What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Hey man. Can you be so kind to point to the resource in which the “turtle soup” concept is explained? Thanks!

Market flow is intended to cove you an indication of which way short, intermediate, and longer term money is flowing

In general, you’d prefer to have 2 out of 3 in the direction of your trade.

I consider market flow as an additional confluence and could use it to for a bias for the day.

It is not an entry signal generator. If you use a 15 minute chart to time entries and do analysis on 1 hour, 4 hour and daily charts. So in your analysis, you would take note of market flow. But it not something you trade off of.

Also, in the drop out of the Asian range, there were place an OTE formed that you may have entered at. 1.3150 being the most obvious. But this likely would have failed.

The first long OTE that generated a win was the low in NyO with the OTe coming in LC

Got it.
Thanks for the quick reply

Still feel lost sometimes.

At tail end of the asian session, it looked like we might Judas down to 1.3150 area the continue movement up. We had already pierced above 1.3180 and 1.3200 fig. The market flows were up on the daily and four hour. Then I listened to the live session and ICT mentions that he is expecting a possible retrace from Jan 12 low, possibly 38-50% move.

How do you see/predict this retrace? To me it looked like we had moved through some significant resistance and were poised to move higher. I don’t see it. Is this years of experience saying an extended move for two weeks has to give back a little?

If you guys are having problems downloading off youtube try using firefox + “Video DownloadHelper” addon

I just downloaded the latest video and it worked fine. It doesn’t work on livestream tho.

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No no no no NO:


He talks about it in more than one video but check out PTC 5-16-11 and 6-22-11

It’s a false breakout pattern to ‘trap’ the turtle method followers and anyone else trying to catch a break out. Then it turns them into ‘turtle soup’ :slight_smile:

What is PTC ?

PTC stands for pro trader club. They are videos you can find on the first page of this thread. Theay are vidos that explain ICT trading method.

Bravo :wink: you got it right and have 100+ gain already :))

ah the psychological part;) I also entered long at the big figure at NYO…
but as I already had profitable trade, I wasn’t that crazy about that one… after NYO killzone had faded away and price didn’t move much at all… I closed at BE because I was very tired and didn’t want to babysit the trade until I can move SL to BE…
Knowing myself I know I would have closed the trade at 1800 if not before… so didn’t miss out too much considering this… I need to learn to hang on longer than one day if the direction is right;)
thats another one for the journal Hahahaha

nice one LTPP!

I went short today because I saw the fractal star. It comes once in a blue moon.

For Better or Worse…

Contrary to previous posts… (but thats what makes a market)

Disclaimer: Not trading today, just clarifying time/price theory.

Possible time and price convergence to buy? London has shown they want higher prices and retraced, now is it New Yorks turn to rally?

Sigh, should’ve traded cable today, the fiber is struggling to move in one clear direction…

hi people… great thread and good luck to all who are participating…i am still reading through the thread and viewing ICT’s videos. i am a newb and am seriously looking for mentorship and/or a method i can make my own. i am completely blown away by ICT’s generosity and knowledge and my gut feeling is that this is the type of knowledge i should be mastering. the problem is i feel absolutely daunted at the prospect of trying to put all of the information together in the videos and on the thread and mould it into a coherent methodical course in steps so that i can absorb in stages…

i have watched all of the webinars and a variety of the session methods and also his follow up vids…and intend to watch the rest…

i know ICT said in his webinars that he had no plans to training people etc…but is there anyone who can that has mastered his techniques? i am a serious newb who wants to learn and will obviously pay for help/tuition if authentic and within reason.

is there anyone who has mastered this or has any advice on how to approach this methodically from a newbie perspective…if ICT is out there… hi ICT… help lol!!



It’s only for today or this week I think. Fiber is the future on communication and they will bounce back.

You’re never a loser until you quit trying.

It’s only for today or this week I think. Fiber is the future on communication and they will bounce back.

You’re never a loser until you quit trying.

Hey deskpop, welcome to the thread. Maybe you don’t want to hear this, but you’re doing the right thing already and just need to stick to it. Make sure you go through this thread from day 1, reread, re-watch, and ask questions. I was pretty much a noob when I started learning ICTs methods (still feel like one a lot of times…). I just went through the school on babypips for the basics and then have participated in this thread. You don’t need to pay anyone to learn this stuff. ICT has generously given you all you will ever need to become consistently profitable. Its all here. Just take your time, it will make sense as time goes on. Good luck!


Hey deskpop,
In all honesty, take your time, go through the thread, the video’s the webinar’s, etc. Practice trading, look at charts, go back through video’s, etc, etc. ICT has been teaching his methods for about 2 years here now I think and it takes a lot of time and effort to master the material. There is no shortcut so I don’t think paying anybody to help you learn with be beneficial to yourself. All the material is here to learn at your own pace and it was released at a methodically slow pace for this exact reason. Study practice, study practice. ICT is the teacher and supplies the knowledge, but we all have different ways of learning and understanding. Personally, I’m about to go through the PTC video’s for a second time, because with theprogress I have made in the last 1-2 months, I am sure I will get a lot more out of them this time around