What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

30/70, Period: 10

Thanks, guys.

I’ve been trying to post that question for 2 days. The Babypips Forum would not let me post it.

I finally figured out why: I did not put a space between % and R.

Try it. If you type % and R without a space between, this Forum will freak out.

Haha seriously? :open_mouth:

Let’s give it a try —> %R

here is an update on my performance:

April +13%
May -10%
June -.2%
July -3.7%
Aug -.48%
Sept +6.9%
Oct +9.1%
Nov +14.7%- starting Nov, my returns are based on prior month’s ending balance
Dec +6%

Now I know why ICT does not trade around the holiday’s. I had a 10% return going into Xmas week, although the new tools were working well for me and I began trading the LO with some marginal success, I was getting taken behind the woodshed on my LC trades, and making stupid trades trying to achieve my 15% goal. It was wrought with terrible entries & exits, and a market that zigged when I zagged. For this next year, I will work harder to not force my monthly goal and take what the market gives me whether I reach 15% or not, and try to refrain from trading next Xmas! I am extremely happy with 4 positive month’s in a row.

Here’s to our mentor ICT, and 2012 being a great year for everyone! We are all blessed to have the teachings of ICT, and to the members of our little community helping each other become better traders!

Pure Muscle,

I just tried to post an exact copy of your post, and I got this: http://www.babypips.com/404.php

…which is the same error message I was getting for 2 days trying to post my question.

In fact, I can’t even quote your post without getting the error message.


I just tried to post an exact copy of your post, and I got this: http://www.babypips.com/404.php

I wonder what a different browser would do…?

Hmmmmmmm… Let’s see.


Haha wow that is weird :o Perhaps it’s your browser? Using IE or Firefox?

Must be a sign Clint


Tang, I think I need to borrow your tin-foil hat.

Google Chrome and Firefox — same result on both.

Sorry for hijacking the thread, guys. Maybe we should move on.

Here ya go!



It matches my tin-foil tie.

I’m outta here. Have a Happy (and safe) New Year, guys!

clint.bmp (18.9 KB)? Like this


do you guys recall what level ICT predicted as resistance in the latest video should cable go higher?.. bang to the pip! :wink:
just wanted to point that we have the greatest teacher in the world! hats of to you Michael!

GLGT :41:

So I know I need to watch the Judas Swing video (and all of them in fact) more times, but I’m just having a little bit of a hard time wrapping my head around it. Maybe you all can give me your perspective…

So ICT mentioned that we can’t let our basic S/R, buy sell zone, MF concepts go out the door when we are trying to use these new ‘fancy’ trading strategies. Now with that in mind, the Judas swing is basically (from what I understand) a way for the banks to trap the street money that is just chasing a trend, and then quickly reverse price. So, are we not looking for price to break out of asia, looking like the continuation of a trend the street money would be following, i.e. a fake bull/bear flag, and then we trade in the opposite direction? What confuses me about the Judas swing is that it seems like the street money is going to be following MF, i.e. chasing price, so are we supposed to ignore MF?

I guess I’m just frustrated cause I was demo trading last night and thought FOR SURE we were seeing a Judas swing on the Cable. Price broke up at the appropriate time, raided stops above a previous high, and then shot back down into asian range. So I was looking for price to have just made the high in LO, and then hold my trade til LC where it would hopefully shoot for the 162% extension of the TT, which was also right at the long term low made in OCT. Plus MF was down on the 4H. It all seemed perfect…

Was I using these concepts wrong? What am I missing? Or are all my reasons correct for a Judas swing to form, and I can just chalk this on up to bad luck/holidays/etc? Appreciate all your thoughts. Thanks.


To answer the last part of your post. Think like that casino ICT was talking about, we’ve had 2 days where price action has been south bound, we were down like 300 pips.Also think in terms of where are the resting stops in the market?

In my opinion, the money was made on Wednesday and or Thursday. Look where price traded to on Thursday. Look to the left of the daily Cable chart, we down near swing lows,
Always remember where we are in terms of the bigger picture

I think you had the wrong directional bias for the day. The day was definitely a BUY day, despite the market flow being bearish on the daily chart. So the only way a Judas Swing would happen was if price traded below the opening price very early on in the day and then blasted upwards.

Look at the last three candles on this daily chart. The third to last one (Wednesday this week) was a full range day, with the close right at the low of the candle. As ICT taught us, this is strong evidence to expect a consolidation and an upwards correction. The second to last candle was the consolidation, with a relatively small range and price not making much headway between opening and closing. That was the perfect indicator to let us know that price was going to swing back up again today, which as you can see, it did very strongly.

The street money would’ve been counting on further downwards pressure after so many sell days, so when price dropped back into the Asian range, they would’ve been selling straight into the SMT trap…

Edit: Forgot to add that the second to last candle is probably going to be a fractal forming an intermediate term low…

Check out what fiber did at the same time during LO. SMT divergence, judas swing and then cable went up. The fiber yesterday also looked alot like ICT’s reversal profile at least from what i remember seeing in the live video.

Edit: PureMuscle beat me to it :slight_smile:

Could you expand on the ‘casino’ comment? I don’t really know what the means…Also, I know we broke the lows made in December, but how do we not know that they weren’t going to gun the lows made back in Oct? I was still expecting price to move down to take those lows out, which would make sense to me, because those lows are right at the 162% extension drawn with the TT.