What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Not sure??
Try google and download from their site

Watch “The power of 3” video again, and listen to the first 40 seconds. I think that will drive home what I am trying to say

Uninstalled, googled, installed from website, same result. Could you post the link where you downloaded yours from?
I was getting it from here MetaTrader 4 Platform | Forex Ltd

Hrm…I don’t see it on my demo account either. I downloaded it directly from Forex Ltd’s site.

I downloaded it from Forex Ltd’s site. Could be something to do with maintenance work or something, give it till after New Years

I wonder if they took it off, I heard a lot of the Forex platforms aren’t suppost to have the USDX on them…at least that is what GFT told me when I asked them why they don’t offer it…

I get exactly the same. No USDX. They may have pulled it from their demo’s.

EDIT interesting how the brain tries to find an explanation for a problem that doesn’t exist… :rolleyes::20:

Just watched the beginning of the power of three video…Yeah, good old higher TF support/resistance.

I think I need to get back to the basics…ya know, its funny, I was trading just using S/R, pivot and TT buy sell zones, and I doubled my account in ~1 month. THEN, I start seeing these fancier concepts in the new videos and I start losing money. I think I’ve made the mistake of getting married to a concept like the Judas Swing or a broken TT extension level and looking back on things, I have had that overrule my basic analysis to the point that I do something contrary to what I would have done in the same scenario just a few weeks ago when I was having success. I think I need to focus on ADDING these new concepts to the basics of ICTs trading strategies instead of having these new ‘toys’ supercede the basics. And Shaunnd, I went over some of my own charts doing what you did with the PDH/PDL and SMT…WOW! Its amazing how many times that called the direction of the day. Gotta refocus for the new year on being completely sound in the basics and waiting for the big picture to line up for my sniper shots.


For those of you still looking:

Right click on symbols under market watch window…

Click on forex2

Then scroll down to USDX and clixk ‘SHOW’

This is just my opinion, but I’ve got a feeling that the cable is deliberately avoiding those Sep/Oct lows in order for us to arrive at a major long term bullish SMT divergence, with the fiber making lower lows but the cable not following suit. Couple this with the massive net long position held by the Commercial traders at the moment and there you have your opening long term trend for 2012 - More bullish than a Texas Rodeo.

What you can do, and what I’ve been doing, is record the older livesteams with something like camtasia. That way you can start and stop more easily you have your own copy to reference, etc.

up untill now i was rather treating and studding every given nugget separately //maybe purposely and i didnt mind//…
just yesterday i did set up my screen,half horizontal with gu eu windows,daily OHLC with my marked levels,4h with weekly TT and asia range + W’s %,then 15m with D pivots and big numbers and assia range and the same with 5 min…fibs levels and extensions work like a charm in those right places.
when applying given nuggets, overlapping each other, i got this flash of it, waaow…and i hope thats just the begging, reality will shape it //these are hindsight but first time seeing it when putting them together//

happily expecting the 2012 action more over for Michael’s live analysis,i know there still tons to learn, but its great to c it with my new eyes and when he ll talk,i ll b getting better and better polishing my new glasses.
happy new year to all of you guys and girls
health and love first, the rest will follow itself
endless thx to you Michael, words cant thank enough

ICT use 70 30

Happy New Year folks, 2012 is here!
Yes I’m still alive, all be it at a lurking level for the past two or three months. Been taking stock with my plans for 2012 & very busy with work.
Here’s hoping for all of us that our plans & dreams come to fruition over the next year.
Without a doubt Michael has given us more then enough resources to make a huge difference in our future & assuming that 2012 doesn’t go belly up monetary (or Mayan lol!) wise, it should be full of excitement for us :smiley:

Thank you Michael & the others who have contributed here, it’s been a challenge just to keep up on this fast expanding thread!


Happy New Year, boys and girls!
All the best for next year and as many pips as possible for 2012!
Thank you Michael for everything you share with us,for time and hard work you spend on this thread!

It is the last day of 2011 and I still haven’t laid down my goals for next year! After taking a break over Christmas, and a good break away from the charts, I have had a chance to reflect on the year that has gone and look forward to the exciting year that lies ahead. It is safe to say that with the help of ICT my knowledge has grown exponentially during these last 12 months, and I believe the only thing that is now holding me back is my current work schedule. As of April 1st 2012 I will no longer have any excuses as I have terminated all contracts that clash with the major kill zones, and my focus will become trading Forex full time.

My main goal is of course to remain profitable in the coming year to the extent that I can support my family and cover my outgoings. I have always treated the learning process with respect, and I still maintain that a timeline of 3 years is a reasonable amount of time to process everything that has and will be taught. 2011 was my first year of study, and I don’t believe a single day has gone by that hasn’t involved some kind of Forex or ICT related thought or study! (Does your wife give you so much thought after all those kids and X years of marriage? ;)) Two more years and I believe that I will be able to hold my head up high and safely say that I am here, and here to stay.

I will be looking to turn in 16% per month during early 2012, and this will be based on searching for opportunities with scalps, and COT position trades. Come April I will be implementing all of the tools at London Open and New York Open which may result in me cutting down the work I do with London Close. The reason I currently like the regular scalping action is probably due to the fact that I fear losing what I have fought so hard to gain - the constant reassurance that comes with spotting opportunities and acting on them far outweighs the anticipatory anxiety of waiting for the next big swing trade to materialize. I also think that for some of us guys who have gotten used to the world of work but are still in the prime of our lives (I am 11 years out of University this year), it is hard to make the transition to a life where a week’s income can be made over two or three kill zones with only a few hours of analysis. It just doesn’t seem right!

Once I get over this initial phase, and settle into my trading, my long term objective is most definitely to turn in a monthly balance sheet that meets my profit targets with a dozen or less trades on it. I will work towards this during 2012 by slowly implementing the swing trade strategies as outlined in the LO templates, and phasing out some of the LC pairs. I am not a workaholic at heart, and I do know that there are more important things in life. 2011 has seen a distinct lack of balance in my life, and I can empathize with ICT when he implied that a lot of his relationships suffered when he was studying all hours of the day and night. I do believe that the hardcore study that is necessary when wrestling with new ideas and concepts is almost over, and I feel blessed that my family and closest friends are still 100% behind my decision to make this huge change. Thanks of course go out to ICT, but I also have to thank all of those people who have been involved in the thread, and those who I have worked alongside on a one-to-one basis.

Happy New Year to one and all, and GLGT in 2012.


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I will say that we as traders can observe things on our charts that repeat themselves and give us clues to how ‘They’ are trying to manipulate the markets. And since we all chose the red pill, you will be showing us the way Morpheus.

BTW do you have any Italian in you? I said ICT posted a pic and my gf asked what you looked like, I replied ‘uh, Italian.’ :confused:

Germany :wink: