goals:

  1. Prepare written personal trading plan which includes (not limited to):
    a) pre trade personal assessment,
    b) trade management,
    c) complete risk management
    d) plan for inter-market analysis, various trade set-up’s to target, etc.
    e) yearly, monthly weekly financial target - minimum 6% ROE per month
    f) plan for s/r, s/d analysis

Trading plan to be completed (though always flexible) and implemented by March 30, 2012.

  1. Modify trade log in Excel to be cleaner (better formulas, easier to follow) by January 31, 2012

  2. Implement trading journal to monitor reasons for trading, thought processes, etc. Also to be used to ensure compliance with trading plan. January 15, 2012

  3. Continue education:
    a) Watching and outlining all ICT videos - June 30, 2012
    b) Watch outline Sam Seiden videos relating to S/D - December 31, 2012
    c) Read 4 books from Jay’s book list (December 31, 2012)

  4. Make one written submission per month to new ICT thread, analyzing a trade I’ve made and include a chart with notes.

As always I appreciate any constructive feedback / critique.

My “off the books” goal for 2012 is to not post a losing month the entire year.

So here is my weekly update (sorry its a day or so late).

This past week was BY FAR my worst week in forex since I’ve gone live. I had by far exceeded my weekly goals for the first 4 weeks of my live trading adventures and was on top of the world. A small (or large) part of me was already counting my millions. And then Monday of last week came. I lost 3% on my first trade after not managing it appropriately, and quickly revenge traded cause I was mad at the market/myself and lost 4% more. I told myself to be done for the day, and that I probably shouldn’t trade anymore for the week. Well, I quickly learned a lot about myself and the lack of discipline I have, and how FAR I have to go to get to the point where I am a psychologically, emotionally stable trader.

I was hesitant to post my results for last week, embarrassed, even had thoughts of fudging the numbers…but where would that have gotten me. I am trying my absolute hardest to take some good from the week and learn from it, and hopefully help others out there who may have similar feelings in a similar situation.

So…on Tuesday, I woke up with the intention to not trade, but as I looked at my spreadsheet and saw again how far my account had dropped in one day, I got angry/sad/frustrated and I felt like I just HAD to get my balance back to where I started the week. I over-traded, over-leveraged, and was taking trades on a whim. Well, “shockingly” I kept losing. I had a 25% overall draw down in my account by Wednesday. I should’ve stopped then (well, I should stopped even sooner…), but I made a few successful/lucky trades on Thursday/Friday and got my account up to an 18% loss for the week. 36 TRADES - 20 LOSERS. Shameful.

So after a weekend of not being able to trade I was trying to look deep down and figure out what was at the center of my thought process during the week, and how I could avoid ever having another week like this…

Here’s what I came up with:


    I have some basic rules written down, but the majority of my trade strategy is in my head. I’ve told myself that I’ve learned a lot of ICTs principles and I will follow them, but that I also need to let my self have an added element of discretion that I can apply to take trades that “feel right.” Well, that cannot be the case for me right now. Maybe when I have years of experience, like Michael, I can take trades off of instinct/experience/etc, but not now. I need to write down ALL my rules and stick to them. Gotta get emotion and gut feeling outta this right now!


    When I lost 7% on Monday, my account had dropped from $6687 to $6218. Now, all I could focus on were those two numbers. I had such a microscopic view of that day and my net loss for the week. I was not focusing on the fact that at that time I was still up over 100% in a little more than 5 weeks! Looking back now, I can’t believe I was sitting there upset with myself with results like that. But no, I couldn’t see the big picture at all. I just felt so upset that I was moving the opposite way of reaching my WEEKLY goal that I couldn’t see ‘the forest for the trees.’ I’m thinking that this is going to be a key part in my development and my ability to handle losses. I need to focus on the big picture, not the day to day profits/losses. When I started forex, I was WELL AWARE that I would have LOSSES. It’s just inevitable. Yet, I was somehow shocked and angry and couldn’t handle that I would actually lose money! I couldn’t mentally handle having a losing week I guess. I think subconsciously my brain was telling me that something was wrong that my account was now smaller than it was last week, when in fact, I know that fluctuations in my account WILL HAPPEN. And I need to learn to deal with it, and need to have set rules in place for when I do have losing trades (see point #1 above).


    Wait, didn’t I just ramble on and on about how I need to look at the big picture more? What I mean by this is that even though in order to take the sting out of losses I need to focus on the macro picture, WHILE IM IN A TRADE, I can’t be trying to get my account to a certain “magic number” or be trying to make up for losses. I simply need to try to manage that trade in an isolated fashion, only focusing on making that trade profitable and adjusting S/L and T/P appropriately. When I was doing so well my first few weeks I had no problem banking 20 or 30 pips and happily closing a trade…just adding more $$$ to the pile. BUT, when I was sitting there down 7%,10%,15%,20%, my approach was entirely different. As soon as I would enter a trade, I would draw some fib extensions or look to a far off area of support or resistance and say "Okay, if i can just hold the whole thing for 70, 80, or 100 pips, I’ll get X% back of my losses. And sure enough, even when I was right in my trade, I would see it go 40 or 50 pips in my favor and then change direction, and I’d end up losing money on the trade or finally closing at BE. Basically terrible trade management, plain and simple. Again, back to point #1, I need to have written down, established trade management rules that I will adhere to regardless of where my account is at any given time.

So, those are my thoughts. I need to be patient, disciplined, follow my rules, take emotion out of trading and focus on the big picture. Groundbreaking concepts, I know :stuck_out_tongue: But I just felt writing down my thoughts would help me out, and hopefully someone else out there got some value out of reading them.

And so far this week I took a small trade this morning, for the right reasons, didn’t over-leverage (actually risked a lot less than I normally do), and closed it out for 15 pips and was HAPPY!

Merry Christmas and Happy Trading all!



1 and 2 are straight forward, but what does AD represent, accumulation and distribution? Maybe I’m just being a little dense today. I don’t understand the relationship of 3 to 1 and 2. Also, are you looking for 3 results to display as text or a plotted indicator line?

And now, Welcome to the wonderful world of forex Matty =] don’t sweat it though man , you had outstanding results that turned a bit sour recently …but I feel its something we all had to/ and all do go through … just gotta suck it up, learn from it, and continue on! Your millions will be there one day , but for now its a painful lesson to learn =\

If my kids turn out to be exactly the same way I was when I was younger, I’d smack the sh*t out of them. :smiley:

Welcome to the club Matty! :wink:

Listen what you posted right here has huge accountability and responsibility associated with it. It takes a very responsible person to own up to Kung Fu’ing their account when in actuality none of us would have been any wiser to the fact. This to me is precisely what I meant by stepping out there… it will help keep you focused. Now that you have a scar… you can reflect on it and recall how painful it was and learn… repeat… L.E.A.R.N. from it. Do not get angry with yourself… we all have done it or those who haven’t will sooner or later… and those that state they haven’t or ever will… are nothing more than L.I.A.R.S.

I tip my hat to you and the courage it takes to report your performance. Now the Rule… as you stressed you needed… is a very obvious one from this experience and I think you will agree. When you suffer a loss… accept it. Stop trading for the day and let the emotional sting work itself off. Better yet… post it here… you will find your seething desire to rush back to preloss equity will not be so bad when you “let it go”. Cast it into the sea of forgotten “cost of business”… as all losses should be viewed. It will not be your last loss and when your equity has grown in time… that loss will pale in comparison to the ones you will absorb. It is all part of the development… and adjustment process to building wealth.

We can’t have it all and we can’t beat them everyday, week or month. Prepare for it… and put this weeks trades on your wall where you sit and trade… read it daily and reflect on how you don’t want to revisit this type of trading… you will forge an Iron Discipline and this “speedbump” is only a bending of your [I][B]Will[/B][/I]… it will shape you into a better Trader… “IF” you allow it. There is no Shame here… only if you refuse to learn from it and go on to repeat it again.

Kudos for the courage and stay the course… :57:

Plot a cumulative line based on the above mentioned conditions. Yes it is Larry Williams Accumulation - Distribution formula. Priceless in the hands of the “informed”.


Are you gonna share what exactly we can do with this information once someone codes it for u ? =]

I don’t know if this is legal or no – but at mq4 website - —http://codebase.mql4.com/2295 – -they freely give indicators and stuff - – ( I think )

here is the code: below is a download – - - again if this is illegal please don’t download or copy it:
//| Williams’ Accumulation/Distribution.mq4 |
//| Copyright © 2007, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//| TeamWox Groupware / MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
#property copyright “Copyright © 2007, MetaQuotes Software Corp.”
#property link “http://www.metaquotes.net
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_color1 LightSeaGreen
//---- buffers
double ExtMapBuffer1[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
//---- indicators
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);
SetIndexBuffer(0, ExtMapBuffer1);
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int start()
double AD, TRH, TRL;
int i, counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
i = Bars - counted_bars - 1;
while(i >= 0)
TRH = MathMax(High[i], Close[i+1]);
TRL = MathMin(Low[i], Close[i+1]);
if(Close[i] > Close[i+1] + Point)
AD = Close[i] - TRL;
if(Close[i] < Close[i+1] - Point)
AD = Close[i] - TRH;
AD = 0;
ExtMapBuffer1[i] = ExtMapBuffer1[i+1] + AD;

seems I don’t know how to upload the .mq4 file?

Hi all,

My goal for 2012 is to continue studying and learning as much as possible so that once i’m well enough i’ll be able to apply the methods we’re lucky to have been introduced to.

By the end of 2012 i’d like to be consistently using a demo account so that I can build some experience, it’s about a month since I looked at the charts myself so this would be a huge achievement for me.

I have been finding it a little hard to keep up but I have a long term goal.
As many wise people on this thread keep saying, we’re running a marathon not a sprint.

[QUOTE=InnerCircleTrader;303817]Plot a cumulative line based on the above mentioned conditions. Yes it is Larry Williams Accumulation - Distribution formula. Priceless in the hands of the “informed”.


Try this…


Just a small suggestion, but you might have a better time tracking and sharing your monthly performance instead of weekly. It’s the route I choseand it feels more relaxed. I used to track weekly and there was definitely more pressure to end positive every week, which is a very tough goal