What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Have you viewed the newest Correlation Video?

Smiling? :5:

I don’t know if you saw shaund’s chart he posted up, but it illustrates what you are saying beautifully with key s/r marked in. I imagine it is just as powerful with the usdx.

link to his post: 301 Moved Permanently

Yes,very good video,thank you very much!So we can look for SMT divergence between USDX and Cable/Fiber as inversely correlated.I use SMT divergence on H1,H4,Daily chart only.

Yes you can compare USDX highs to the lows of all Forex pairs */Usd as outlined in this latest video. You can do similiar analysis with */Jpy pairs.

Just do not use the Usd/* pairs as they will be positively correlated and you will see another pattern all together. More on that later. :wink:


Folks I will be a novela behind in reading by the time I get caught up lol

WTG… thanks for your continued interest!

I want to share a little video I made in apreciation of the great thread and the great mentor that is ICT.
Founding this thread by pure luck was probably the best thing happened to me only ray of light in the dull 2011.
This is definitelly a turning point in my life, it is great filling to know that there is someone on the other side of the screen willing to help and share the success without hesistantion.
Thank you ICT and all other members that contributed to turn this forum thread to the bigest and most complete source of knowledge available on the World Wide Web.
I’m sure We Will All Have a Very Rewardable and Prosperous New Year. Looking forward to the success we all gonna achieve together in 2012!
Because We Are IC Traders! :57:

This a little tribute to all that contributed to the thread and of course Michael!
Thank You!

Happy New 2012 and GLGT!

pass… gbdfghdfghd :wink:

uh… sorry… the forum playing up… was trying to post the above post for half a day…:33:

Wow! That video was an eye opener. Thank you ICT


Looking at AUD/USD, trying to get in sync with the higher time frame profile. It looks like we’ve gone from a reversal to a consolidation range profile. I’m looking for shorts here since we are at the upper end of this 8 session range. It appears to be a turtle soup pattern at a longer term OTE. Also better than expected US economic data supports my belief that flow into USD from other safe haven currencies is due. Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.



For those guys who were struggling with yesterday’s market flow being contrary to the directional bias of the day, watch ICT Pro Traders Club video for the 23rd of February this year, Mike’s advice is excellent. Basically, the day was an up day and he points out an example of what looks like a perfect OTE short entry, then he explains, and I quote loosely:

“Do you take this trade? No no no no no. You have to go back to where the long term perspective is taking you. It’s looking to go higher on the daily chart, so you have to look for trades that are in sync with that direction. [B]You may be trading against the market flow when you do so[/B]. When market flow gets in line with that (the longer term perspective), then you get these really, really nice trades where it just goes on and on and on and on. But until it gets to that point, you have to be nimble enough to trade back and forth. You may be countertrend vs market flow, but still in line with the long term perspective.”

awesome video!! there is a rhyme and reason to how the market works. and we now have the inside scoup thanks to ICT. Have an awesome new year as I know all of us will who have benefited from your work !! thanks again just doesn’t seem enough to just say thanks!!

Another gem Michael. Its gonna be a good 2012, I can feel it :stuck_out_tongue:

A big BIG 2012 to all of the fine people here on this thread. Who here does NOT have a reason to be excited??

Hey all,

Just wanted to take a moment before the end of 2011 to add my voice to the chorus of thank yous to ICT for all his efforts. And for some basic goals for 2012:

  1. Finish watching and re-watching all ICT’s videos
  2. Be a consistently profitable forex trader by the end of next year.

Happy New Year to all!


Happy New Year!

2012… Here We Come… :cool:

So after talking with a bunch of people tonight including my parents, wife, and friends I have come up with my 2012 goals…

They are to never speak to anyone about forex again in person that has no idea about trading the markets.

It seems like anyone I talk to about the markets they just see it as gambling and a waste of my time where I can be spending more of my time with them instead of infront of the computer studying…

I keep telling them you have to look at it as if I was going to school to be a doctor, would you have an issue with me to go to school to be a doctor and make half a million a year, probably not, they would probably be cheering me on and think how cool it would be to have a doctor in the family and how proud they would be of me…

but no they see it as me wasting my time and throwing away money into the market and never achiving a thing, I have a feeling they are waiting to ask me in a couple of years how it went and hoping I said well I lost everything so they can just rub it in my face and tell me they told me so…

So to 2012 i am going to be studying my ass off even more in determinationg to making it as a full time forex trader. I know it’s not going to happen overnight and probably not going to happen within a years time but with in 2 to 3 years my goals are set to make this my full time job…with this said I hope I can laugh in everyones faces when i told them that this has been the best thing I have ever spent time on in my life, to make a new life for myself and my family…

cheers to 2012 and the many more years after…happy new years and best wishes to everyone in whatever they have set out for themselves in 2012…

In case anyone missed this post http://forums.babypips.com/newbie-island/36328-what-every-new-aspiring-forex-trader-still-wants-know-651.html#post306847 ,here’s an Asian open Indi
Asia_open.zip (13.7 KB).


I feel your pain, PH, been there. It reminds of that old Dirty Harry quote " Opinions are like A**holes,… everyone has one."
I won’t give you a big thumbs up because I’m not sure Revenge or I told you so is a good motivator for trading but It would be nice one day when one of these people asks “where did you get all that money from?” to casually reply “Oh you know, trading…”.

GO for it. Follow your inner guidance.

When the night is still, you can hear the silence.
When the mind is still, listen to the silence and let it guide you.

It takes 10.000 hours to become proficient. EVERY hour spent on irrelevant issues, is a lost hour.

May 2012 be a year you´ll never forget !

You are not alone I have herd yr to old you have not the right background etc etc, I keep my studies for my self and as you I hope I can the last to laugh, My wife support me and Im happy for that, best of luck to you PH

Thanks Wally

QUOTE=MCAWally;307359]In case anyone missed this post http://forums.babypips.com/newbie-island/36328-what-every-new-aspiring-forex-trader-still-wants-know-651.html#post306847 ,here’s an Asian open Indi
Asia_open.zip (13.7 KB).
