What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

I think this may be where my problem lies. I understand all of the numbers (kinda, but I’ll get there eventually :)) but it was the ‘what buttons to press’ part that was stumping me. I think the problem may be with my broker; I’m demo trading on Alpari UK and the problem is that when I edit my trade, the ‘Volume’ field where I set my lot size on new trades is greyed out and I cant change my lot size once the trade is active.

I may try the another broker to see if I get the same issue just to be sure it isn’t just the nut behind the keyboard ;).

I’ll give the 2nd approach a try tomorrow - markets arent moving enough for me to try it out now.

Thanks a lot for your help guys.

Never mind… turns out it was indeed the nut behind the keyboard :38:

Note to self: ‘Modify or Delete Order’ is not the same as ‘Close Order’ :slight_smile:

You know you’ve been staring too long at charts when you start to see weasels in the Fiber…

that’s some funny chit!

is that the weasel break out pattern where price is either going to break up or down at some point in the future?

Haha Nicee! Is this one of the more advanced concepts ICT has in store for us in the near future?? :wink:

I am real new to this thread so I am demo trading some of the methods. Today I entered short on the turtle soup on fiber at 1.3036 and set a take profit of 30 pips which was hit. I also entered a short on cable at 1.5580 after two fails to go higher on M5 I took a OTE and hit a take profit of 25 pips. I will say nice beginning to the week so far…

Must be a bullish pattern.

If the weasel faces the other way…it’s bearish and the pattern completes when the weasel goes poo poo



Here’s a lesson. Don’t listen to Wally. lol

Next day LO spiked to 1.3062 then dropped 105 pips. Wally Wins

ICT is busting out the “Stinger Missile” module…I don’t know if I should be excited or Really Excited…either that or maybe he’s just going to blow somthing up with a missile…either way…WIN !!..:slight_smile:

So first off, can someone check this and tell me if this is right?

And if it is…how do we use this info?

I know MF is up on Daily, 4h, and 1h, but how does the structure influence our bias?





hey matty a very quick way to explain how the structure helps without going to far into it is…lets say you see a Intermediate term low forming while your at the charts, well you notice this by the newest short term low that just formed, and if you see a swing set up like that (brand new Short term low , and before it, an Intermediate term low formed) then you can assume, that the now ITL on you chart was a somewhat major reaction point, and after the STL formed price may be continuing upwards…idk its somewhat confusing to explain but i know others will get into greater detail…

(Then just add in long.term low or high in the same.fashion …I just tried mocking up a quick picture chart so you can get a general idea!

Looks great but like I have told many many people. I can make anything look good on the left side of the chart. Do it on the other side. From what I see there your about to make a imtermed term high. But hmmm I wander. I see S/R hell if I want to I can find ote on that. I am not putting you down here. Just real easy when on the left side. ICT does teach alot here (if not I would not be here) but one thing he teaches way way back is scroll out on the chart. You are way to zoomed in. What happened last week on that chart (assuming it is a 15 minute like I watch). Again no disrespect ment but I am sure most of us can look at the left side of a chart and tell where a high and low is and if it is long term short term what ever. If not this thread wont help you go back to babypips school and try again.

Edit: I take that back he asked. Good job I didnt see that at first. Good answer. I thought you were just trying to show highs and lows. Like I said why you better know that to be here. But fractals are different (not really). All in all I would delete this but babypips wont let me so… We will all fight again another day I should read all the posts before reponding next time lol.

Hello ICT and others.

I have a question regarding Stochastics.

If I recall correctly in one of the most recent livestream videos ICT was using a 10 period stochastic, but in the ´How pros use indicators’ video, he shows as an example a 14 period stochastic. So which one is it?. I´d like to be in the same page as everyone else.

Thank you!

I struggle to grasp the difference between type 1 and type 2 divergence?
could anyone dumb it down for me?:wink:

Try this…

As I understand it type 1 is for reversals and type 2 is for trend continuation.

Assuming a bullish scenario:

Type 1: Price makes lower lows, oscillator makes higher lows.
Type 2. Price makes higher lows, oscillator makes lower lows.

Assuming a bearish scenario:

Type 1: Price makes higher highs, oscillator makes lower highs.
Type 2: Price makes lower highs, oscillator makes higher highs.

That´s it in a nutshell. Relate this description with the illustrations provided before and you´ll have a better grasp of it.

Hope this helps.

Just an observation, dont you mean:

Bullish scenario:

Type 1: Price makes lower lows, oscillator makes higher lows.
Type 2: Price makes lower highs, oscillator makes higher highs.

Thank you Velho, I stand corrected.

Edited post already.