What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know


what do you make of the latest COT? EU at an extreme net short, while the GU is at a lower net short than the extreme and USDX the exact opposite of the GU. Can this divergence be used as a signal the market may start it’s reversal and head higher?

Careful, the commercials are not in these positions to make profits and hence do not speculate. They take positions to hedge and thereby protect themselves in their business transactions from changes in the value of currencies. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Hopefully ICT will teach us more about how to properly use COT data in day to day trading as I haven’t been able to figure it out even with that newer video.

Extreme net SHORT? Could you explain Lazydogs? All I see are huge long positions in the EU…

thanks for catching that, having a duh moment. Basically what I meant is the opposite of what I said. Is it safe to assume the divergence in the COT has significant meaning?

QUOTE=ClarkFX;303554]Extreme net SHORT? Could you explain Lazydogs? All I see are huge long positions in the EU…[/QUOTE]


Divergence on COT? Gotta admit that’s beyond my knowledge. Is it a valid signal of something about to happen? I really have no clue…got to ask Team Leader ICT on that one!


Yes definitely the commercials are looking to hedge, that is their business, but with that logic, you would assume they would build heavier and heavier Short positions as the market rallied up, hedging at higher and higher prices… but they did not, they were lightening their short positions…

Obviously I don’t know if they actually lost money, but the formula where Commercials call the top with a massive Short position didn’t hold up in that particular scenario. That was my main point I think

I’d love to give it a shot - but I have zero time until after x-mas ;; if there still is a need I will give it a shot - but I am more of a hacker than a programmer :frowning:

Edited:::::oops, with the impending vidoe overload for x-mas - I probably won’t have time after x-mas either - - :slight_smile: - -

Weekly Goal:

1 video per day - from 6:30 a.m. CST until 8 a.m. CST.

I gotta get my backside outta bed to consistently be at the charts - to get consistent ‘reads’ so my hours of operation are from as stated above 6:30 until 8:00 - time to make it real.

Only find a set up on 1 hr or > timeframe- maybe won’t find any, but no looking at < 1hr charts UNTIL that time frame gives me an entry location.

Thanks PerchTrid for the reminder…

Weekly goal: review my trading journal for the last 6mos.

I got a little problem now. COT is telling me to look for a buy at the fiber, overall trend is massiv bearish and telling me to look for a short. What to do? How are you guys handling this situation?

Simple. Stay out, and enjoy the holidays. =)

Hey, I love ur avatar. That quote is true.

yes, it is… :57:

i shall have a Q to ICT and those who feel competent

what about if the 5 mint doesnt offer pullback for ote? and its just rather run up and then down…
on the 1h we c switched polarity,of S,on 5 min we c last lows broken before run up to ote to those A’s.
the first case it was friday close, not tradable but the second one took place in london open…
i know some trades wont b filled,are these cases of those?

this is cable,and it was diverging with fiber at that time going straight down while fiber re-testing at 10 gmt…
so the fiber could’ve been taken with ote on 5 min,but in cases that ote is not given, do u take it straight on?
my analysis for this trade might b wrong,but the q is still valid anyways

I would like to see some goals for 2012… what are the goals of 2012?

What is it that you are aiming for personally?

It all begins with a Vision… :57:

That’s easy. 7 Figures by 2013! :smiley:

Note the last livestream video… I noted this level as a possible OTE and while I didn’t want to see it unfold during that short in the presentation… if and when it traded to that level as you have noted here… it can be traded… and profitably, as it it were.

You have to use limit orders to capture some of the most dandy of entry points.

We will learn more in the time… all in good time. :slight_smile:

2012 goals:

Well definitely a newbie and starting very small. I’m a stay at home dad and will be for the next 3 yrs. So my vision is to become a consistent Forex trader and to grow my account slowly and steadily for the next three yrs until all my kids are in school. By that time I hope to be able to be a full time trader and in 5 yrs let my wife quite her job and follow her passions while I provide for my family through trading.

My wife’s Christmas present to me this year is $100 to open a live account… yes only $100. So my goals this year are:
Weekly 40-60 pips
Quarterly If consistently successful I will add another $100 to account. Each quarter will do the same.
My optimal goal is to have $1600 account by end of year.
There it is… good luck and happy trading to all.
Thanks again ICT look forward to learning from you!

Sounds like very modest goals, and you sound like a very humble person to take care of your kids and look after your wife. You’ve gained 100% of my respect and I really hope you do well. =) If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Best of luck!


PS: These are the newbies I like. :wink:

Goals 2012:

1 - Understand 4x market in such a way that I trade profitably and with confidence.
2 - Deposit a ‘large’ sum (tiny sum to some) - $2,000 - probably in increments of $500.
3 - By the end of 2012 - I want to be on that path - you know the one posted in every thread.

start with 1,000 and in
mnth 1 = 1100
mnth 2 = 1210
mnth 3 = 1330
etc . . .

What I mean by that, is it is real path set by me with a complete understanding of my ability - and beginning 2013 (that is if we make it past Dec 23, 2012 :slight_smile: ) I will consider myself a professional. AND - MOST IMPORTANTLY - have my ‘side job’ / backup plan in place and working.

You see, I do have a personal goal- my wife and I decided when we had kids someone should be ‘at home’ for their needs, well my wife went a step beyond and decided to Home-School. I am not entirely fond of that idea - but I do see the benefits first hand - - but anyways at that time, I sort of jokingly said:

“Ok you stay at home for the first 18 years, with the kids; then after that I get to stay at home ‘with the kids’ (who are now basically gone) and YOU have to get a j - o - b.”

And so I’ve spread this joke among co-workers and golf buddies - -whom all pass it off whilly nilly - – -- BUT I AM SERIOUS - -I HOPE.
(by the way - I still have 6 years - so the ultimate goal is BEFORE that time- have an obscene size account - that does generate consistent monthly profits that will allow me to accomplish this “JOKE IS ON YOU > > > Everyone else”

My goals for 2012 are simple…consistent gains to my account and gain as much knowledge to this wonderful world of forex (and other markets too) as I possibly can. Then I will finally be able to walk away from the 9-5 :wink: