What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

The Judas swing was the upswing above the Asian range high. It happened in the LO killzone. Good money was to be made selling this Judas swing…

Folks, if you haven’t fully grasped the concepts and feel like the rest of us are going to leave you in the dust… STOP.

The material I am building on will only bring greater clarity to the concepts and allow you to have a life away from the monitors. Do not ask questions if you have not yet gone through every video on the first post of this thread… I am not trying to be rude… but you can’t jump to the front of the line and ask for something that has been freely given to you.

If you haven’t conquered this “rush” to know… this thread will not help you… that I promise. That is why it begins testing your patience… and tests it still today. It is your enemy… your nemesis that “rush”… kill it with Discipline. Put the time in you will need to put in and I promised you the money is there for the taking.

Just this week… you could have made a months worth of pips… and this is not a typical week… this repeats weekly… monthly, annually… so stop being so rushed. This process should be enjoyable and richly rewarding… you are building a “new you”… doesn’t it make sense you take time perfecting the end result with the highest possible interest in your personal Success? I believe you can do it… shouldn’t you?

P.A.T.I.E.N.C.E… put the distractions away… and get to studying. I bet you would be doing that if you knew the videos were going offline in three weeks now wouldn’t you? Stop providing yourself with perfect little distractions to keep your mind from studying these concepts as they were outlined. We are our worst barriers to where we want to be… snap out of it and dig your heels in and prepare yourself for a journey… not a hop, skip and a jump and you have arrived. :wink:

I absolutely want to see your success… but I promise you… [B][/B][U]there is no short cut[/U]. Please believe me when I say this.

Good Luck & Good Study! :57:

Please bold this in your first post as Rule #1

I have gotten over the rush of needing to watch material as soon as it comes out, or having to be in the live sessions; knowing that it is gonna be here when I have more time to study and take notes.

I will never get over the rush of when ICT shares something that floors me.

Might be a video added as a bookend and or a “Hey is this your First time here? Watch this video first…”

As for text the post is not able to contain many more… I had to trim the introduction away to fit the new video index lol.

I never grow tired of flooring you folks. :57:

:5: Wow… I have to really get caught up on this thread… it’s grown very active as of late. I might have missed your post or question/comments so please don’t assume it was me ignoring you… I will get to you in January when I relax more and unwind before hunting season resumes in February.

Michael, just a quick question: when do you expect to have all the content up? I’m working on this year’s goals and it’d be nice to know potentially when everything is out so I am fully prepared to trade again. I’m sure a few others are thinking the same thing. So I’ll ask.



This Sunday night… as I will have no time to put into them after Sunday so you have a drop dead date. :wink:

Love the Swag Avatar too BTW… Roll with it :wink:

hi ict
i d like to ask u 2 q’s if i shall

1/ u demonstrated in 3 months 300% gain,thats stellar…
when u mentioned u had 3 looser in a raw //aussie,kiwi,as i understood//, did u scale back on sizing 2% , 1% , 0.5%?
or after those 3 losses when u came back to cable and fiber and lets say u saw an excellent set up, did u stick with that 0.5% to make it up back to 2% with xx winners?

i guess u have a gem up yr sleeve again ‘‘The Inner Circle Trader Definitive Guide To Explosive Forex Profits’’

2/ journey 2012,do u start it with the 1000$ demo account or carry on with the 9000+ account ? //no biggie either way,just curious if a i can b//

thank u

Thanks Michael, I’ll be looking forward to Saturday then.

And this avatar sure beats the ones where I’m drunk! Maybe people might take me more seriously? :wink:

LOL good one!

Anyone take advantage of the NYO long opportunity on Fiber today as seen on below chart?

The only thing that kept me from pulling the trigger was avoiding trading during the holidays - to think that I was watching this level for weeks, and not taking the trade hardly phased me at all, made me realize that I’m starting to understand there will always be opportunities as the market constantly presents us with trade setups.


Discipline: 1 Emotions: 0

Looking forward to post-holiday market liquidity :41:

Click to enlarge:

Can anyone help me with the Asian Session indicator? My platform is using Eastern Standard Time so (I believe) Asian Market is open from 19:00 est to 4:00 est. But if I set start to 19:00 and end to 4:00 it spans from 4am to 7pm instead of from 7pm to 4am. Doing the opposite start/end times does the same. It can’t span through different days? Any help? Thanks guys.

What a day of trading!

If you guys don’t mind, I would just like to share my analysis and how it led me to a cool 100 pips today!

Please feel free to point out anything I missed or could have done differently guys!

Trade 1:
(London Open)

Firstly, I went through the daily chart (focusing on the longer timeframes - thanks ICT) and set up my support and resistance lines. I then determined what I felt was the potential bias for the day, this being bearish - why? - because we had yet to break through the 12 month low on the fiber, and it made sense that the financial institutions would want to push through this level before the commencement of the new year, particularly given the massive net long position we have seen on the COT charts (highest in 12 months at least). Similarly, the daily market flow was bearish, with the latest fractal below the previous low.

So I had my daily bias for the fiber and cable (my analysis of the cable was similar) and all I would do was look for SHORTS. So I waited for the Asian session to complete, and when price broke higher out of the Asian range on London Open, I knew this was the fabled JUDAS SWING!! And so, even when the candle was bullish I placed a short and was looking for an exit at the low of the Asian range. My stop was 10 pips above the high.

Pair: Cable
Short at 1.54703
Took profits at 1.54399
Profit of 30.4 pips

Trade 2:
(London Open)

After the cable shot down, I knew I could anticipate something similar with the fiber, and after making a high out of the Asian Range (Judas Swing again!), price pulled back again enough for me to enter at another OTE. I was targeting the December 14 low at 1.2887, not wanting to risk it beyond that as I assumed this level would present some level of support.

Pair: Fiber
Short at 1.29262
Took profits at 1.28880
Profit of 38.2 pips

Trade 3:
(New York Open)

Ok my patience continued and I waited until the New York open for this one. As price hit S1, I said to myself “Ok this is the lowest low of the entire 12 month period, surely price will bounce”. To confirm it, I checked the 5 minute chart, and lo and behold, the fabled BULLISH DIVERGENCE showed itself with EURUSD continuing to make lower lows but GBPUSD breaking upwards! So I said, this is excellent, a daily support line, a fresh low for the entire year AND some bullish divergence! I targeted the previously broken support line of 1.2889, although in retrospect I should’ve held it longer!

Pair: Fiber
Long at 1.2860
Took profits at 1.2889
Profit of 29 pips

A nice collection of 97.6 pips! And I didn’t go beyond my limit of 3 trades per day maximum! I’m so proud of myself hahaha!

Only problem I’m having at the moment is that I use Oanda, and I have to open multiple positions if I want to scale out profits at 30 pips… Although considering today’s action, I’m rather glad I took them all out at around 30 each time :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks again ICT, all profits as a direct result of what I have learnt!

Some might call it the Asian Range…

I call it a feeding frenzy!!!

Asian session we use is 0 GMT to 5 GMT which is 19:00 EST to 24:00(midnight) EST. I had to use 23:59 on my platform otherwise it wouldn’t draw it correctly.

AK, you have an indicator for that…lol…just jokin…

No but i wish i did…lol

The one on the first page crashes my MT4, so right now it’s manual or nothin for me

Ok so we don’t care about much after London Open then. That will work, thanks.

Thats odd, what broker you using…

sometimes if you reinstall the MT4 it will work…you can install more then one copy of MT4 at a time if you just want to test it by creating a different folder for it on your C: drive…

Almost 500.000 views…this is massive ! :o

I’m not trading now, just studying the material…see you next year :57: