What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

SMT divergence on 15 min charts between Cable and Fiber!

Found the video; it gave me butterflies.


Yes, also remember to extend the range throughout the day like this.

Click to enlarge:

Nice trades muscle. I think on Oanda you can scale out by just buying or selling the number of units you want to scale out. So, if your lot size is 10000 going short and you wanted to scale out 50 pct-you would just buy 5000 and voila! At least I think thats how you would do it if Im remembering correctly.

I am a11 month newbie. I began in january 11 to work at debt reduction and wealth building. I needed a additional source of income going into our retirement. we are 64 and 65 and look to retire at 67. I wanted something I could do even in retirement as a supplement to our income. Forex looked possible, so I began with a wealth building mentor and got the basics. Found babypips and this thread and have been lurking and learning ever since. the learning curve has been large but the advice of ICT to take it slow and with lots of PATIENCE has been most helpful. thew last onth of info has been incredible thanks to the GREAT insite fromICT. I have been using 3 demo accts and finally am beginning to get IT. thx ICT!!! long term analysis and latest vids have brought it all together.

Great stuff.
Iā€™ve seen you lurking with your ā€œlikesā€ to the posts.
I really hope it works out for, what a retirement that will be.
Keep us posted.

all the best.

Wow folksā€¦ you really are ā€œplugged inā€ to this thread arenā€™t you?

The gals/guys have put this thread over 500,100 viewsā€¦ Babypips.comā€¦ howā€™s that grab you? :wink:

At this rate we will have the highest viewed thread on Newbie Islandā€¦ my guessā€¦ on January 6th.

Now we jumped a big step with the latest video and I have been ambushed by you all in emails with excitement as you are seeing it flesh out now. I told you to hang on and we would have the foundation or ā€œskeletonā€ to build the flesh on. Now some of you have been very studious and have strung together many of the technical concepts and arrived at the Scalping Method I use. Some of you are so close to the Swing Trading Model I use as well. For me to see thisā€¦ is very rewarding as a Mentor. I want to thank you for that.

You all show me such interest and excitement and I thrive on that feeling. I recall how I felt where you are now and I miss that sense of ā€œAdventureā€ā€¦ something close to a dreamlike state where my visions were charged and my lifeā€™s dreams were kicked into the realm of possibility.

By nature, I am a kid at heart. I look back as a child of the early seventies and you see many of the impressions that left their mark on me as a person. You will see many more in 2012 you can count on that. While some of you might not dig my ā€œSniperā€ clips, or musical choices, or the whistling of my nose on my ultra-sensitive Microphone on our videosā€¦ hopefully one thing remains a constant. You have a blast learning a wonderful trade and wealth building mindset that can be shared for generations to come.

I canā€™t tell you how humbling that makes me feel that a young spitfire like me growing up in a neighborhood where the only thing separating the ā€œindoorsā€ from the ā€œoutdoorsā€ was sheetrock and nothing elseā€¦ our homes were nicknamed ā€œCardboard Villageā€. I can smile and chuckle nowā€¦ but it hurt to hear others say those things when I was growing up. I give God Almighty the Praise and Thanksgiving I no longer ever have to feel that way againā€¦ nor will my children.

I am about to close this thread and deliver the goods as outlined man months ago. It has been such a rideā€¦ I have enjoyed every day. My thanks go out to all of you for keeping it very respectful as we went alongā€¦ and to Babypips moderators for their efforts as well. I am very honored that you hold me and my work to such a high degree and I say this with a lump in my throat, your emails have touched me to a point I will treasure always. Some of your stories are heartbreaking and others are very promising. You are appreciated and held high in regards by me as well.

I sincerely Pray that you find everything your hopes and dreams take youā€¦ and the journeys that await you and your family as a result of this gift I was so Blessed to receiveā€¦ I whole heartedly am Blessed to freely give to you what my life has been entirely built uponā€¦ the Passion to Teach, Share and Give.

May God Richly Bless You and Yours This Coming Year!


Congragulations on 500,000+ views it just goes to show the quality of the infomations that you are sharring with us. All you have to do is surf the internet and you will find hundreds if not thousands of so called ā€œmentorsā€ that are charging hundreds if not tens of thousands of dollar for information. For you to share all of your trading ā€œsecretsā€ with us for FREE and all that you want out of it is for us to succeed is truly amazing. I think itā€™s safe to say the world would be a better place if there were more ICTā€™s around.

Thanks for everthing Michael and may you be blessed in the New Yearā€¦

Thanks again for all the efforts you are putting in Maestro!
This is the best thread on the internet for forex education.

All the best for the new year.

Like many, I was unable to post as much in this thread as I would have liked. One of my goals for this coming year is to be more active with the new thread as well as more disciplined with applying ICTā€™s concepts to my trading. I wonder how many people have been lurking around this thread that have benefited from these concepts. I mean, with as many people posting there must be about twice that, just drinking in the information, having never posted a chart or comment. Well people, now is your chance to thank ICT before he closes up this thread. It would be awesome to know how this info has changed your trading. Let him know! :slight_smile:

I used to be a lurker on BP until I found this thread.
Its the only reason I actually signed up at all.

Well now this is the thread with the highest number of replies. An outstanding record by itself. :slight_smile:


When I first thought about trading, I was reading books of all kind and screening the web some information that can help me in my quest to the holly grail!!

I found this thread by pure luck!! All my friend was giving me the same adviseā€¦ Do not loose time searching forums. They contain too much miss leading information !!

Well guess what I am saying to them now. :32: I found a gold nugget throughout the whole web.:p:p

Since the time I read my first post in this thread, I was not able to give enough time into studying all of the material that the thread contain. I had to complete other project.

2012 for me will be my serious beginning in forex. I am giving myself some time everyday to study my charts and video and of course, contribute to this forum.

So far I have gained a better understanding of the market. I can consider myself as a skeleton in the process of being assemble. I still need to link a few basic bones.:slight_smile:

I definitively gained a better understanding of my charts which is very valuable for me at this point. They are now speaking to me when I look at them!!

I can wait to see the overall result in 2012 when my skeleton will be built and covered by flesh !!

Again, Thank you for everything.



Like i said back in august, which is worth repeating, even more soā€¦

Attributes of a Leader

"Real leaders come in all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life, but they all have a few things in common: They are never so big that they canā€™t bend down to help someone else.

They are never so wise that they donā€™t remember who taught them.
They are never so gifted that they wonā€™t share their skills with others.
They are never so fearless that they donā€™t play by the rules and live by the law.
And they are never such big winners that they forget what it feels like to lose."

  • Jimmy Stewart, actor

Thank you again ICT for being this kind of leader to us.

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

Optimus Prime is the leader of the autobots.

I sincerely think ICT is AWESOMENESS PRIME of babypips!

Thanks for everything!

I seriously learnt more new ā€˜stuffā€™ from your videos that from the books iā€™ve learnt, which merely repeat the same old same old.

And to this wonderful community which never makes me feel alone :slight_smile:

I really like thisā€¦ so true.

Hi all
I dont think ICT is really aware what he has given to us all. I am new to this thread and am reading from post 1.
Ive been trading on and off for two years and suffered all the mistakes all newbies make and was ready to give up.
ICT your gift to us all has given me hope and fresh optimisim and I now know I can succeed.
God bless you. What you have given out will return to you ten fold.

Happy new year to all and look forward to joining this community in 2012

Did you really just put a face to the name?!

Yo gansgsta ICT!
You right, that isnā€™t Larry Williams, lol.

Check your tweets folks.
The look of the forex trader has changed forever.
No more ties and shirts!